You are being conned!
Prove me wrong:
The Democrats are the fiscally conservative party
The Republicans are the socially liberal party
Both pretend otherwise, and voters are confused.
Prove me wrong:
The Democrats are the fiscally conservative party
The Republicans are the socially liberal party
Both pretend otherwise, and voters are confused.
Yeah... that's more like prove yourself right.
"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
Neither party is fiscally conservative. Republicans are the socially liberal party is a comical statement.
shareYou just blew my mind. I can't discuss.
shareWhen you say Republicans are the socially liberal party I assume you're referring to their support for greater social freedom through their opposition to a lot of the "wokeness" the left is trying to impose on society such as politically correct lingo, cancel culture and the authoritarian imposition of new sexual/gender norms that impose on cisgender rights and privacy. I assume you say Democrats are the fiscally conservative party because they want to raise taxes to pay for government spending but I would disagree with that assessment because of all the things they want to spend billions and trillions of dollars on such as the Green New Deal and a whole host of other environmental regulations, reparations for slavery and welfare for millions of brand new illegal immigrants. The Democrats couldn't possibly raise enough taxes to pay for everything they want, especially while they destroy the economy with all of their environmental regulations.
shareYou are buying the talking points of the right-wing media. They have you hook, line and sinker.
shareThere is NOTHING fiscally conservative about the democratic party and there's no pretending about it. They are still spending like crazy to buy votes, and causing more issues to require MORE spending to keep their voting base dependent on their handouts. So, you're proven wrong. Not even close to being right.
share1/2 Democrats are fiscally conservative because they actual have (and even campaign on) the intention to implement moderate increases in tax policy, and stiffer audits, particularly on high earners, to offset their spending.
Yes, they also spend on things like defense, infrastructure and healthcare because it’s economically stimulative. If Republicans didn’t do so at all, then I may agree with you. But they have, in fact, been the pork barrel champions of D.C.
It’s a no-brainer that tax increases are an unpopular act with pretty much everyone affected. Therefore, it takes political courage and indicates a certain integrity to do so and be upfront with the voters about your intentions while explaining your goals. You might compare it to perhaps a family decision to buy a second vehicle. It’s an upgrade in the standard of living, but if it’s done by taking out an equity loan on an unpaid mortgage without further changes, it’s irresponsible. If it’s done by having the one or both partners pick up an extra shift or part-time job, or perhaps drive the new car for Uber and use it to pay for itself, then it’s a decision done much more responsibly. As an analogy, I find that to be adequate and illustrative.
Democratic Party voters seem to care about the experience, tact, honesty and, frankly, intelligence, of their Representatives more than the other party.
Their leaders:
—work harder
—coordinate better
—have temperance
—don’t have shutdowns
—hold their own accountable
—coalesce around goals
—aren’t there for non-stop political grandstanding
These are all indicators of a stable, conservative mindset. Whereas GOP have become careless and radicalized. They made “liberal” a dirty word, and then somehow embraced the lifestyle.
2/2 If Republicans actually cut spending like they say they will in concordance with their tax cuts (which come EVERY cycle they have the means to do it) then I might agree with you. I’ve seen no evidence that this has been the case in my lifetime, even when they controlled two or three Branches of gov’t. They spend like crazy regardless of what they say. I think during the Eisenhower years was the last time Republicans were fiscally conservative and balanced the budget. At a certain point, you just have admit that they are just con artists who are buying the votes as well.
They want to have their cake and to eat it, too.
I also don’t see many arguments against my proposition that Republicans are now socially liberal. Where are the evangelicals? Unless the 2024 convention nominates Mike Pence (who I would consider voting for even as a Dem, and social conservative) then I still see them and their voters as a bunch of degenerate infidels who approve of the pussy-grabber-in-chief and his Stormy Daniels porn-star lifestyle.
Holy fucking delusional. What a mess. Im not even bothering to unpack that mess.
shareYou can't. The logic is sound. Stop listening to what candidates are saying, and start looking at what they are doing. Follow the ballooning deficits during Republican control. A smaller social safety net, plus tax cuts for the rich, and still resulting in trillions in debt over the decades? It can only mean one thing. They are oligarchial, and subscribe to a sort of "trickle-up" economic theory. The ones who are elected on a national level are stifling the working and middle classes for decades to come. It's not even about the poor. The poorest have nothing left to lose anyhow, and most probably don't vote.
I will grant you one thing. On a state-and-local level, Republicans probably aren't really like this so much, and that contributes to the confusion. I grew up in a small town with a conservative 'R' mayor, city council, and state legislature rep. and it was consistently a boring place with no change for decades. It almost looked like something out of the 19th century, except without the horses. Probably that's what the voters wanted! Eventually, though, the area had a population boom, out-of-staters moved there in droves, voted for Dems starting with some really stellar mayors, and the area was revitalized with industry, better schools, highways, roundabouts, beaches along the Columbia River, and an old-town main street that was converted to thriving commercial center. Businesses came, property values rose and slums dissipated.
On a national level, on the other hand, the Ivy League Republicans in D.C. are corporate shills who will spend us to the ground, and offer kickbacks to their rich buddies. They are not public servants, as they are too busy golfing and yachting.
If you are a fiscal & social conservative Republican, the best practice would be to vote across party line. Rs locally, but Ds for governor, president, and the reps going to the U.S. Capitol. Simple as that.