The number of Islamophobic incidents reported to a project monitoring anti-Muslim abuse in the UK has tripled since the Hamas attacks in Israel last year, the organisation said.

In almost two-thirds of cases recorded, women were the target of attacks, showing they "have borne the majority of the brunt" of the abuse, according to Tell Mama, which describes itself as an independent and confidential support service for people who face anti-Muslim hatred and prejudice across the UK.

Incidents recorded by the organisation included a Muslim woman in Islamic clothing being assaulted on a bus in east London and told “you Muslims are troublemakers”; a written death threat to worshippers at a mosque; a woman whose car was vandalised with a Nazi swastika; and cases of Muslim women being called “terrorists”.


So Muslims are being systematically eradicated in Palestine and here in good ol' Blighty, they can't even walk down the street without facing abuse.

Why isn't more being done to stamp out Islamophobia?


Aren't muslims like marching and protesting like crazy all in the uk?

Hell, I'd bring up the big problem with large rape rings, but, that doens't seem to bother anyone over there so, I guess it si not a factor.

But aren't the muslims actually CAUSING TROUBLE?


Fyi, Muslims are far more likely to be victims of crimes than perpetrators, hence the report. Muslims are the largest victims of hate crimes in the UK.

You don't seem to care about a group of people being persecuted...?


Errr, considering the history of cops refusing to investigate crimes by muslims for fear of being called racist,

I have zero confidence in those numbers.

The people being persecuted are the native born brits, who's rights and interests are being and have been completely ignored by their own government.


I love how you complain about Brits talking about the USA but have no problem with commenting about the UK.


I think you are confusing me with someone else. I have no problem with outsiders voicing their opinons.

I might have disagreed with their opinions and crushed them by revealing how stupid their opinions were, but they are welcome to speak out or up.


If I have then fair enough, but I know its certainly espoused by others on here. The names all blur together after a certain point.

The Muslim diaspora in the UK is primarily from Pakistan, and they happen to be some of the most extreme Muslims going currently.


"...from Pakistan, and they happen to be some of the most extreme Muslims going currently."

Other than evidence of you stereotyping a demographic, what does "most extreme Muslims going currently" even mean? Do you have any evidence to support your claim or is this another example where you are posting statements without proof as you did here:


It means they are aligned with reactionary and traditional interpretations of Islam as spread by Saudi Arabian clerics.


So as before you have no proof of your claim of "most extreme Muslims going currently." Also as before you posted a tangential link that does not support your claim.

Are you going to try to support claim by substituting "circumstantial evidence" with proof again, as if they are somehow interchangeable? Maybe you'll start referring to my posts or the posting habits of others again as some sort of distraction from your lack of proof here? What's it going to be this time?


>So as before you have no proof of your claim of "most extreme Muslims going currently." Also as before you posted a tangential link that does not support your claim.

How do we measure extremism within a population if not via surveys and opinion polls of said groups? Measure comparative rates of violence? Note I said *some of*. French Muslims are pretty bad too, from what I've heard I must admit. And Sweden has the imported gang violence from Turkish/Kurdish gangs albeit that's more general criminality as opposed to religious fanaticism.

I'll amend it: The UK has an extremism problem with its Islamic diaspora right now. There's high levels of community radicalisation.


So tangential links that provide no evidence to support your racist and/or stereotyping statement it is. This time with a random article about a single incident involving a British teenager no less. This is even weaker than your previous attempts to justify your lack of proof.

The only proof you have provided here is that you are a hypocrite and a racist that stereotypes Pakistani immigrants.


What type of evidence would be sufficient to suggest that there is a failure of integration, to some degree, amongst many Islamic immigrants according to you? Do you or do you not think there is a radicalisation problem amongst British muslims or not?

>The only proof you have provided here is that you are a hypocrite and a racist that stereotypes Pakistani immigrants.

Actually it's a plurality of origins + Bangladeshi it's a majority of UK muslims.


You are now deflecting far and away from your original premise and are conflating "most extreme Muslims going currently" with an article about antisemitism in an attempt to obfuscate your lack of proof. Your tactics here are as tiresome as your routine of demanding proof from anyone who posts on these forums when you are incapable of providing such proof yourself.


Yeap, all his tactics are predictable.


I can't "know" specifically the actual racial background of all the radicalised Muslims in the Uk, sure, but my root point is and was that there is a radicalisation problem amongst Muslims in the UK.

I will ask again: What type of evidence would be sufficient to suggest that there is a failure of integration, to some degree, amongst many Islamic immigrants according to you? Do you or do you not think there is a radicalisation problem amongst British muslims or not?

How is your position falsified?


99% of your shit talk is about the USA and you have the nut sack to point fingers at others that comment about the UK when a post is created about it? ... Oh Ye hypocrite.


I was pointing out the hypocrisy from others, genius.

I could have sworn Corbell had complained about it before. Others certainly have. There's no working search on here so it's not really possible to verify it either way.


I was pointing out the hypocrisy from others

And in the process, you exposed yours.


No, I don't mind if people talk about the UK. But others on here complain if I talk about the USA. I was noting their hypocrisy.


