MovieChat Forums > Politics > So, what have the Biden admin. done to e...

So, what have the Biden admin. done to ease the sufferings of the American people?

From the poor polls all around


Still high grocery prices and other prices in general

Their progressive ilk supporting Hamas/Palestine or both

Slowing down of EV sales in favor of hybrids or just gas.


Lead us out of the pandemic by quickly getting the vaccine to hundreds of millions quickly.

Repaired the bad economy and unemployment caused by Trump.

Poverty dropped to its lowest rate in decades thanks to Biden's policies even while Trump had crashed the economy and millions more were unemployed.

Economy is strong. Salaries went up.

NATO is stronger.

Russia is weaker. Putin begging for help from various dictators.

Great news! Murder rate just plunged nationwide thanks to stronger gun laws and other democratic policies.

Savings way up for most Americans thanks to the stronger economy.


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Trump got the vaccine out quickly. Not Biden. Plus it didn't help.
The Bad economy was caused by COVID and democrats who escalated and exaggerated the deadliness of a cough.
Poverty numbers are skewed by fake numbers
Economy is not based on Salaries
NATO are scum
Russia has made more money thanks to Biden's energy policies
Murder rates - Homicide and most other violent crimes declined in American cities in the first half of 2023, but they remain above levels seen before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic
Homeless way up for most of America thanks to Biden economy. But yeah, continuing bragging about an uptick comparing to a total shut down brought on by dems in places like NY and California who did nothing but accelerate to defy Trump.


Nope. The companies had been working on a coronavirus vaccine for 10-years which is why they were able to easily and quickly alter a little of its code to fight covid. Furthermore, Trump had no plan to distribute the vaccine quickly. That was Biden through executive order which Trump refused to use.

Buck stops with the president, Trump mismanaged covid and ended up getting hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly killed by telling them not to follow science until he was hospitalized. He also removed American doctors who were in China protecting us from pandemics which allowed it to spread and he didn't follow the pandemic playbook left by previous presidents which worsened the crisis.

Russia is weak and begs other countries for help because of Biden.

Murder lower under Biden's strong anti-gun policies and other measures.

Nothing fake about poverty lowered because of Biden's policies. The economy is strong which is why salaries are up and companies still hiring.

You don't like NATO because you love Putin and other dictators.

Homelessness rose in the U.S. after pandemic aid dried up. Thank Republicans for that.



Can we please just get this over with? Either prove to me that I "repeatedly lied" about what you said about Israeli Jews going to Australia or admit that I was right.

This is very simple. If it's too much work for you to actually prove me wrong then just admit that I was right and that will be the end of it.


More lies.




Trump had no plan to distribute the vaccine quickly. That was Biden through executive order which Trump refused to use.

Yeah, that worked out great didn't it? People forced to take it or lose their jobs for something that has proven to cause more harm than COVID.

"Trump mismanaged covid and ended up getting hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly killed by telling them not to follow science until he was hospitalized."

Wrong again. The Science was wrong, it was always wrong. It's still wrong today and they will never cop to it because they lawsuits and malpractice payouts would bankrupt the entire pharmacutical and medical industry. Anyone who put someone on a ventilator would COVID should have their license revoked. Anyone who made the statement the VAX is safe and effective should be sued to bankruptcy and beyond. But you're so dumb, you're choosing this issue as the hill to die on. You actually think Biden's handling of a phony fucking pandemic is a feather in his cap. Yeah another feather of massive fraud, deceit, and corruption.

"Murder lower under Biden's strong anti-gun policies and other measures."

Wrong. I already told you, that's a phony statement, using COVID lockdown numbers as a comparison, but are still going up. It's the first god damn result when you search. Exactly what I typed previously. And you're lying and spreading misinformation about Russia too.
Homelessness would not need to rise if the so call economy was doing great, and jobs were on the rise. Whoops. Someone doesn't know basic economy rules.


Yup! "The lie is on her lips, such an evil child..."


If that's all well said and true, why such horrible poll numbers? People would be flocking to him and praising him then. I think the salary has only gone up in certain states/cities but that's only to counter the *ahem* rising inflation so no, only a placebo effect of rising wages when it's more or less the same low pay when you start spending it.


