MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why Didn't Trump Close The Border in Jun...

Why Didn't Trump Close The Border in June 2018?

I don't know what I was doing in 2018... or 2023... to have missed this...,refugees%20without%20valid%20travel%20documents.

Delivering the majority opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts concluded that the language of 8 U. S. C. §1182(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (1952) was clear in giving the President broad authority to suspend the entry of non-citizens into the country and that Trump's Presidential Proclamation 9645 did not exceed any textual limit on the President's authority.[51] Under 8 U. S. C. §1182(f), a President may limit alien entry when he finds that such entry "would be detrimental to the interests of the United States." Trump determined that alien entries from some countries would be detrimental because those countries do not share adequate information with the U.S. for an informed decision on entry, and that entries from other countries are detrimental because their citizens create national security risks. Trump showed that the limits he put in place were tailored to protect American interests. The only prerequisite set forth in §1182(f) is that the President "find" that the entry of the covered aliens would be detrimental to the interests of the U.S. The Supreme Court rule: "The President has undoubtedly fulfilled that requirement here." According to Roberts, Trump acted within his powers.


a better question would be, why did Joe open the border? then Joe said he could close the border if he wanted too...


What action did "Joe" take that opened the border?



No dipwit, you, you write out the reason. No BS links.


Candidate Biden Calls On Illegal Immigrants to Surge the Border


They mis spelled "Legitimate refugees fleeing for their lives from oppressive regimes" as "Illegal Immigrants"

(or deliberately mis quoted, whichever way you wanna look at it)


they? you mean Dictator Joe? Chicago and NY said they are sanctuary cities, now they say they have too many illegal immigrants. what are dems doing to stop the influx?


No, other countries are emptying out their prisons and sending them to our border.... They aren't fleeing from anything. They've been BANISHED.


He stopped enforcing remain in Mexico.
He got rid of trump's catch and deport and enacted catch and release.
Democrats are not for a physical defense barrier.

He got rid of horseback patrols

Turned border agents into border processors.

And when Biden speaks people see weakness, so the messge under Biden is now is the time to get to the border.

Democrats provide incentives like cell phones and pre paid cards.


Because every time he turned around to do his job he had this carbuncle attached to him known as Nancy Pelosi preventing him from getting anything done and so much, he had to find ways to sneak around her to do the job.. Remain in Mexico was the best thing Trump ever conceived and Biden blew it, so fuck off Liberals


But, Roberts ruling, if you read the OP, said the President had the authority and didn't need congress. Why didn't he do it?
I think he was the dog who caught the car and didn't know what to do next.


The many-times more elected representative than Donald Trump in the government who ran circles around Donald Trump because he was ignorant and would not listen to anyone about how to do things - or did he just not really want them to get done?

All Donald Trump knew how to do was to perceive and exploit any kind of scam or money-making opportunity for Donald Trump in the Presidency, and to restructure the Republican party into a fascist Nazi-type top-down dictatorial party.

And that guy is going to set your numbnuts free?

You realize why he loves the uneducated/uninformed now, right, or are you too uninformed even for that?


He's your Daddy and he's going to remain on the ballot according to the U.S Supreme Court so get used to it and go enjoy the Super Bowl instead


SC has not ruled on that. Don't count your turds before they blossom.


I appreciate the Karl Rove drop.

People in some areas of South Carolina began to receive phone calls in which self-described pollsters would ask, “Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain for president if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?”

I had forgotten that McCain thumped Little Bush in New Hampshire...


De-Public-ans ... all rotten scumbags


Nancy Pelosi wasn't Speaker until 2019.


Trump doesn't care about immigrants, he is surrounded by immigrants, and many in the past were illegal, and many he did not pay. I think he likes them, and his billionaire, and almost billionaire, and former billionaire cronies like them too.

Same reason he gave himself and his cronies a big tax cut thanks to dumb as dirt Republicans who are paying for it too.

Same with the exporting of jobs to other countries. He made a big deal at first by paying off the Carrier Corp who made air-conditioners not to export their factories to Mexico. Where are those jobs now? Right, Mexico!

Trump supporters are fake. Either fake altogether as in sock-puppet keyboard trolls, or fake as in unrepresentative of real Repubicans all over the country who pay only weak attention to any of this because they are so busy working like everyone else to follow what is going on.


Democrats and establishment RINOs stopped him from doing pretty much anything.

Were you not paying attention for 4 years? No you weren't, y'all too busy crying RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


"Roberts concluded that the language of 8 U.S.C. §1182(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (1952) was clear in giving the President broad authority to suspend the entry of non-citizens into the country"

"The only prerequisite set forth in §1182(f) is that the President "find" that the entry of the covered aliens would be detrimental to the interests of the U.S."

My first post on MovieChat was "5 years ago." February 2019? I don't remember... I had my hands full with Sholom Rubashkin, Trump's illegal aliens picking grapes at his winery, spending $6 million to recruit one Border Patrol Agent, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera....


He would have been stopped or lied to, like in Syria.

Why do you think they fear a 2nd Trump term? Because this time he isnt going to listen to anyone.


Who would have stopped him? Roberts' ruling seems clear to me that the President can do what he (the President) "finds" necessary at the border.

Why did Trump bother with the stuff with "Title 42" in 2020?


