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Why Hasn't Hamas Formerly Declared War Against Israel?

Probably because they aren't a legitimate Government, but instead, a terrorist organization, who goes directly after civilians in the most brutal ways possible, while also using their own people as human shields.

When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor for example in a sneak attack, at least they stuck to military targets and officially declared war 2 hours later.

Hamas = neutered cowards.


I don't know what Hamas thought they would accomplish by attacking Israel which has one of the most powerful militaries in the world. What is Hamas' endgame?


I think they were looking for Israel's overreaction to recruit more relatives of dead family members. And also something about preventing a turning point in the relationship btw Saudi Arabia and Israel.


A couple possibilities come to mind. First, Israel's response will create more animosity towards them in the global Muslim community, which has always been a goal.

Second, perhaps Israel's response to the massacre will be an excuse for other entities to attack. Right now the conflict is somewhat isolated, but it's looking like Hezbollah wants to jump in to the foray. If Iran gets involved directly, we'll, I don't even want to think about that.


Between Israel and the U.S.A., Hezzbollah will be annihilated, along with Hamas, for the betterment of the world. We already have an incredibly powerful military presence of determent in the Mediterranean Sea, which is headed by the USS Gerald Ford, the biggest, baddest, most expensive aircraft carrier to date:


I've read Israel has created a task force to hunt down every single participant in the recent attacks. The big test will be to see what Iran might do once the ground offensive starts in Gaza.


True, we'll see if it goes beyond "saber rattling." I've seen several reports recently that Iran is closer than ever to acquiring a nuclear weapon, which undoubtedly has an emboldening influence.


"The first casualty when war comes, is truth." Hiram Johnson, Republican Senator
