MovieChat Forums > Politics > WI: it was proven that 1/6 was entrapmen...

WI: it was proven that 1/6 was entrapment op.

Ok, question, primary for libs.

What if it was proven that hte 1/6 riot WAS the result of a planned, professional led entrapment and agitation operation, designed to get good and strong charges to be laid to leaders and rank and file of various conservative movements?

Elements verfied include the leaders of the riot being fbi assets, the police at the capitol attacking the crowd first and being instructed to let them in and directives to over charge for political purposes from before the riot even occurred.

So, if that was shown to be true, would it change anything for you, or would you still support it, and still want your enemies to be put in prison for ....because.


I personally don't think "I was tricked into committing vandalism/assault" is a reasonable defence, so many cases would still stand. There would however need to be new charges for all the people who did the entrapment.


"many" would still stand?

Are you admitting that you would support some being... cleared?


Possibly. But many would not because whether or not you were tricked or not, you still did the crime.


And that is all that that would mean to you? Nothing else to say about such a scenario?


I would. It would be a massive scandal and very important people would likely be jailed.


Be pretty strange if the fbi ran such an operation AGAINST TEH SITTING PRESIDENT, wouldn't it?


Yes. However this is still hypothetical.


Don't worry Skavau. I'm not going to suddenly pretend that your admissions mean.... something outside the hypothetical scenario.



I've just said it "would be a massive scandal and very important people would likely be jailed." And they would deserve it. Is that what you want to hear?


I wanted to hear what your reaction would be. And my comment was aimed at your asserting that this was hypothetical, as though I might have


How did you get Skavau to stop responding? I lost 5 hours yesterday because I wanted to see how long he'd argue with me that MC Hammer was a bigger star than Taylor Swift.


lol. Thanks. That was a nice "win".


If there's nothing especially disagreeable in a response, I tend to not reply.


You find the FACT that M.C. Hammer was and is a bigger star with more important music than Taylor "Oops I did it again" Swift disagreeable?


Some people here are so pop culture ignorant that I could genuinely believe they might argue that sincerely.


I agree, they actually believe the media hype about that bitch.


haha thats great. Skavua is a troll program and will just say the opposite of whatever you say.


Why are you playing make believe? Millions of Americans watched exactly what happened on TV when Trump's merry band of barking seals attempted an insurrection on Jan. 6. That's just one incident that will keep Trump from being president ever again.🤣 Sorry for you!


Hypothetical questions can be useful for understanding people, other people or even yourself.

I have an idea what libs' answers will be. BUT, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe their answers will surprise me.

Won't know till I ask.

You afraid of answering a make believe question? Why would that be?


Its *really* hard to imagine that being hypothetically CIA arranged when Trump himself orchestrated the whole thing.

It simply wouldnt have happened without his whole horseshit rigged election schtick and riling up the gullible into attacking the place by using the words "Lets all march down there 'peacefully' "

If you want I can hypotheiszie what it would be like for any other president on leaving day if the CIA had arranged a surprise coup for them , it would be a test of how they would react , perhaps theyd try to stop it in some way the same way any civilised president with his country's interests at heart would try to stop any kind of domestic disorder.

trump started it.


It's actually completely easy to imagine that the fbi could run an entrapment operation on the rally.

Do you consider the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to be dangerous organizations that the FBI has a professional responsibility to keep tabs on?


its just the "trump being the main instigator" thing
There was no reason to even have a rally except to start the coup!

I guess *hypothetically* it could have happened , but how would they know Trump was going to help them out and arrange the whole gathering?

And how would they know Trump would hide away waiting for his rabble to achieve victory instead of trying to stop it - like a proper president would.




Yes sure


So, given that, it would be their JOB to have agents in those groups. It would be their JOB for those agents to be at the rally.

The question is not whether they were fbi agents there. Indeed, it would be... a failure on their part if there were NOT fbi agents there.

The question is, what were their orders.

You asked how could the fbi know that the rally was coming and set something up?

The answer is that the agents would already be in place. They would have known of the rally BEFORE the general public would have known.

Deciding to try to rile up bad behavior to justify arrests and charges... how long would that take.... Actually that decision could have easily been made long before the rally. They would then have been waiting for a chance.

The only remaining issues thne would have been co-ordination with the local/capitol police. The type of management that the FBI would have generations of experience doing, since they have to do it with EVERY operaton.