>Hell, I'd bring up the big problem with large rape rings, but, that doens't seem to bother anyone over there so, I guess it si not a factor.

Got any contemporary examples of this, exactly? Not old investigations that have been dealt with.

But yes, extremist Islam is a problem in the UK. Antisemitism is also up, and it chiefly is coming from the Islamic diaspora in the UK.


Oooh, so you want an EXAMPLE of a crime ring, that is operating, that has not been found out yet?

Great setting of the bar there....

Thanks for demonstrating why everyone considers you a troll.


So how do you know that there is a crime wing of this nature, presumably known to the police, that they're not doing anything about?


If you have a population that had a tendency towards a type of crime and that crime hass been allowed to fester unchecked for many years, and the laws and policies and culture that allowed that crime to be done on a massive scale has not been changed,

then I expect that the crime has not change either.


>If you have a population that had a tendency towards a type of crime and that crime hass been allowed to fester unchecked for many years, and the laws and policies and culture that allowed that crime to be done on a massive scale has not been changed,

How do you know that there weren't rules and culture changes from the police and associated authorities after the exploitation sex scandals?


Because the crimes were dealt with as isolated failures by local cops and politicians. A few low level people were thrown to the wolves and the higher ups, the culture of the modern lefty that led to the horrific crimes against white girls by muslims,

none of that was changed. So the condidtions are the same. All the players are the same.

AND, if massive rape rings are allowed to operate, what does this say about individual one offs?

It is difficult to imagine a form of leftying thinking that would say, allow massive rape rings and sex slavery of white girls by organized child molestors, BUT, if it is a single one off of say a muslim raping his drunk date, THEN treat it properly.

BUT on the other hand, I admit that the lefty brain is incomprehensible to normal people. If you can seriously make a case that that makes sense TO YOU, I am willing to listen.



>none of that was changed. So the condidtions are the same. All the players are the same.

How do you know "none of that was changed"? These were all failures of local authorities and councils and saw resignations from the top end.

Have you read any of the inquiries?

What makes these events in the UK, notably different to similar events that have happened in many countries all over the world?


I've heard nothing of any resignations from "teh top end".


What would you consider a "top end" resignation?

Can I assume, because of all those sexual abuse scandals in the USA as wikia shows there, that Americans are indifferent to sexual abuse?


High level party bosses.


Of the Labour or Conservative?

Why would the inactions of local police or councils mean that political party leaders should resign?


1. Of whomever supports the policies that led to this.

2. Because the lower level people doing the "inaction" are taking their cues from higher up.


1. What "policies" led to this exactly? They didn't. That's not how it worked.

2. They are not taking their cues from Labour party or Conservative party politicians dude. You clearly know nothing about UK politics, and it shows. The Home Secretary, the closest most relevant position did not direct local police groups to somehow ignore sex abuse gangs. The problems were institutional and complacency.


1. Sure it is. The obsession with "anti-racism" or "diversity" and "multiculturalism" led tto the cops and social workers being afraid to report or investigation crimes done by brown people.

2. LOL. Sure they were. Just a coincidence that multiple cities the cops failed the same way. NOthing to be seen here. LOL


1. What "obsession" would this be, legislatively as put through from parliament? What politicians are you referring to? Note that Labour have been out of office since 2010, so it's good to see you're apparently purely blaming one party.

2. No, they aren't. You do not live here. You know nothing about it. Have you read any of the reports and inquiries on these things? (it's rather long)

What makes these events in the UK, notably different to similar events that have happened in many countries all over the world?

Can I assume, because of all those sexual abuse scandals in the USA as wikia shows there, that Americans are indifferent to sexual abuse?


1. And this is where you drop the point and just start spamming insignificant "questions".

2. Sure they did.


1. What point? I never denied these scandals. I simply said your conclusion that specific party leaders, whoever they are, should've been fired for it makes no sense. You can't even name who these people should've been. Or their positons.

2. No, they aren't. You do not live here. You know nothing about it. Have you read any of the reports and inquiries on these things? (it's rather long)

What makes these events in the UK, notably different to similar events that have happened in many countries all over the world?

Can I assume, because of all those sexual abuse scandals in the USA as wikia shows there, that Americans are indifferent to sexual abuse?


Was looking at these yesterday. The first one looks like the maybe Muslim teens are chasing the police away. Then a mob goes and harasses people in a restaurant.


What the fuck is wrong with our elities that they are pushing this shit?


Have you even ever spoken to a Muslim or are you too busy giving them dirty looks?


Oh, look a lefty trying to cry wacism, to avoid dealing with an issue honestly. What a shock.


Unpunished? As far as I know the UK police get involved if someone says something deemed Islamophobic online. You can be jailed for 6 months in the UK for a gesture deemed racist even if the alleged victim was unaware. That stuff is taken very seriously.

Punishment given out and police investigating a gesture.


"Islamophobia" is not real. Being fearful and condemning of a death cult/political system disguised as a religion is very rational.

If Muslims do not want to be seen as terrorists...then they need to get their house in order.


The Left hates Christianity, while seeing Islamists as fellow travelers in their war against Western Civilization.


I dislike both christianity and islam.

And I consider myself of the left.
