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Freshman Dem proposes bill to remove Statue of Liberty in protest of GOP's 'bigoted' immigration law

This is precisely why this Communist Democrat Party along with the dumb Liberals who fawn at their feet suck serous ass and can't handle History 101 and basically want History removed and I'm sorry, but this is just very sad folks..


Now all we need is a Freshman Republican to remove the George Floyd Statue and we're in business


It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Democrats are calling for the removal of the great lady. They’ve always been opposed to liberty.

We must get rid of all statues that have anything to do with the history of the US.

Everyone and everything must be exactly the same. No art. No creativity. No free speech. No free thought.

Except for our noble saviors in government with their 27 mansions and 14 private jets


And their 14 Private Jets leaving a chem trail a mile long visible after dark while touting all this climate change bullshit


Even Alexa admits it:

“Hey Alexa, what are they spraying in the skies?”

Alexa: "Nano plastics, aluminum and barium are currently being sprayed into our skies. The substances are believed to be a part of a global climate engineering program aimed at cooling down the earths temperature. However, there are concerns about the potential environmental impacts of these substances."

Alexa also admits that those nano particles are linked to cancer, dementia and liver damage.


Ask Alexa why Liberals bag on Trump being a Rapist, yet defend Bill Clinton after fucking his 22 year old intern with a cigar underneath the Oval Office Desk back in the Clinton Era?? This seems to be the one liberals have a hard time replying to?? LOL


Clinton didn't rape Monica Lewinsky because their affair was consensual and you know this. Your fake outrage is noted and dismissed. How many women are claiming Trump raped them compared to how many claimed that Clinton raped them? Keep doubling down on stupid, Goober!


Those women made false allegations against Trump.

Bill and Monica is a known fact about their behavior in the WH.

Oh, and that was not Bill’s youngest.


What are you babbling about? Clinton didn't rape Monica Lewinsky because their affair was consensual and you know this. Your fake outrage is noted and dismissed. How many women are claiming Trump raped them compared to how many claimed that Clinton raped them? Keep doubling down on stupid, Goober!

One day soon you will realize that your Orange Master is not only a liar but he's a rapist too. Your stupidity and gullibility continues.


Robocel, show me where I said anything about rape.


tvfool, you Insinuated that Clinton raped Lewinsky. I'm not going to split hairs with you. Goodnight!


I'm not going to split hairs with you.

So you have nothing.


Did you hear me?? Go fuck yourself Lib!! Bye Bye dickhead!!


I thought you put me on ignore you pussy! Your stupidity is actually amazing.


1. THe party line of feminists was that consent wasn't real if there was a "power inequity". And the difference in power between an unpaid intern and the MOST POWERFUL MAN ON EARTH? lol. BUT, once it came out that the man in question, was an ally of the feminsts and, more importantly, the lefties, the supposed "feminists" shitcanned that argument and closed ranks like good little bitches.

2. PAULA JONES was sexually harassed. Bill Clinton abused the power of his office to cover that up. By the standards of the time, he should have been impeached and removed from office. From that point on, no accusation of sexual harassment or any word from professional feminists should or do have any credibility. Fuck them all.


Eat a dick and the fact that he was impeached because of it and you didn't even know this means you're a fucking kid who's basically going to stay on ignore permanently because all you do is seriously troll people and surprisingly you haven't been banned for it, so eat a dick and learn some fucking History about your disgraced Democrat President in Bill Clinton who's also very prominent on Epstein's List dickhead, but I bet you didn't know THAT either cause you're too busy with your TDS and crawling up Trump's ass every chance you get..


Just more anger from you and you really should calm down. It's not good for you. Do you need a hug? Anyway, you told me earlier that you put me on ignore yet here you replying to me. Not only are you a pussy and a coward but you're a liar too. You really are a dumbass! I wasn't even talking about Clinton's impeachment so I don't why you brought that up.


People like this will only want to bring about Immigration reform if it benefits the letter by their name. They clearly show they not only hate American citizens but they are all in on the Great Replacement in order to keep their party in power permanently.




OP has failed history 101.

There were three reasons why the Statue of Liberty was commissioned to be built by the French abolitionist who was mourning the recent death of his hero President Lincoln.

1. Celebrate the end of U.S. slavery
2. Celebrate democracy
3. A strong pro-liberty and democracy message to the anti-democratic forces in France.

Nothing to do with immigration!