This scenario YOU present of this being some huge problem for them, to even try, when all the pieces would have been in place years before hand,

is far more hypothetical than my thread op.

Which is funny and ironic.


"It's actually completely easy to imagine that the fbi could run an entrapment operation on the rally."

That would be too much of a risk to them for congress to find out they did it and cut off their funding, press charges and do so much more to punish.

Some of you are just not as smart as I am to really think things through.


Like when they did the spying on Trump or when they refused to protect the Surpreme Court justices in violation of the law, or when they arrested pro-life protestors for nothing, or ect. ect. ect. ?

Between the dems party hacks who vote like the fucking BORG, and the spineless republican Country Club types, the political hacks in the government know that their ass is covered.

The most that might happen is that they might get grilled in public, but when the vote comes down, their ass will be covered by their vile allies.


"Like when they did the spying on Trump..."

Awwwwww..... My heart bleeds for the poor big baby!

I would expect the NSA to be spying on every Pres. candidate.
It's par for the course.

Fuck him if he is only bothered by them spying on him and not on us common folks.
If he was so concerned about domestic spying then he could have done something about it as president and cut back the NSA, gotten rid of the Patriot Act etc.
But did he?
I don't think so.

The NSA can spy on any of us anytime it wants to.
Why should Trump be an exception to this?


Again you respond to my post as though you forgot that it was in relation to the topic.

Let's recap. The topic is the 1/6 riot and the possiblility that it was entrapment.

YOU made the point, a reasonable point that the fbi would be afraid to do something like that, because congress could find out and it could hurt their funding.

My counter point was to point out examples where the FBI showed no concern about offending politically powerful REPUBLICANS, despite the potential impact on their funding.

Your talk about one of those examples is off topic. That you don't care about the impact of one of the examples, is irrelevant to the topic.

THe point is that YOUR point that the fbi would be afraid to offend Congress, is wrong.

Thus, the possiblity that 1/6 was entrapment is completely reasonable.

Would you like to now answer the question posed in my op?

ie , IF it was shown that the riot was purposefully caused by the fbi as an entrapment operation,

would you care? Would you support that operation and the arrests and prosecutions resulting from that?

Would you like to see more such operations in the future, where the feds encourage riots so that they can make arrests and so their political allies can demonize their enemies and then have an excuse for additional use of government power against them?


"Do you consider the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers to be dangerous organizations that the FBI has a professional responsibility to keep tabs on?"

Of course! 90% of them are POC!


It's a serious question. For years now, Dems such as Biden, and their political operatives in law enforcement have been pushing the myth of the dangerous right leaning organizations, while antifa and blm kill and burn.

So, if they really believe that shit, then it is their professional RESPONSIBILITY to have agents or assets inside those organizations to monitor them.

So, really it would be a complete failure on their part is they did NOT have undercover agents or assets in place on 1/6.

SO the way that lefies such as yourself ridicule the idea that there were undercover agetns there, is fucking retarded.

The real question is, what were their orders?


all the feds in the world could invite me to rob a bank

i still wouldn't go


What if they shot you in the face wtih a rubber bullet? Would that make you mad? Or would you just take it and turn the other cheek. Assuming teh wound didn't go though and though of course.


can't you read?

i wouldn't even be there, moron


So, your answer is, that even if it the conspiracy theory of entrapment was proven to be true, it would not change anything for you?

You would completely support all the harsh treatment of the rioters and support the complete lack of any blow back on those that ran the illegal operation? And still support them politically?

That is your answer?


no, if they went to it, then they are guilty


And yet, you didn’t have a problem with the 400+ riots of burning, looting and murdering.


actually i did, so please don't speak for me


Than you should know the difference between corporate sponsored riots and a protest that was incited and provoked by some the same Antifa rioters.


there is no difference, the rioters should all be shot


David Dorn was shot and killed by blm and no one cared. no one rioted over his murder.


as i live only a few miles from where that happened, i am well aware of the local response* to his death, which apparently you are not

(*a memorial and a windfall of multiple financial benefits to his family)


And that's it. You have no problem with the fbi purposefully causing a riot and a storming of the capitol or getting a woman killed, for political purposes.

Thanks for your honesty.


dems are truly despicable...all they care about is turning america into a One Party system.


They already have one: The UniPaRtY


Based on what?


