... are XL Bully dogs a problem in all countries? There have been so many fatal attacks in Britain that the breed is banned unless you have a permission to own and comply with the rules.
I'm still trying to figure out if it's the dog or the owner who is at fault. Obviously they must be more "wild" than other other breeds but I know some nippy little Terriors that would likey do serious damage if they were bigger.
In the US most dog shelters are full of pit bulls that nobody wants. Pits are adorable when they're young but then they turn into 60lb monsters with very strong muscles and big teeth. It's just too risky to have those dogs around people especially children. Why people own pit bulls is beyond me. It's been claimed that chihuahuas are the most aggressive dogs but nobody has died from a chihuahua attack.
Why? Unlike you I don't get triggered over things that I don't understand. Instead I learn about them. Show me where I'm wrong in my above post here, Cletus.
Pit bulls, like most dogs can be wonderful, loving pets. I've had 4 of them and they were nothing but gentle and sweet. People can make ANY breed aggressive. I've also had a husky, two dobermans and a border collie. The pits were as gentle, if not more so as all the others. So suck it, Clem.
If pits are so sweet then why are they behind most dog attacks in America? Most pit attacks end with serious life changing injuries and death. I'm glad your pit bulls didn't eat you but your experiences with them doesn't change the fact that they are very dangerous. Every single person who owned pits said exactly what you said before their dog maims or kills someone. Pits are monsters and that's why many communities and countries ban them. Also if you are in the military and living on post you not allowed to have pit bulls as they are banned for being too dangerous. If pits are so gentle as you claim then why so many bans? So go fuck yourself, Goober. π€£ππ»
Ooooh! Edgy, profanity laced anger. SO impressive, Clem!
Pits are the dog of choice of gangsters, criminals and lowlifes who train them to be aggressive, because they look "tough". Any and all dog breeds can be trained to be aggressive.
P.S. The gangsters, etc., who train them to be aggressive do say they're sweet and gentle. Doesn't mean they are. Anyone who's had a dog of any breed that has attacked someone says that. Duh!
Just like you make excuses for Trumpβs traitorist behavior you are making excuses for a dog most people think are monsters. You are just too stupid to realize this.
There's no proof that chilone had pit bills or dobermans.
He prefers to troll rather than add anything positive to this forum.
re: pit bulls. They were bred to be aggressive. They account for most dog bites in my area. And once their powerful jaws lock on someone, it's difficult to remove them which probably accounts for the higher fatalities and serious injury rate. No reason to own one especially with children in the home.
Hahahahahaha! Says the biggest troll and proven liar on MC. I don't give a rip who does or does not believe what dogs I have had. I mentioned it because of my experience, which is the exact opposite of trolling.
Pit bull owners all say that their pits are lovable and wouldn't hurt a fly. Then the pit snaps and kills someone close to them. Everytime there is a dog attack it's usually pit bulls. No thanks...
I'm not a leftist but if calling me that gives you a hard on then have fun. I do know you're stupid as fuck though. Just because you worship Trump and believe that the 2020 election was stolen proves your stupidity. I'm sure your wife/sister is proud of you.
I showed you my evidence that pit bulls are monsters and the dog shelters are packed with pit bulls that nobody wants. Why did you run away, little pussy?
I like Clem. I had a good friend named that in elementary school. I sure he was much smarter than you when he was ten years old.
Careful. If you upset chilone he will call you a leftist then whine about something concerning Trump who he worships. Then when asked for evidence of his claims especially his claims that the 2020 election was stolen he runs away like the little pussy he is.
Well leftist Lige, with two accounts (pathetic and a full on "pussy" move) where is the "evidence" that I claimed the election was stolen? Must I remind you AGAIN that I fully admitted that I don't know for sure that the election was stolen?
You are such a retard. Stop worshiping Trump and stop blaming Biden and the Democrats for all your problems then your life will improve. I'm sorry that the huge recession you wished for never materialized. The economy is doing great right now. Maybe if you left your trailer park once in awhile you would see this.
No surprise here. Just one more reason to ban pit bulls and pit bull types. I can't wait to see you defend this attack. But as usual when I provide evidence of my claims you run away like the little pussy you are so I'm not holding my breath.
