MovieChat Forums > Politics > Dementia Joe says his Uncle was eaten by...

Dementia Joe says his Uncle was eaten by Cannibals.

Joe's economy:Groceries 21.2%Eating out 21%Baby Food 29.6%Pet Food 22.7%Rent 20%Electricity 28.4%Natural Gas 30%Apparel 12%Used Cars 20.3%Air Fare 31.4%All this in 3 years--imagine what he can do with another 4 years

...and they ate him. Cornpop tried to save him, but due to the glistening hair on JB's legs, and the glare of the sunlight made a rescue impossible. A truly tragic ending to a courageous life. It did, however, give birth to the idea of setting a dimmer switch on the sun so that others may be saved. Climate change, don't let it get your uncle eaten.


So he's anti-cannibal?

What a racist - it's no wonder little kids are flippin' him the bird.


Did you hear about the cannibal who stepped off the trail to pass his friend?


He didn't have to wipe because his friend was a dry poop?


The sad part is the boys in his platoon used to call him "Stu". I bet they felt like shit when they heard what happened.


Biden, the other other other white meat.


I remember hearing them back in the 80's. The Fine Young Cannibals had a couple catchy tunes. Never knew old Joe's uncle was a part of the group.


Ugh. "She Drives Me Crazy" came out my senior year in H.S. I hated it then and I hate it now.


lol, that was a terrible song...


Fact Check:

His uncle was NOT a pilot. He was an ordinance officer.

His uncle was NOT flying reconnaissance over New Guinea.

He was a courier and was a passenger on an A-20 Transport.

It was NOT a single engine plane. It was twin engines.

It was NOT shot down. It ditched at sea.

He was NOT "eaten by cannibals". The crew members were lost at sea.

His uncles did NOT enlist after D-Day.

Trump NEVER called soldiers suckers and losers.

The Trump accusation has been refuted by MULTIPLE sources who were there and has been totally debunked.


Enough with your facts!

His grandpappy fought Genghis Khan, built the pyramids and was then eaten by the Fine Young Cannibals.

Stop denying The Science™, I mean, The History™.


sorry for the facts, I know we are not allowed to posts facts on MC.


poor bastard, I bet he never saw that coming. fare thee well mighty warrior.


RIP Joes Uncle


Can the cannibals eat him too? I know that's being cruel to animals, but it would solve a lot of America's problems...for five minutes. Plus it would be fun to watch the Democraps scream and crap their pants for a few days.


Just another lie told by Xiden.


Grindhouse Joe is kind of entertaining, tbh.


yeah, he could be the lead in Idiocracy 2.


Total bullshit but the "Cornpop" story might be true.



Last week, President Biden claimed his uncle Ambrose "Bosie" Finnegan died after his plane crashed in an area close to PNG before suggesting he'd been eaten by cannibals.

However, Pentagon records state the aircraft plunged into the Pacific off the coast of Papua New Guinea.

"President Biden's remarks may have been a slip of the tongue; however, my country does not deserve to be labelled as such," PM Marape said in a statement on Sunday.

"I urge President Biden to get the White House to look into cleaning up these remains of WWII so the truth about missing servicemen like Ambrose Finnegan can be put to rest."


"The remains of WWII can be found in this giant kettle. Go ahead, look closer..."
