Deep State
Real or fake? What do you think?
shareVery Real.
sharei think there is a high probability it exists but it's hard to believe something that will never obviously be visible.
shareIdiotic concoction of the far-right. Whenever some one in government doesn't want to be a total full blown Trump sycophant loyalist, the far-right start crying "Deep State".
It actually has no meaning or basis in reality.
Weird that its a expression seemingly only used by Republicans.
You'd think a hidden cabal of elites running things and getting rich would be a boogeymen of the left.
I guess democrats just have a better grip on reality.
when you republicans say "deep state" you sound as dumb as when you used to like that Qanon thing that you're all embarrassed about now.
same goes for all the other MAGA buzzwords like MSM & CNNMBC etc ad infintum
Very real, and it's been around for years, probably even predating the 20th century, but strangely enough, not causing nearly as much trouble until the modern era.
shareVery Real