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MAGA Question

MAGA (Make America Great Again) was supposed to be a hopeful way to bring back the positive aspects of the past (not the nefarious idea that people wanted to bring back segregation and racism fucking clueless and ignorant can you be?).

So who or what turned the idea into : racism, redneck, unintelligent, ignorant ect. Was there a perticular incident that shifted it? The only thing that comes to mind is that Gavin Proud Boy controversy, but that wasnt linked to MAGA was it? SIDE NOTE : The idea was still perpetuated with Jussie Smollett.


Haven't you noticed the left turns Every single thing into racism or sexism? Even though they were the main perpetrators of those things in the past. They run elections on sexism, racism and abortion.


Wasn't there a picture with some dude giving an "OK" sign and it was deemed white supremacy? I cant remember if that was supposed to be linked to MAGA somehow.


They link everything they can into some sort of racism to "maga"...because they are racists.

You don't have to listen to leftists... you can smile, nod, and then kindly disregard their sheer insanity.


Every time I see something in the news about that "white power" hand gesture it's never a white man.


"Make America Great Again" certainly is a hopeful positive soundbite - its shame it belongs to Trump who is too dumb to make that happen.

So who or what turned the idea into : racism, redneck, unintelligent, ignorant ect.

Well , basically its that y'all follow Trump and Trump is a lying sack of shit who would be terrible at running the country , so its a poor choice , thats the ignorant / dumb part.

Maga doesent necessarily mean you are racist or redneck , but all the racist and redneck are Maga - its a subset.