"why such horrible poll numbers?"

Stupid pills? After all, half Americans think Trump was a great president, won election and Jan. 6 was normal behavior.

re: inflation
* The more money in the economy, the more inflation increases.

Short answer:
Wages for regular folks went up (see above). Fewer workers drove up wages.

Catch 22.

Longer answer:
Furthermore, to prevent a major recession during covid, the economy was flooded with extra government cash to help businesses stay open, child tax credit, student loan forgiveness, extended and higher unemployment, and extended medicaid for uninsured which lowered poverty and put more money in folks' pockets. (see above)

Also: More cash = more spending

Bottlenecks occurred in chain supply when need couldn't be meant because of fewer workers and more demand which is why prices went up.

Economy was running on all cylinders.

At the same time, Republicans rescinded the above money to folks leaving them poorer.

Feds want to lower inflation by increasing unemployment which means lower wages and less cash in economy.

It's working since inflation is much lower, but they want it at 2%.

BTW, inflation is nothing new. A house costs $2,938 in 1940:


That's a convoluted mess.

The number one priority of the Federal Reserve is to avoid DEFLATION. (yeah I know "Their task is to maintain price stability and low unemployment and high productivity and candy and unicorns.) Sustained deflation brings out the pitchforks and the torches.

Where you stand on inflation is where you sit - if you got a 30-year fixed rate mortgage at 3.5% you're dancing in the street if inflation is 7, 8, 9% (assuming you're a civil servant who will get COLA raises.)

Inflation was undeniable in Summer 2021. Jerome Powell kept printing money almost until June 2022 - he was still printing money even after he started raising interest rates in March 2022.


Personally, I prefer deflation. I went food shopping last week and noticed some prices had dropped. I don't complain when prices come down.

COLA is BS. There are severe limits on COLA, therefore civil servants still lose most of their money. For instance, COLA may only apply to a small percentage of the pension or go into effect after a few years. And yearly raises are always lower than interest rates. Also, the government under counts the inflation rate.

I've decided that regular folks suffer under American-style capitalism. I know families that earn $200k and are struggling even though they live modestly. Something is seriously wrong.


Biden has a huge number of covid deaths under his watch.

Economy is not good as inflation and gas prices are high you are paying approx 700 more a month under Biden.

World war Imminent

Epidemic levels of young Americans dying from smuggled in drugs.

What have Democrats added to the debt so far?


They have only provided more suffering and debt 💸


Literally nothing. Everything was better under Trump.

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Otherism is worse than Racism.


They've only made things worse so nothing.


They're trying to put us out of our collective misery, but they are like that incompetent guy you sometimes see in the old Westerns who has to use ten bullets to put down his wounded horse.


"Slowing down of EV sales in favor of hybrids or just gas."

This sounds like a positive thing, IMO. If it's true, I don't know if Biden deserves credit for it.


Positive in the sense this makes EV companies have to slash costs of their vehicles which is a net loss in terms of sale.


I was looking at it in terms of realizing that smaller, lighter, gas cars are likely more "green" than EVs. Sometimes one makes bad investments. First step in getting out of a hole is to stop digging.


"Their progressive ilk supporting Hamas/Palestine or both"

You forgot to mention Biden supporting Nazis like Volodomir Zelenskyy.


Oh, please! Zelensky is a Jew himself. He can't be a Nazi.


Fake News. Dollars to Bagels dude's rockin a foreskin.


I have no idea whether or not Zelensky was circumcised but he's Jewish either way. He's from a Jewish family and everyone considers him to be Jewish. It's absurd to call him a Nazi.


The Biden administration has been granting student loan forgiveness through these existing programs on a rolling basis since coming into office and has discharged a total of $127 billion for nearly 3.6 million people to date.

I don't agree with penalizing people who made good life choices, in favor of people who made poor life choices, but someone's "suffering" was eased... Trump's Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, thought the solution was bigger Federal Government, and more money, to certain "preferred" borrowers... William F. Buckley is rolling in his grave...