Musk weighed in on an appearance by Sen. Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., on FOX Business Network's "Mornings with Maria" in which Hagerty said that Democrats "want these illegal migrants to create more electoral power for them in their blue states" and that with an estimated 10 million illegal immigrants in the country, it's the equivalent of 13 House districts depending on how they're allocated.

"More presidential and House of Representatives electoral votes will be assigned to the new illegals Biden has let in than the population of 40 US states," Musk wrote. "Let that sink in."

"Increasing illegals boosts Dem voting power, causing them to recruit even more! If Dems win President, House & Senate (with enough seats to overcome filibuster), they'll grant citizenship to all illegals & America will become a permanent one-party deep socialist state," Musk added in a follow-up post in response to a reply noting the dynamic incentivizes Democrats to permit illegal immigration.

Elon Musk says Democrats have 'become the party of division and hate,' repeats claim that he'll now vote Republican


Do you actually know what a one-party state is?

A one-party state would require the Democrats to ban the other party.

Also, the Democrats just aren't socialist.


which could happen if the dems are in total control.


Based on what? Can I just assume the Republicans, if they win the presidency, house and senate will ban the Democrats?

Also, this dem master-plan relies on the assumption that all immigrants will vote for them.


no, because republicans are pro-America and will follow the constitution.

dems will promise free money if you vote for them, and most immigrants would vote dem. if I was a immigrant and was promised free money and stuff, I would vote dem.


>no, because republicans are pro-America and will follow the constitution.

And how do you know the Democrats won't?

>dems will promise free money if you vote for them, and most immigrants would vote dem. if I was a immigrant and was promised free money and stuff, I would vote dem.

Is this even born out by statistical data? It's not true of the Cuban diaspora, if I recall.


if you lived in america then you would know what dems are capable of...

More than 12,000 Californians are getting cash from guaranteed income experiments

Joe promised to pay off student loans, so far the govt has spent over $150b doing so. when Trump was pres, dems were for fiscal responsibility.

again, if you lived in america then you would hear more news.


>if you lived in america then you would know what dems are capable of...

What are they doing precisely that makes you think they'll violate the constitution? How could they legally even do this?

>More than 12,000 Californians are getting cash from guaranteed income experiments

California is also losing population, so this gambit clearly isn't providing any fruit.

>Joe promised to pay off student loans, so far the govt has spent over $150b doing so. when Trump was pres, dems were for fiscal responsibility.

Not sure how student loan forgiveness is malicious, or against the constitution.


good luck with that...


the people who followed along and did it are guilty, too


Not sure what you mean there. Would you like to phrase your answer to the question more clearly.


if some one caused me to rob a bank, i would still be guilty of robbing said bank

pretty simple stuff


Got it. When it comes to teh 1/6 riot/entrapment conspiracy theory you DON'T CARE.

Even if the FBI was running an entrapment and agitation operation to try to spark a riot, you are fine wtih that, and still want everyone rioter dealt with as though it had not happened, and you are fine with fbi doing succh an operation that lead to the death of a woman. And a LOT of political turmoil and strife. Not to mention huge expense.


she was charging toward the vice president's secret service detail with what could have easily been a bomb in a backpack

she deserved to get shot


Charging? Bomb? LOL.

Sure she did. Your lack of concern for human life is noted.


there is plenty of video of the incident

run towards trump or biden with a backpack on

i dare you


I saw the video. She was stopped at a door, when she was shot by the cop.

Your answer is clear. I've thanked you for it. This is just an hypothetical. There is no nee d to have a hissy fit over this.


Hey Darth.

Man, you dunno what you are talking about.

If they see you running towards them with a backpack on they will invite you out for a cup of coffee and get to know you a bit first.




But they didn't rob a bank, they were there to peacefully protest a rigged and stolen election that the entire world knows occurred except for the brainwashed anti-Trump brigade.

The protest was turned into a riot due to the 200+ federal assets that included Antifa dressed as Trump supporters, disguised federal agents/informants and capitol police that fired rubber ammunition and gas canisters at the protesters to incite and provoke them.

The same Capitol police that removed the barricades and opened the giant magnetized doors and peacefully escorted the protesters through the Capitol as seen on the video footage that was not initially released by the same MSM that has brainwashed the gullible idiots that still believes was an insurrection.