An agreement was made that the U.S. would pay for the pedestal, but racist Congress refused. Instead citizens and private companies raised the money.

A poetry contest with an entrance fee was created to help raise funds. Emma Lazarus won the contest with her famous words "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." This poem established a connection to immigration while the original connection between slavery and the Statue of Liberty was suppressed by racist Americans for decades. The truth has only recently been acknowledged. RACISTS REMOVED HISTORY!!!

I want to point out that this Democrat knows more about U.S. history than the OP.


I want to point out that this Democrat knows more about U.S. history than the OP.

No you don't, we all have the same access to the same information source. Also, your copy pasta doesn't actually address or refute the point of this post.


You're welcome.


I'm the official poster and I didn't even bring immigration up.. The young liberal fat black dude was the one bitching about it, he's the one who wants to tear down this Historic Statue because he's a butthurt liberal.. What more needs to be said on the subject?? Well?? Where were all of these people during 8 years of Obama?? Where were all of these people during 8 years of Bill Clinton, who was also a sex offender with Monica Lewinsky and yet, ALL OF YOU LIBERALS DEFEND HIM YET BAG ON TRUMP??


"... GOP's 'bigoted' immigration law"
"... can't handle History 101 and basically want History removed..."

Like I pointed out, initially the monument had nothing to do with immigration. You're a hypocrite because you're not complaining about racists banning its connection to slavery.

You Repugnicans are racists which explains your banning black history and your xenophobic hatred towards migrants.


You're a hypocrite because you're not complaining about racists banning its connection to slavery.

And you are a hypocrite for virtue signaling with lies.



If the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with immigration then why is Congressman Max Frost responding to the GOP immigration bill with his own mock bill to remove the Statue of Liberty? Do you not understand that Frost is the one making the connection between the Statue of Liberty and immigration? If you don't believe that there's a connection between the Statue of Liberty and immigration then that's a reason for you to criticize Frost rather than BKB.


If the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with immigration..."
I wrote initially. You racists rebranded the monument. You're welcome.

Obviously, I know more history than you and the OP which makes the OP's original comment about Democrats incorrect.

Your ignorance is an excellent example of why Repugnicans should NOT ban POC books.

Btw, Rep. Frost is from Florida, the home of the book ban.

Anyway, when will you Repugnican xenophobic racists ban the Statue of Liberty? And since you hate migrants so much, how come your party has refused to adequately fund immigration courts in order to process migrant applications faster or create immigration reform? And where is the wall that Mexico is paying for? Don't bother answering. They were all rhetorical questions, goyim.


YOU'RE the one with a reading comprehension problem. It wasn't Republicans that brought up the Statue of Liberty on this issue. It was Max Frost, the Democrat. He was the one who turned the Statue of Liberty into an immigration issue. Therefore, the history that you brought up here is completely irrelevant to this issue.

And how the hell do you know that you know more history than me when I didn't even discuss any history in my comment? So why is it "obvious" that you know more history than me? BKB isn't wrong either because he didn't actually discuss any history in the OP. This is just like your idiocy in my thread about the lack of protests in the U.S. against the bombing of German cities during World War II. You're so stupid I'll bet you still think you're right about that as well. You're the living embodiment of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome. This is what you sound like:

And Florida isn't the "home" of any "book ban". Florida hasn't banned a single book, as I already explained to you a month ago. You're lying about that just like you're lied about homosexuality being illegal in Florida. And why are you asking me where the border wall is? According to you Biden is building that wall:

If you weren't completely wrong about this issue of Max Frost and the Statue of Liberty then you wouldn't have to resort to your usual, predictable trolling of pretending that I'm not Jewish.


This is what happens when you let spoiled, entitled college graduates into positions of power. They think they can throw it around and get what they want like they did at home, and sooner or later, someone will give them the professional ass-whooping they so richly deserve and let them see what power they actually have, which is very little.


These people are completely unhinged due to infection of The Mind Virus.


Calm down, Cletus! Nobody is going to to remove the Statue of Liberty. Only the stupid would think so. Your fake outrage is noted and dismissed.


He was trolling. And you fell for it.


How many monuments and memorials have those leftist-trolls taken down?


Why are you racists honoring U.S. slavery with monuments and memorials?

Why are you racists honoring the Civil War LOSERS with monuments and memorials when nobody does that except you racists?


Far too many, it's disgraceful.
