MovieChat Forums > Politics > Son of Soros openly threatening a Presid...

Son of Soros openly threatening a Presidential Candidate

Not very subtle, Alex...


Who is being threatened by that???


Donald J. Trump.


How do you get that? What threat is being made???


It's not his article. And if this is a threat, then many of Trumps statements are threats.


Show me where Trump is threatening with the assassination of another president.


Show me how this is an assassination threat?


Seriously, these guys are delusional. The article doesn't come close to mentioning Trump or making any threat.


To most ignorants and NPCs, that means little to nothing. To the denialists, it is another “conspiracy theory” when it is obvious enough for the rest of us what "he/they" are calling for. They are getting desperate.


What a dumbass! What can we expect, I guess, from any Soros?

His comments are a weak distraction for his threats, so I'm not going to comment on that absurdity..

How many times has this turd been let into the WH?

With a public comment like that, the guy should be on a no fly list and not allowed anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania street. (not that a no fly list would keep him off his private jets, but still, just for effect)

Think the Garland DoJ will press charges for such a thinly veiled threat to a former President? Trump has 91 indictments with lesser grounds. Garland will punt this and set yet another bad precedent.

These elites are the most vile, vicious, and sneaky bastards I have ever seen in my entire life. It's Bullshit like this that makes me believe they truly would stop at nothing. For them, nothing is off the table, not assassination, not extermination, not even genocide.


Someone needs to go full Obama and drone his ass.
