MovieChat Forums > Politics > Prove I'm a leftist

Prove I'm a leftist

You can't.


Your topic and comment are written to the left.


^^^ This.


Will you answer questions about your beliefs honestly?


Yes, try me, unless you ask my views on a certain 2020 French movie called Mignonnes because if I do that, this authoritarian site will sensor me and possibly ban me. I've gotten warnings from the moderators.


Then indeed, you are NOT a leftie. Congradulations. You have won. (on multiple levels)


Why does anyone need to "prove" anything? You know what you are.


We can't prove you're a leftist but we can prove you're one of them pedophiles.

Have you seen his posts on the Cuties board? Wow, this guy is such a perv!



Not all leftists are pedos, but all pedos are leftists.


>>>all pedos are leftists.<<<

Really now?

I'll have to disagree with ya on that one, tvfan. Plenty of righties (and lefties too) have gotten busted for doing it with minors.

So, it's really not a left or right issue.


Than you don't know what a righty is. People pretend and identify as something that they are not.


Cool story, bro.


Facts are Facts, bro.


I guess you think that every bad person in the world is a leftist. If a conservative is bad he becomes a leftist, unless you agree with him. All genuine conservatives must all be little goodies two shoes just like you. I'm not saying you're good, but you must think you are.


He doesn't become anything, he/she is a leftist pretending.


In other words, yes, all bad people are leftists.


Not all leftists are pedos, but all pedos are leftists.


I'm not talking just about pedos, I'm talking about all bad people in general.


You just assert that anyone who is convicted of pedophile was never really a right-winger. No reason to believe this.

According to you any right-winger who commits a crime was never actually a right-winger, it's unfalsifiable.


You imbecilic Brit, I specifically used the word "pedo."


"pedo" is just short for pedophile. But I'll amend:

You just assert that anyone who is convicted of being a pedo was never really a right-winger. No reason to believe this.


What's a righty then?


You don't know what a right-winger is other than what internet scriptures told you.

No matter how much you want it to be:

• A leftist voting for Trump does not make him/her “right-wing”
• A leftist voting for the Republican Party does not make him/her “right-wing”
• A leftist registering as a Republican does not make him/her “right-wing”
• A leftist wearing Swastikas does not make him/her “right-wing”
• A leftist wearing a MAGA hat/shirt does not make him/her “right-wing”
• A leftist claiming to be a conservative does not make him/her “right-wing”
• A leftist claiming to be a Libertarian does not make him/her “right-wing”


So what makes a conservative aka a right wing person.


Sure. But you assume that anyone who has a history of right-wing/conservativism activism and contribution who is convicted of some crime was never really a conservative in the first place. There's no reason to believe this.


Than you don't know what a righty is. People pretend and identify as something that they are not.
the old "False Flag again" ?
A righty gets cought being a pedo , the right's response "he's a lefty pretending to be one of us"

there are countless examples of that get empty excuse over this site


People lie, deceive, pretend, impersonate, fake, falsify, feign, put on an act, make believe, are frauds, ruse, guise, are facades, etc.

Excuse or not; that is a fact since the beginning of human civilization.


Prove it


What are YOU (stickman) doing on the Cuties board?


I was just reading some reviews and noticed that australiboy was on it. How many times have you've seen Cuties? I bet it's a lot...


First heard of it from you now. You chat on it?


You've never heard of the film, "Cuties" (which is called 'Mignonnes' in French)?

It made a pretty big splash for all the wrong reasons when it hit Netflix. I'm sure you can figure out why.

And no, I don't "chat" on it. I think I've posted two replies on that board. I watched it about a year ago just to see what the big deal deal was and while it is controversial, it's not that bad when compared to other coming of age films.

And it looks like Australiboy's post got deleted. lol hahaha... someone didn't like his comments.


I don't care if you're a leftist. Or a rightist.

Have you seen any good movies lately?

I just watched Thanksgiving (2023). was ok.
