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Run Away!

Senator Carden Summers (R) knelt down and told a child he would protect her. When he learned she was trans, he backed away...

By Erin Reed | ATLANTA, Ga. – On Feb. 6, a group of families met to lobby senators on issues affecting the local transgender community in Georgia. One mother, Lena Kotler, decided to take her two children with her to give the topic a human face.

While waiting to meet with Democratic state Sen. Kim Jackson, who they had heard was a big supporter of LGBTQ+ rights, another senator passed by — Republican state Sen. Carden Summers, the primary sponsor of the state’s bathroom ban bill. Little did he know that one of the children he would be interacting with, Aleix, 8 years old, was a transgender child.

According to Kotler and other families who were present, the senator stopped to say hello. That’s when Kotler spoke to Senator Summers about how she was there with her kids to “talk to legislators about keeping her kids safe.”

Although she did not mention that one of her children was trans, they were present with LGBTQ+ signage – something the Senator apparently missed when he knelt down in front of Aleix and said, according to Kotler, “Well you know, we’re working on that and I’m going to protect kids like you.”

Kotler then replied, “Yeah – Aleix is trans, and she wants to be safe at school, she wants to go to the bathroom and be safe.”

That is when, according to multiple witnesses, Sen. Summers stood up and fumbled his words, repeating, “I mean, yeah, I’m going to make sure she’s safe by going to the right bathroom,” continuing to use the correct pronouns for Aleix. When asked if he would make her go to a boy’s bathroom, he then allegedly backed away, saying, “You’re attacking me,” turned around, and walked off quickly.




That's child abuse by the parents and you protest someone else's reaction?!


What does it mean that an 8 year old is transgender?


It means the parents are weirdos for inserting sexuality into the life of a prepubescent child.


I'm serious, is it about the 8 year old saying he identifies as some other gender or is it a medical issue?


That's probably an eye of the beholder scenario.

Teaching an eight year old to say some key words such as "I identify as a..." likely shares more parallels with teaching a parrot to say the same thing than an adult or even a teen that can comprehend the meaning of the statement.


So basically the 8 year old is transgender because he/she says so, no other reason?


In the United States at the present time that is essentially correct, though the phrase "is transgender" is less accurate than "identifies as transgender."

Of course asking an eight year old to identify what being transgendered refers to would like likely illicit an answer along the lines of I like dresses, the color pink and other superficial qualities but that's not pertinent to such an identification.


So an 8 year old identifying as a trasngender has the same value as the same 8 year old deciding he wants to be a helicopter pilot or a f1 driver.
Even less value, since transgender is not something that could easily be seen in toy helicopters or cars, but taught by someone.
To summarize it, it's child abuse


That assessment is likely closer to reality than not. It's definitely more accurate than conceding that an eight year old can comprehend the meaning of sexuality and gender roles beyond superficial traits such as hair length, clothing worn and so on.

For me it's simpler to say the parents are weirdos and/or morons and then to politely keep my distance to the fullest extent possible. I speak from experience with having in laws with a six year old boy who "identifies as a girl." In his case it is clearly because of the attention he gets showing up to family events in bright colored dresses but the parents are most definitely weird morons.


I don't see anything wrong with your response.
So, child abuse at the hands of weird morons, who are empowered by weirder morons like the person who wrote the article or the one who posted this.


Child abuse is unfortunately a legal distinction. I wish it was illegal to do so and that people who do that to kids could be called child abusers, but unfortunately that's not the case.

For instance if I was drunkenly venting to a cooler family member about the six year old I mentioned, I'd call his parents weird and stupid but I wouldn't want to detract from what I was saying by coming off as an emotionally invested extremist or inaccurate by claiming they are child abusers. Not that you're either of those but hopefully you catch my drift.


I didnt mean it in the legal sense : i meant it in the "normal" sense.
Anyway, if my child was 8 and I would just tell everyone he/she is transgender, and then get bullied at school just because of this, who is to blame really ?

Its like me being a satanist, I raise my son as such and i send him christian school. If he has a bad time, is this his fault ? All religions are free legally, correct ? I didnt break the law, but didnt I just make life harder for him and indirectly abuse him ?


So, can't vote, can't buy alcohol, can't buy a gun, can't drive but can pick a gender.

Sure, why not.


Can't legally get their ears pierced without parental consent but can chop off a sex organ or two without a legal requirement to even notify parents it's happening.

Makes sense.


8 year olds are not transgender, they are victims of abuse.

Run Away!

From Democrat BatShit Insane Policies!

Also, did this story play out the way its portrayed or it is a written re-enactment of a report of multiple reports that some random witness said that the senator actually punched the mom in the face?
