MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden should be killed (not by an assass...

Biden should be killed (not by an assassin)

He should be put on trial for stealing the 2020 election

Then shot like a dog by a firing squad, along with all the people who commanded the operation.


Nah. Just put him on trial for all the crap he's pulled, find him Guilty, and send him to the worst nursing home in America, preferably with the meanest, laziest, most homicidal people working as caretakers. Jill can be locked into his room with him, and THEY have to pick up the tab for everything, nobody else. Hunter can go to rehab and be forced to do charity work against his will for people recovering from drug abuse.


More psychopathic murder fantasies


I'm with you here. That and this post looks like bait from a sock account meant to tempt others into getting banned for inciting violence.


This is now the 4th time you've accused someone of being a sock account.


Which sock account are you?


No it's not psychopathic, rigging elections is.

If I was a psychopath you'd like me, you're a freakish suburban deviant who masturbates to pictures of dead bodies from Communist massacres.


Here's a peso.

Now shut the fuck up.



I'll wait evidence that Biden rigged the election.

>If I was a psychopath you'd like me, you're a freakish suburban deviant who masturbates to pictures of dead bodies from Communist massacres.

I'll await evidence of this claim.


we are still waiting for the cold hard evidence that Russia hijacked the 2016 election.


I don't recall ever claiming that Russia hijacked the 2016 election. So what's your point?

Going to acknowledge the outrageous lie just made about me by another user?


That's extreme.


not really, years ago people used to be hanged at the public gallows for treason.


And after all, you guys all wanted to "hang Mike Pence."


How does that joke go... Igor goes to the brain store for Dr. Frankenstein... "Why is the Mexican brain so much more expensive than the American and German brains?"


First, threatening to kill a sitting President is illegal, so if you don't want the Secret Service showing up at your house for a check in, I would probably keep these thoughts to myself.
Second, Joe Biden is old and demented. He is in no position to stand trial. If he were tried and convicted and sentenced to death, you'd essentially be executing a mentally incompetent person. What should happen is they should invoke the 25th amendment and remove him from office, and put him in nursing home.


dems have been saying the same thing about Trump and they are still here. although I am sure the Deep State is watching out for them.


As we can see from recent events, the Secret Service wasn't very competent when it comes to protecting Trump. With Biden though, I don't think they would let it slide. But more importantly, now after an assassination attempt on Trump, they might be more likely to take any threat seriously, even if it's a joke.


it was obvious the secret service didnt care whether Trump was murdered or not. if their mission had succeeded then Biden would have never dropped out of the race and would have easily won. then he would have stepped down and made kamalatoe president.

the secret service will always protect Joe more than Trump.

any post about wanting a president to die should be taken seriously, but unfortunately some sites dont care and even encourage it by allowing the posts to stay. I have reported lots of similar posts about Trump and mods dont care.

I am sure Thomas Crooks was a poster here and was encouraged by his fellow dems to try and assassinate Trump.


I'm strongly against censorship so I don't think the posts should be removed. I don't think they should have been made in the first place, but once they're up they should stay up. It gives us all an opportunity to talk about this issue. Taking down the post takes away that opportunity.

And I totally agree with you about Trump. The SS didn't give a shit about him. I'm not going to jump to any conspiracy theories, but if I was so inclined it would not surprise me if they were somehow involved or at least knowingly let it happen. I mean if it wasn't pure incompetence that would be the only other explanation.


It is well known that the SS hated Donnie so much that they discussed throwing him out of Marine One a la 'ScarFace.' The reason that this never happened is because due to Donnie's obesity, Marine One had special weight and balance criteria, and tossing Donnie overboard would have screwed those calculations up.


I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Obviously Marine One is built to handle the sudden shift in weight if you had to toss a fucker out of a helicopter a la Scarface. Even if that fucker is Donnie. Speaking of, we definitely need to see more people being tossed out of helicopters. You just don't see that enough nowadays.


Definitely. Tossed out of helicopter a la Scarface should be an option for execution alongside the electric chair and lethal injection.


If I was on death row I would choose the helicopter. It's more exciting than lethal injection (boring).


It would be an easy choice for me as well. I'm sure the families of victims would be on board too.

I think a call to my local congressman may be in order.


It would be great. Like skydiving, just without a parachute. I've been skydiving a few times and it's great. I'm always meaning to go more often. If I had to check out, one last jump would be a nice way to go.


That sounds nice actually. Tossed out of helicopter a la Scarface over a body of water doesn't seem like a bad way to go. Much more humane than strapping someone to a tilted table and shooting them up with a lethal cocktail, like something out of a horror movie.


If he were tried and convicted and sentenced to death, you'd essentially be executing a mentally incompetent person.

All his roughly 49m voters* from 2020 were also mentally pathetic and incompetent.
(I have to just guess at the real figure because obviously they refused to properly investigate the fraud)

Putting him to death would be the only way to make these pitiful ISIS-swooning mutants see that they are inferior and unwanted and their behaviour is stupid.

Violence is the only thing the mentally retarded understand.


Are you feeling extra butthurt today? LOL! Your butthurt is going to be killing you in November! Ha ha ha ha!!


