MovieChat Forums > Politics > Who does MSM consider MAGA in 2024?

Who does MSM consider MAGA in 2024?

Has Hillarys "deploarables" gone from half of Trumps base to everyone who attends a Trump rally or donates to his campaign or shows a modicum of support or respect? Are black people considered MAGA now?

The 1st 4yrs of Trump I was under the impression from MSM that MAGA was only a portion of Trumps base that we needed to worry about. But now I'm under the impression that MSM considers the entire Right MAGA in 2024.


They're getting worried since Trump is winning over some of the youth and blacks.

Their counterplans are the illegals and their votes. It will be ironic if that plan backfires.


Anyone who genuinely supports Trump is MAGA. Skin color doesnt exclude anyone. MAGA welcomes all, I know this because I am MAGA and we welcome all people.



If you're straight and white, like going to the gym and being healthy, and believe in the traditional family.


Anybody who is not a registered member of the American Communist party is considered MAGA by the MSM.


The ACP is the new CCP.


Even if you are to the left of leftists but you disagree with them on some minor issue, then you are MAGA and/or a fascist. I was on the far left (still am with respect to economics) but I didn't agree with them on the whole trans thing so they kicked me out of a DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) discord meeting. That's right, I was to the left of them on many issues, but didn't agree on some cultural issues, so they kicked me out. But that's ok. Now I'm a fascist and I'm a lot happier. As a leftist I can confirm that conservatives and right wingers are much healthier people (psychologically speaking) to be around.


They have no idea... it's basically a boogieman-othering word now.