But they didn't rob a bank, they were there to peacefully protest a rigged and stolen election that the entire world knows occurred except for the brainwashed anti-Trump brigade.

There is sooo much stupid in that sentence
The entire world is laughing at Trump clinging to his lie
The red maga hat wearers are the only people who believe him.

Trump is so fucking crazy due to his ego not permitting him to ever lose at anything that he thinks the result of an election is something that can be appealed and should be by default if it goes the wrong way - like one of his court cases .

Stole election is a lie
FBI stooges is a lie
Trump talked y'all into attempting an insurrection because he got voted out . you stupid motherfuckers.
dont you feel embarrassed?


Stole election is a lie
FBI stooges is a lie
Trump talked y'all into attempting an insurrection because he got voted out

It doesn't matter how much you continue repeating it, facts are facts.
You denied the collusion hoax and everything else that has turned out to be true.


you didn't see the videos of MAGA trying to smash cops heads and kill them?


Which part about the 200+ federal assets did you not understand?


full disclosure, i didn't read any of your nonsense


That explains a lot.


Blue Lives Matter only to them when cops are murdering unarmed and innocent blacks.

When Blue Lives get in the way of protection they better get outta the way!

Did you ever notice how the hero cops in the Cap were black?
That one who led a mob away from where vulnerable lawmakers were hiding and another who shot at an attempted trespasser?


There is no proof of any of these claims.

Figures that it comes from the same morons who go with the election being rigged without any proof of that.

They go with the lies of their Dear Leader Trump without thinking for themselves.


They still think “Russia collusion”, “safe and effective”, “81 million”.

There is already overwhelming evidence that the protest on j6 was FBI lead, police escorted protesters into the capital. It’s all on video. And the only person killed was an innocent unarmed female veteran.


Yes, but the NPCs are still in denial.




That is the best reaction to these denying, racist idiots.

They want to blame everyone else but themselves for being an angry white mob who wanted to murder and take over.


"They want to blame everyone else but themselves for being an angry white mob who wanted to murder and take over."

Sounds like fierce Vikings.


It's weird the way he keeps harping on them being white, as though that is a mark against them.


“a three hour coup…
.a three hour coup”


Feds, BLM, and Antifa were not involved at all.

That is just bullshit said by TrumpHumpers who cannot handle the truth of their own being angry white people who did what they did.

The racist Trump admin refused better protection for the Cap because they were his own white ppl.
If this had been BLM they would not have gotten even 10 miles near it.
And you KNOW that I am right about this.

Blue Lives only matter to you Trumpers when they are murdering blacks.


"who cannot handle the truth of their own being angry WHITE people who did what they did."
"The racist Trump admin refused better protection for the Cap because they were his own WHITE ppl."
"Blue Lives only matter to you Trumpers when they are murdering BLACKS."

You are the one going on about how people are acting a certain way because of the color of their skin. You are the disgusting racist here.


I'm pointing out how they get a break because they are white.

Skin color does help determine for which side one wants to be on.


1. I have no problem with the idea that a group of my fellow white republicans could be angry enough to riot. Considring the provocations of the last few decades and the way that we have been treated, it is a testimony to our... respect for law and order that we are not rioting on a regular basis.

2. That being said, it is complely reasonable that the feds did an entrapment operation. It fits in perfectly with their politicalization and their record over the last few decades.

3. This country has had a bi-partisan concensus on racial equality for minorities since the mid 60s. Since then the debate in this country has been on HOW to discriminate in favor of minorities at the expense of whites. Anyone who claims that there is a serious political faction of white racists is deluded or lying.


I won't deny or will agree that the FBI has done illegal and violent things to innocents to bring down organizations they just wanted gone just because they did or they saw them as a threat to White Man's America status quo.

I just doubt that was the case here with the Capitol and lawmakers being their target and putting the seat of government in danger like that.

Also, I am unaware of the FBI ever enticing an angry and unpredictable mob for their deeds.
Usually they do it on their own or with the support of other LE.

A raid on the BLM HQ while murdering leaders inside and making it look like self defense is more like their MO.
And frankly I am surprised that did not happen under racist Trump's America.


1. The government was not in danger.

2. But you are aware of the fbi doing ENTRAPMENT?

3. The federal government hasn't been hostile to black groups since... the 60s. So, you're talking like a delusional mental patient.

