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Unite against race violence!

So, turning back the clock now, without the lies.

There was a rally in charlottesville, organized by a group of white supremacists and neo-nazis. Their advertising was misleading and appealed to mainstream Americans who support the historical statues mostly commemorating Confederate veterans remaining up instead of being taken down.

There were a large number of COUNTER PROTESTORS, who were expected to be violent and the local dems ordered the cops to stand down to allow the outnumbered original protestors to be attacked violently.

The w.s. were ready and fought back, the violence escalated to the point of a woman being killed/dying.

In the after math the initial consensus was to dogpile the supporters of the statues as w.s and violent thugs and blame them and continue the push for take down all the historical statues and to maintain the narrative of America as a racist, indeed, White Supremacist society.

TRUMP did not follow that script. He correctly pointed out that the Counter protestors were the ones to initiate violence and that both sides were fighting.

He condemend BOTH the violent w.s. and the violent lefties that attacked them.

He called for all Americans to unite in condeming racial violence and racism as having no place in our society.

That was the TRUTH of the matter.

We are seven years late, but better late than never.

At this point in time, since the left has FINALLY admitted the truth about what he said,

will you personally join in with me and Trump in denoucing racism and racial violence from both sides, ie the fringe neo-nazis, and the far left radicals?


The "far left radicals" , while they may or may not have been out of line , did not participate in " racism and racial violence"


they participated in the destruction of america between 2016 and 2020. dont you find it weird that there have been no antifa or blm protests since jan 2021?


well, the police havent murdered any black guys in custody since then


the popo has killed lots of blacks since then, they killed a 13 yr old last week. blm wont burn, loot and murder until they get their orders from the deep state.


You mean no fentanyl addicted drug users who resisted arrest and fight police have had a heart attack in custody?

You really think all those riots were in defense of Floyd? Or was it just an excuse for people to act like animals? All spurred on by democrat politicians and lying news media. You know, lies like those told about the Charlottesville incident?

You people are emotionally stunted children.


nobody gives a shit about the fentanyl addicted drug user who resisted arrest and fought police.

The issue is that they mistreated him in custody until he was dead, and it could have been anybody , not a drub addicted scumbag.

and no , the post mortem did not say "had a heart attack due to drug hobby" it said "choked to death by police knee on neck" FACT.


Your "facts" are debatable.

His knee was not on his neck. He was not mistreated, he resisted arrest.

Spend an hour watching police interaction videos and you'll see a plethora of "I can't breathe" or "the cuffs are too tight", or "I have a heart condition" bullshit stories from criminals.


yeah , i always find it comical that these big hard men gangsters on cop shows start crying like little girls when restrained.


ANTIFA is not limited to racial injustices. Are they?


They are a marxist organization using race as a weapon against their enemies.

I have seen dozens of videos of them using violence and/or intimidation against free speech.


Isnt ANTIFA synonymous with anarchist?


No, it is more violent marxists.


Sure they did.

So, are you rejecting the idea of being united against nazis and far left radical violence?

The idea that such racial violence has no place in American society, and is rejected by America as a whole?

you don't support rejecting nazism and far left radicalism?


I'm saying that being against those things is not " racism and racial violence"
fighting those things is not being them .
Which i guess is where the split is between the "do you agree both extremes should be rejected" that you asked me earlier and which side of the fence you're actually on.
( i didnt notice at that point you'd lumped in antifa with the nazis , but I still kinda agree)

But AntiFa only exist to try to halt the racism and racial violence of far right racists , they would have no reason to exist witohtout them, the racists themselves however , could quite happily exist without antifa and carry on being racists.

racism is the issue there are two different sides , one is right one is wrong .


The far left radicals that were at charlottsville attacked the protestors who were there to show support for the statutues.

That was not them fighting "racism" .

UNLESS, you think that the lefty violent groups such as antifa, have the RIGHT to decide that some ideas and speech are..."racism" and that then violently attacking such people for holding or speaking such ideas is thus fighting "racism"




no i dont support violence at protests .
whichever group started the violence was in the wrong , whichever side it was.


Good. Thank you.

So far, that is ONE lefty that, now that the truth has come out, is up for uniting against the fringe racist violence of the nazis and far left radicals.

Just did a bit of a quick look. Looks like the counterprotestors were a mix of the standard left movements, lot of marxists and antifa mixed with supposed civil rights groups and some black religious groups.

I assume the violence mostly came from the antia and marxist memebers of the othergroups.

I hope that more libs enter the thread and agree that they are happy to be united against racist violence from nazis and the radical lefty fringe.


They participate in cultural genocide on southern whites.