I'm not defending anything. I don't even have a dog in this fight (pun intended) as I do not have a pit bull and have no intention of getting one. When my current Border Collie mix leaves this world, I will not even be getting another dog. Others have explained things very well and I've already given my thoughts.
Now go ahead and make some juvenile, cliche' comment about me living in a trailer, having sex with a family member or anyone of the boiler plate, leftist "attack" tactics you rely on to somehow divert from your lack of substance. No one with more than two brain cells to rub together believes or gives any credence to that nonsense. At least be original, Lige.
Oh, don't forget to add a wildly overused and cliche "triggered" or some other idiotic meme that we've all seen a million times. That'll make you credible!
I think pit bulls are a different breed? I'm not sure tbh, XL bullies are bred to be bigger than the average pit bull. Pit bulls are on the dangerous dog list here, but XL Bully are now banned and illegal to breed them.
Theres a war against dogs, in some european countries over the last 12-18 months a huge amount of cases have been reported where these dogs have been attacking and even killing people. In my work i have the pay a lot of attention to the media.
But why have all these stories just appeared lately and so much so they have decided to ban them? whats changed? all of a sudden these dogs have got agressive?
I think theres more to it, i think that, well, it wouldn't be a politically correct opinion...
i think they want to ban dogs, i think there is a lobby in the UK that wants to ban them, starting with these ones, then on to rest because a certain ideology thats growing in numbers thinks they are impure.
Dogs in general are not bloodthirsty by nature. It's how their owners raise them and train (or not train) them that causes them to behave in certain ways.
Sometimes there's a genetic factor involved, such as a brain defect that makes them randomly violent, though that's very rare in the dog-owning world. A few among the superstitious have sometimes blamed demonic possession, but that can't be scientifically proven, and even if it did happen, it's even rarer than you think.
Any time a dog behaves in a way that is vicious and bloodthirsty, usually it's due to the owners. It usually stems from abuse, or even being trained to be an attack dog. Abuse is more common than training the animal to attack others, because many people are too lazy or don't have the knowledge or patience to train the animal in the first place.
Pit Bulls in particular have been blamed for a lot of this, due to them being the most common dogs to suffer from abuse or being trained to do illegal dogfighting in underground arenas, and then being dumped into the big wide world to fend for themselves when they can no longer work in the arena.
Why are you making excuses for pit bulls? Over 2/3 of dog attacks are by pit bulls. If they are such wonderful dogs then why do many communities and other countries ban these dogs? Most dog shelters are full of pit bulls that nobody wants. Also if you are in the military and live on base you are not allowed to have pit bulls. Intelligent people don't own pit bulls because they are genetically bred to attack and kill.
I love dogs and do realize that some pitbulls can be gentle, sweet and complete teddy bears with children and small animals. But I do think it's pretty important to be acquainted with their history and lineage.
Some of the more aggressive have been bred extensively over and over for this quality and it will surface at some point. For some it is genetic. Not for all.
I do feel sad when I see so many filling up the shelters knowing that undoubtedly there's some great dogs going to waste in there. But how to know which ones.
Yeah. It seems the "status chasers" are the ones likely to buy from puppy farms, rather than a reputable breeder. It's sad for the animals all round π
Pit bulls are a problem in the US and they are very often banned from apartment complexes. Not all pit bulls are bad but they are aggressive dogs with a powerful bite that occasionally snap. There are other potentially dangerous breeds like rottweilers and German Shepherds.
My solution would be to require special licenses for owners of dangerous dog breeds and charge the dog owners with crimes when their dogs attack people.
Biden had German Shepherds in the White House and two out of the three were problematic. The first elderly dog didn't cause trouble but the next two German Shepherds were biting people. I believe Biden has given up on dogs at the White House.
This is similar to the new law in Britain. You can own an XL Bully, but it needs to be muzzled in public, neutered/spayed, illegal to breed and be registered with the local authority.
Responsible owners will do the right thing, but people who have them as a status symbol probably won't π.
My friend has a rottweiler, he came from very good lineage (Crufts winners) and he's daft as a brush. Just wants to play all the time! But he could easily rip your head off if he decided to.