MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why have exaggerated narratives become t...

Why have exaggerated narratives become the norm in modern times for society?

It seems people seem to love to scapegoat others for their problems far more often then they used to. It really doesn't seem matter who it is or what side they are on, whether it be Obama, Trump, Biden, or any other President or political figure when it comes to politics, they all get slammed with "They did every single thing wrong and haven't done a single positive thing". Why can't people in contemporary times acknowledge the reality of things? It seems we have grown into first-rate Narcissism.


Leftist ideology cannot stand on it own merit due to lies and deceit, it needs to appeal to emotions to take ahold. The best way to appeal to emotions is to use radical language, and pretend the problems are 1000x worse than they really are.

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Otherism is worse than Racism.


Every right-wing accusation is a confession. ; )


So is every left wing accusation...what's your point?

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Otherism is worse than Racism.


Thank you for providing yet another example that right-wingers never have an original thought either.

right-wingers just sit around waiting for Liberals/Democrats to provide factual observations about right-wingers, then try to co-opt said observations by claiming they were the ones who made them in the first you've just provided yet another example of right here. ; )


I'd say it's by design.

If you hate X or Y, you're not hating, I dunno, maybe the real enemy.

And maybe the real enemy ain't one person or thing, it's a collective of certain people who just want more and play fools of us to get what they want.


Left Wing media(Run by Jews), has cornered the market on fake outrage and racial hate.

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Otherism is worse than Racism.


Sorry, but this type of post on the Politics board is an example of both-sidism that simply isn't based in reality.

The only people who will likely agree, and most likely wholeheartedly, are right-wingers who need for everyone to believe it's true so they can rationalize their extreme, uninformed behaviors/beliefs, and exaggerated narratives.

THAT is the reality of things political these days.


When did it ever stop? People have been exaggerating public narratives for centuries. The only things that changed were the method and style used, as well as the scapegoat(s).


Like the small fish that turned into a whale, lol.


Perfect example is Michael Brown. That lie still persists to this day.

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Otherism is worse than Racism.


WhotoTrust is correct. The OP comment refers to right-wingers because their media and politicians emphasize anger, hatred, fear and scapegoating to energize their constituents and maintain viewership.
