Look at this man's photo in this news story about George Soros being the latest victim of "Swatting". It shows a photo of him that could be very reminiscent of how the Emperor looks in STAR WARS for Heaven's sake, not to mention the fact that Soros intentions are Evil and the Democrat Party as we see it is Evil.. Truth be told, if the Moderate Centrist Democrat Party back when Bill Clinton were still around?? I would vote that way, but this is nothing like that.. I look at this man's photo and his eyes and he's 100% Evil in his intentions.. He is.
Not this particular old man.. I have very good instinct and my instinct tells me this man is truly evil in his intentions and so much, he's been kicked out of Russia for doing the very same thing he's doing here in the U.S
Rupert Murdoch looks nothing like Soros does.. He doesn't.. Soros is evil and has very evil intentions, hence why we have such a fucked up society right now and needs to be fixed ASAP in Nov
All of this abnormal crap with men posing as females to participate in women's sports because they can't hack it on their own male biological sport's team is a product of George Soros and this crooked ass Democrat Party and this will come to an end too this year.
What else should be fixed here?? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything this Puppet you call a President in Joe Biden has done to ruin America in the last 4 years and all it takes is One Executive Order after another to undo the mess he's created.. We had 3 Good years of Peace & Prosperity under Trump and the liberals such as yourself and the Democrats couldn't handle it and had to toss a monkey wrench in on this in March of 2020 now didn't ya?? Guess if Hillary would've won in 2016, you wouldn't have heard shit about Covid
No, that's my reply.. Don't like it?? Too bad.. I'm not starting 2024 off playing these dissecting everyone's answer to spin it around and suit your needs like you and Robocat do
Looks are deceiving. That guy has been so injected with aborted fetus stem cells from countries outside of the US and Europe that he's probably going to outlive most people currently in their 20's.
What about a rich person getting stem cell treatments in countries where it isn't banned is Jewish libel? As usual your post is moronic and nonsensical.
As usual you posted something that contains nothing in the form of a claim that's relevant to your original statement, just more gaslighting. Try again.
Is this the same Fox News that paid out almost a billion dollars for lying to their viewers? You are very stupid if you use Fox as a valid news source. As usual your stupidity is astounding.
George Soros, the guy the Right-wing nuts have been vilifying for decades now because he has a face a mother could hate. Soros is not a bad guy, or any worse than any of the other multi-billionaires. But you guys have to make him into a boogie-man, shows us how chicken-shtt you Right-wingers are.
He's been kicked out of Russia for doing the very same thing he's doing here and for once, absolutely ONCE, I wish you'd do your goddamn homework before posting your liberal tripe..
I couldn't care less what an individual does behind close doors.. You want to dress up in dresses like Klinger from M*A*S*H?? Go for it, but when you indoctrinate your ideology into smaller children who aren't old enough to make up their minds, BKB has a serious problem with it!! Leave the kids alone and take your ideology elsewhere Lib
Should LGBT sections on dating sites be banned? Should LGBT bloggers and activists be arrested? Should pro-LGBT cultural and political websites be shut down? Should all gay clubs be banned? Should all TV shows, and films that depict LGBT people be banned? Should all gay romance novels be banned?
This is what the Russian law does. It doesn't just do this for *children*, it does it FOR EVERYONE. It's expressedly banned from any and all expression in public life.
The USA allowed all those things and yet, the alphabet-cult/establishment went further with indoctrinating children at schools and libraries with porn books and other pornographic materials.
They dance and show off their junk and perversions in front of kids in public places while mocking the chant that they are “coming for our children.”
They allow mutilation and castration of children for/because of the alphabet cult, and in the name of CRT.
They are deliberately confusing children in order to change their sex instead of providing them with proper mental assistance and counseling.
They have brainwashed idiotic parents into transitioning their children.
They are implementing laws that if parents refuse to affirm their children, that the state can take them away. They are also trying to implement laws for anyone that misgenders the alphabet-cult.
Russia has seen how evil, destructive and perverted that is for families and society and they want no part of it so there is no point in allowing “any of it”, because:
“When you give them the finger, they ask for the hand, when you give them the hand, they ask for the arm, and when you give them the arm, they go for the ass.”
The fact that you defend, support and endorse such behavior and lifestyle is confirmation that you are either an imbecile victim of other groomers and/or you are a predator playing coy.
>The USA allowed all those things and yet, the alphabet-cult/establishment went further with indoctrinating children at schools and libraries with porn books and other pornographic materials.
That's nice, but it doesn't answer my question.
