MovieChat Forums > Politics > Senate releases long-awaited border legi...

Senate releases long-awaited border legislation, major asylum changes

Gee?? Let's see a show of hands for those who believe any of this other than it's an election year and they're scrambling to try and act like they care about the Border, when in fact, they don't..

"The border proposal, which took months to negotiate, is aimed at gaining control of an asylum system that has been overwhelmed by historic numbers of migrants coming to the border. The bill proposes an overhaul to the system with tougher and quicker enforcement measures."

Hey!! You know what would've solved this whole problem?? Close the fucking Border!!


The Border Bill allows Biden to strip states of their rights to protect their borders.

This is why it's not passing.


Gov Abbott & Texas in general won't stand for this shit from Joe Biden..


that's straight up insidious.


BS. You dumb ass De-Public-ans have been screaming for years that border control is a Federal responsibility, and of course now you reverse it so you B1cky has something to bitch about. How predicable.


In 2016 Trump controlled the White House while the Republicans controlled the House and Senate for two years. Why didn't they do anything to solve the border crisis then? Here's and idea. Put anyone in prison who hire or offer comfort to illegal aliens and the border crisis will be solved overnight.


Establishment GOP worked with democrats to stop the wall.


Doesn't matter whether they care about it or not - Americans are the ones who have to demand it. All the divisivenss from De-Public-ans doesn't help anything. The majory on both sides are demanding something be done about the border. De-Public-can chaos just hurts their own cause.

This is a good bill. Better than we had a right to expect from the incompetent slow-walking law-makers. It should get passed, and then one down ... one less problem to solve.