The potbellied, meth-adled, Fox Non-News fellating Whites who comprise Trump's personality cult aren't going to build our homes and skyscrapers for below minimum wage. The Donald knows this


build our homes and skyscrapers for below minimum wage

Sooooo... do you not want the people, regardless of their skin color, that are building homes and skyscrapers to not make a fair wage?

I'm confused.


There's a very strong case for abolishing minimum wage altogether


I agree with abolishing minimum wage...but I didn't say that, I said fair wage.


Manual labor wouldn't pay very much, were we to abolish minimum wage


Manual labor would pay a lot more if we didn't have millions of illegals in the country. And more on the way all the time.

Hell, ban LEGAL immigration of people without serious education, while your at it. Watch the pay rate of taxi drivers and landscapers and paints just go up and up and up.


Deport Americsns who mistake poisoning their minds with Fucker Carlson and(on the other end of the sociopolitical continuum)Lindy West for "serious education"


That makes no sense.

Deporting people here ilegally, and reducing the immigraiotn off unskilled labor, would result in rising wages for AMERICANS who have manual labor jobs.

You made a reasonable point about manual labor, and it not paying much without the min wage.

i took that to be a sign of your concern for manual labor job holders in this country, ie mostly Americans.

So I made a point about how to raise their wages. It is a simple point and one based on the concept of supply and demand.

Would you like to see wages rise for manual laborers in this country, and if not, why not?


We can get more people out of manual labor by increasing access to vocational training. That's how we lift manual laborers out of poverty


As long as employers have access to effectively unlimited low cost third world labor, wages will not rise.

Those immigrants, illegal and legal both? They can go for those "Vocational jobs" too.

So, what is your motive for being in this thread? You clearly don't care about manual laborers. You do like to put down working class whites.

What are you about?


Wages for the sort of folks who work exclusively with hammers and nails(Not mechanics, electricians, HVAC repair, etc)will always be peanuts, for the simple fact that this is low-skilled labor

Nothing is stopping Whites from standing out in front of Home Depot, waiting for the proverbial pick up truck each morning. The sort of folks who piss and moan over jobs being stolen from them are choosing not to take the work


I've seen the differnece for nurse's aids from a small city to a large city, with lots of immigrants. The difference can be the difference between working poor and POVERTY.

Your lack of concern for working class Americans, especially working class whites, is mean spiritied and morally wrong. You have not presented any moral justification for your lack of consideration for their interests.

What is the balancing GOOD that justifies fucking them?


Nurse's aids get paid more than your typical day laborer(no what their skin color)due to the fact that they're comparatively high skilled employees

If we're serious about uplifting the working class, it's imperative that we provide them with the proficiencies necessary to do so


No, they don't. And your dismissal of the skills needed for manual labor is noted.

If we are seriously about serving and protecting the interests of the working class, we need to serve and protect their interests.

YOUR scenario accepts that they are just lowly paid serfs who's only hope is upward mobility, based on a game that many of them are ill suited for, ie academic success.

AND, I note, you still have not provided any moral justification for that. Or pragmatic either for that matter. It seems to be a premise that you want to just be accepted for some reason that you do not wish to share.

WHY, are so you opposed to raising wages for the working class? Especially working class whites?


Those whom you refer to are ill-suited for the proverbial game , due to not having the proficiencies necessary to attain the good life here in post-industrial America, we agree.
I'm playing L. Fishbune, to The Epps and Cube's of the world

Just paying people more without arming them with the tools they need to get further ahead in life benefits neither the working class, nor our civilization


It is a choice to have the labor market flooded with supply so that wages are low.

How would making the opposite choice, so that wages rise so that working class famlies can have decent lives, NOT benefit the working class or our civilization?


You're operating under the assumption that wages for bottom of the barrel employment would magically go up, if we had fewer immigrants in The US. Not simply one, but several jumps are required to get there


The law of supply and demand is not "magic".

I ask again, why do you not want to see wages rise for the American workeing class, especially the white ones?


Just paying the working class more benefits them very little, especially in this day and age. We have to provide them with the tools to become viable in a post-industrial economy, where more and more manual labor will be performed by machines


I've seen teh difference two dollars an hour can make in the life of the families of these workers.

It's the difference between poverty and just being the working poor. And that's a BIG DIFFERENCE.

i grew up, "working poor", and it was a pretty nice childhood.

I've seen poverty and it's NOT.

There people in question are your fellow citizens, fellow members of your community. Tehy probably have other connections to you. Why does NONE of that translate into wanting to see them do well?

And, those weird anti-white comments, what is up with THAT?


Watching American TV isn't a crime.

Crossing the border illegally is.


"Watching American TV isn't a crime"

Given much of the crud that's infected our airwaves, perhaps poisoning one's mind with heavy helpings of it should be outlawed


He tried to but the swamp rats kept blocking him at every turn.


Indeed. They did the same with almost everything else, and yet, the leftists blame him for it.


IKR Nancy Pelosi busted Sholom Rubaskin out of jail under cover of darkness...

Ditto with Alice Marie Johnson... what to you make of the rumors that Trump's going to put her on the $20 bill?


I'm still impressed with what he was able to accomplish and pull off with all that back stabbing and blocking.