>They dance and show off their junk and perversions in front of kids in public places while mocking the chant that they are “coming for our children.”
That chant, that song was literally a joke song designed to troll you.
>They allow mutilation and castration of children for/because of the alphabet cult, and in the name of CRT.
Can I see some specific examples of children being mutilated, please?
>They are implementing laws that if parents refuse to affirm their children, that the state can take them away. They are also trying to implement laws for anyone that misgenders the alphabet-cult.
What laws are these, can I see the specific wording of those laws?
>The fact that you defend, support and endorse such behavior and lifestyle is confirmation that you are either an imbecile victim of other groomers and/or you are a predator playing coy.
At no point have I ever endorsed any of the things you listed there, so I'll ask again you fascist fuckhead:
Should LGBT sections on dating sites be banned? Should LGBT bloggers and activists be arrested? Should pro-LGBT cultural and political websites be shut down? Should all gay clubs be banned? Should all TV shows, and films that depict LGBT people be banned? Should all gay romance novels be banned?
[–] Skavau (5298) 3 hours ago
>The USA allowed all those things and yet, the alphabet-cult/establishment went further with indoctrinating children at schools and libraries with porn books and other pornographic materials.
That's nice, but it doesn't answer my question.
Every single reply you make is confirmation of not only your support of child groomers and pedos, but that you are also one of them.
That chant, that song was literally a joke song designed to troll you.
Groomers and Pedos should never joke, troll, or mock when it comes to children.
At no point did I agree with how you're interpreting LGBT activity in the USA right now, nor agree with many of specific allegations. I'll ask again:
>Russia has seen how evil, destructive and perverted that is for families and society and they want no part of it so there is no point in allowing “any of it”, because:
So have I got this right? Do you openly support those things? Should the United States pass similar laws?
Should LGBT sections on dating sites be banned? Should LGBT bloggers and activists be arrested? Should pro-LGBT cultural and political websites be shut down? Should all gay clubs be banned? Should all TV shows, and films that depict LGBT people be banned? Should all gay romance novels be banned?
>You can reword, rephrase, excuse, and deflect all you want, the fact remains that you are one them.
"one them"? Do you mean "one of them"? I'm not trans or gay.
>Stay away from kids.
I'll do whatever the fuck I want you fascist piece of shit. I am no threat to children and I'll talk to who I like.
>Russia has seen how evil, destructive and perverted that is for families and society and they want no part of it so there is no point in allowing “any of it”, because:
So have I got this right? Do you openly support those things? Should the United States pass similar laws?
Should LGBT sections on dating sites be banned? Should LGBT bloggers and activists be arrested? Should pro-LGBT cultural and political websites be shut down? Should all gay clubs be banned? Should all TV shows, and films that depict LGBT people be banned? Should all gay romance novels be banned?
>Russia has seen how evil, destructive and perverted that is for families and society and they want no part of it so there is no point in allowing “any of it”, because:
So have I got this right? Do you openly support those things? Should the United States pass similar laws?
Should LGBT sections on dating sites be banned? Should LGBT bloggers and activists be arrested? Should pro-LGBT cultural and political websites be shut down? Should all gay clubs be banned? Should all TV shows, and films that depict LGBT people be banned? Should all gay romance novels be banned?
That really makes no sense. So, Soros supposedly got kicked out of Russia for something? and that means something bad about him personally? Lots of foreign business people have gotten kicked out of Russia or worse - it rarely has anything to do with them other than that they tried to fight or overcome the corruption there.
I graduated, I don't need to do homework, and I don't buy into Trumpist fantasies.
Soros is a piece of shit, since selling out his Jewish ethnic roots as a teen to the Nazi's. Soros is pure scum, a globalist piece of garbage who only George Orwell could predict and fathom.
[–] Galilguy (2193) a minute ago
Soros is a piece of shit, since selling out his Jewish ethnic roots as a teen to the Nazi's. Soros is pure scum, a globalist piece of garbage who only George Orwell could predict and fathom.
See?? I know this and you know this, and you'll have the usual suspects throwing water on something like this defending him and they have to be Trolling?? It's just perplexing how anyone on the Left can defend George Soros of all people??
For star wars fans, Democrats are like Darth Vader and the dark side. Extremely rich and powerful.
Democrats control the media
Democrats control silicon valley
Democrats have packed the courts
Democrats control the FBI
Democrats control the IRS
Democrats control hollyweird
Democrats control college academia
Trump and the few patriotic leaders are like Luke Skywalker and the light side.