Trump had no plan to distribute the vaccine quickly. That was Biden through executive order which Trump refused to use.
Yeah, that worked out great didn't it? People forced to take it or lose their jobs for something that has proven to cause more harm than COVID.
"Trump mismanaged covid and ended up getting hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly killed by telling them not to follow science until he was hospitalized."
Wrong again. The Science was wrong, it was always wrong. It's still wrong today and they will never cop to it because they lawsuits and malpractice payouts would bankrupt the entire pharmacutical and medical industry. Anyone who put someone on a ventilator would COVID should have their license revoked. Anyone who made the statement the VAX is safe and effective should be sued to bankruptcy and beyond. But you're so dumb, you're choosing this issue as the hill to die on. You actually think Biden's handling of a phony fucking pandemic is a feather in his cap. Yeah another feather of massive fraud, deceit, and corruption.
"Murder lower under Biden's strong anti-gun policies and other measures."
Wrong. I already told you, that's a phony statement, using COVID lockdown numbers as a comparison, but are still going up. It's the first god damn result when you search. Exactly what I typed previously. And you're lying and spreading misinformation about Russia too.
Homelessness would not need to rise if the so call economy was doing great, and jobs were on the rise. Whoops. Someone doesn't know basic economy rules.