Religious people - why did you kill jesus?
I realise this might rub a few people the wrong way so i will have to exercise my "free speech" right that the others saying unsavoury opinions here use , and if you are likely to interpret anybody badmouthing religion as blasphemy and become upset , please stop reading now.
I'm not really familiar with which faction did it , or even believes in jesus
But for those that were involved
Why have I never heard any remorse or apology?
God sends mankind his son to help show the way and what happens?
They torture him to death.
Thats is horrific.
Dont you think that murdering gods son might piss him off ??
Is it worth carrying on debating if you go up or down when you die ?
surely after an act of barbarism like that all of mankind is going to hell
dont forget gods got a bit of a temper is is prone to sending plagues and flooding the entire planet .
actually was there one of these after the crucifixion ?
How did we arrive at this "He died for our sins" thing?
is that some kind of justification ? or explanation ?