There is certainly a place for violence. I don't deny that. But executing a mentally incompetent octogenarian will not accomplish anything.
Now if you really want to even the score then we have to vote in a strong right wing leader. Someone that will use lawfare and executive powers to purge the left from every position of power. He would need a mass movement behind him to give him the power he needs to put pressure on the legislative branch to pass laws that outlaw the degeneracy on the left. All Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs would be abolished. All universities will be defunded until all Critical Race Theory, Gender Studies, and Queer Studies courses are eliminated from the curriculum. Affirmative action will be abolished. And the Civil Rights Act of 1964 will be abolished. Transgenderism, Queers, and miscegenation will be outlawed. With a mass movement of people behind him this leader will be able to accomplish all of this and push out the cultural left to the fringes of society where they belong. And then we can work on making the country great again, starting with the mass deportation of all illegal immigrants. Then all the anchor babies along with their parents who came here illegally.

That's how you beat the cultural left.


[quote]Now if you really want to even the score then we have to vote in a strong right wing leader. [/quote[

Dude you seem to be posting from some kind of alternative timeline.

We already did vote in such a person - Trump, in 2016. Instead of "liberals" actually learning anything, they just threw a hissy fit and screamed the word "russia" for 4 years, then they rigged the next election against us and hugely got away with it.

And it's not about "evening the score" it's about making the country a better place to live by not having Islamic influence in it.


Unfortunately Trump is not that kind of leader. He looks and sounds like that kind of leader, but in practice he's weak. He does not want to be a dictator. And to the extent that he does, he only wants to use his power to protect himself and his interests. What we need is an actual dictator. Someone who seizes power and uses it to make drastic sweeping changes. That uses it to destroy his opposition (the cultural left). Someone who uses his influence and power to force the legislative branch to pass laws that outlaw the "cultural left". That rolls back all the progressive social bullshit of the last 50 years. Trump is not that. He doesn't have an ideology. We need a far right ideologue. Like Hitler, minus the slaughtering and the Jew hate.


you really think biden stole the election?

i'm a conservative, but it's strange to me that so many people blame biden for things. this fucker doesn't even know what day it is. i dont even think he knows he's the president.


Joe doent have the brain power to pull off something this complicated. but he was complicit in the planning.


"Joe doent have the brain power"
How ironic that you, of all people, would type this.


Biden is irrelevant. He has been for a decade. A senile pantshitter since the middle of Obamas second term.

The people who control the presidency, and rigged the election, ie The Democrat party, their leadership, and their media rectum should be held accountable.

Death is a bit much. Killing political opponents is what Democrats do.


But it would be the only way to make sure people knew that 2020 wasn't real.

America didn't want to go in his direction, he was not "the choice" and that was a wrong turn.

People need to understand reality was warped and raped from November 3rd 2020, until the day Biden was sworn in (and afterwards)


Mexicanbutthurt, if you can ever face up to the reality of the fact that Americans overwhelmingly rejected Demented Donald for two elections in a row, you will be less bitter and more at peace with yourself and the rest of the world. Try to remember that the only reason that Demented Donald ever got in in '16 was that we have a system in which thousands of miles of prairie, sparsely populated by trailer parks, gets more weight at the voting booths than millions upon millions of actual voters.


Mexicanbutthurt, if you can ever face up to the reality of the fact that Americans overwhelmingly rejected Demented Donald

LOL... no in the same way I "refuse to face" the fact that the moon is made out of cheese, and mermaids are real. LOL

You fucking retard, please get back to the retard home and back to your special "jacket" they keep you in


If by "retard home" you are referring to a group home, and by "jacket" you are referring to a straitjacket, the two do not go together. A straitjacket is a type of physical restraint that no doctor would write an order for in a group home environment.

So try again, retard.


Meanwhile, the FBI be like: "yes yes, go on, please continue"


LOL! Mexicanbutthurt is going to have an FBI rap sheet, just like Demented Donald.


I was thinking something similar when I read this OP a few days ago.


Whoa, really unimpressive minds think alike!


That Vlad sock is a stupid cunt, but I see that the two of you have something going on.


LOL! SeminalAnus (aka bi-curious"mind") is getting angry and using the C-word again! Ha ha ha ha!


SemiAnus accused me of having over dozen sock accounts. This is now the 7th user he's accused of having a sock account. Just ignore him, he's a troll.


LOL! Have you ever followed the interaction between bi-curious"mind" and SeminalAnus? It's just "awesome"! Will the real sock account please stand up? Ha ha ha ha!!


No, I have not. I don't think SemiAnus will be around for too long if he keeps acting the way he does. It personally doesn't bother me when he gave me shit before blocking me, but we don't need that kind of negativity on the boards in general.


"He" has actually only accused me of being one sock account so far. It seemed to be a sub/dom fantasy thing with "him", so I played along.


He put me on ignore and accused KiwiJim of being one of my dozen sock accounts. I'm not even sure how he can think we're the same person. I don't have any other accounts so I don't even know where he's getting 12 from? What I don't understand is that if he really believed that, wouldn't he put KiwiJim on ignore too?


I just spent about 5 minutes reading through some of "his" other interactions, and besides calling everyone he is mad at a 'cunt,' he also calls them sock accounts. That probably indicates who the true sock is.

But anyway, if you read through any of those "conversations" that SeminalAnus has with bi-curious"mind" they come off a lot like a schizophrenic patient having a conversation with himself. It is actually quite entertaining.


He started his own thread telling other users to put me on ignore, but it backfired.

I believe this is the first exchange we ever had:


Ha ha! That's hilarious! I enjoy "his" attempts to imitate an intellectual! And I guess I am not the only one "he" refers to as a 'cunt.' Ha ha! I guess that's his idea of the ultimate insult!


His schtick is pretty obvious so he doesn't really bother me. I know he's just looking for attention.


He doesn't bother me. To begin with I found him to be somewhat amusing, and playing along with his dom/sub fantasy was kind of entertaining, but reading his blah-blah-blah gets boring in short order.
