Race has been touted as a motivation by folks on social media. The cyclist was a white 64-year-old retired police chief. Why not make it a racially motivated hate crime murder as is often the case when the races are reversed. At least until further notice and then just quietly slink away.
But it isn't against the law to kill someone anymore in those cities. The press should do some research in those areas before they publish.The US doesn't have a generic law.
It's the fault of evil whitey somehow. According to this piece in the WSJ, black on black homicide is due to blacks adopting white southern violence.
Such depolicing undoubtedly contributed to the murder spike, but it doesn’t explain the extreme numbers of black lethal shootings.
This is attributable to a subculture of violence among low-income male African-Americans. A propensity to resolve interpersonal conflict through violence traces back to the 19th-century South, where whites manifested similar behavior. Historians have dubbed it an “honor culture.” Blacks, overwhelmingly Southerners in the 19th century, adopted the white Southern subculture of violence and took it to Northern cities in the Great Migration.
That helps explain the elevated black-on-black violent-crime rates since the start of the 20th century and even into the 21st.
Does that explain all the black on black violence in Chicago, Baltimore, NYC, Niger, Nigeria, Wakawnda, Haiti, Rwanda, and other places where they have no problem stealing kids to make them child soldiers?
Not racism at all to tag these 2 sub-humans as “feral animals”. It is what it is. The oldest one should have been behind bars and forgot about. Most of these no-nothing pond scum have a rap sheet which would shock most of us and they’re on the street! I once heard a cop say after a horrendous murder “I’ll lay odds the killer is or the killers are in the system.”
George Floyd should have been in prison. Maybe if he had been where he belonged he would still be alive. If the cop had been terminated long before the incident due to write ups, he wouldn’t be in prison. It was a most perfect storm which set our cities on fire. If the cities are run by Democrats law enforcement is told to step down. After all our cities on fire, 20 plus people murdered was just a “summer of love”.
Our justice system has gone to hell in a hand basket and the damn idiot sheriff should be the one to carry the basket. He loves criminals, had a memorial for George Floyd, admired Floyd. This is the sheriff doing what he does best when it comes to criminals.😘😘😘😘 kissing their asses!
Case in point, the following “feral animals” are still alive after committing the murder of six people and a little dog in 2004. Almost 20 years and they are still living.
BTW, to repeat it’s not racism to call the 2 murderers “feral animals”. When I first watched the video I thought they were White and felt the same way about them. They are vermin who need to be eradicated.
I did get rather excited, didn’t I? You should have known me when I was young. Besides being excited (frisky) I could drink any guy under the table. 🤷🏼♀️ Party hardy with a red SOLO cup! 😉
Floyd couldnt go to prison. He's claustrophobic. That's why he couldnt get in the back of that spacious police SUV and wanted to lay down on the street so he can piss his pants and cry for his mommy like a bitch.
I have a feeling the woman who was preggers didn’t have empathy for him after he robbed her while holding a gun on her. Why in the hell wasn’t he in prison with his rap sheet glued to his back?
Video shows he was akin to a feral cat while the cops were attempting to get him into the vehicle. He was put inside then he managed to fight his way out on the other side. Adrenaline kicked in with the cop who killed him so instead of the knee to Floyd’s back he kneed the back of his neck which killed him. Did he have trouble restraining Floyd as per permitted tactics? I don’t know, but I do know the other cops should have assisted when Floyd cried out he couldn’t breathe. Instead they just watched like lumps on a log.
It still irks me why $40,000.00 was spent on Floyd’s gold plated casket. That type of money could have helped so many in the Black community.
the cops should help him out? How? The only thing that was going to help him, was a stomach pump. And Chauvin was using permitted, directed, safe tactics for someone with excited delirium. The knee on his back did NOTHING. If it hurt enough to kill, Saint Floyd wouldn't have been able to talk, complain about his dick, and cry for his mommy. He couldn't breath because the drugs he swallowed, combined with his COVID, made his respiratory system fail, and as that was happening, made him piss himself.
By assisting Chauvin in his attempt to restrain Floyd. Yes, the Minneapolis police dept. trains officers how to do neck restraints if the officer fears for his life or being injured, but only for a few minutes in order to handcuff the perp. Once the handcuffs are on, the perp needs to be turned over & in an upright position. This is where the other officers failed and that is why they were charged.
If you read my post thoroughly you would see where I wrote “Did he have trouble restraining Floyd as per permitted tactics? I don’t know,…”
You know he was going to die, right? No matter what the cops did. He's on bodycam a year earlier getting caught trying to swallowing his pills, and on camera his deathday tossing an empty baggy, meaning, he accomplished he stupid goal. He took a lethal dose 11x the amount. The drugs killed him, which is good. He deserved it.
If these videos don’t show Floyd resisting arrest and fighting with the officers, I don’t know what will. They made Floyd out to be a martyr when in fact he was a drug induced thug. He should have been in prison.
Those are informative videos. In the bing video, Floyd states that he can't breathe at 7:07, 7:52 and 8:28. This was long before the officers put him in the restraint position. I would have acquitted the officers since Floyd was having trouble breathing before he was put in the restraint position.
The youtube video below is a leaked video of the bodycam from one of the other officers.
I couldn’t open your link, but there is another video recording through the windshield. He’s fighting them. I couldn’t find it this morning, but I recall seeing it..
I would have acquitted the officers since Floyd was having trouble breathing before he was put in the restraint position.
Well theres two ways of looking at it:
1) He was already having trouble breathing therefore the police restraint wasnt OTT - a healthy person would have survived.
2) He was having trouble breathing and informed them of that and instead of addressing this problem they choked him for 10 minutes and finished him off.
Everybody looks at each incident through a different lens and has their own worldviews. I would argue that it cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the officers' actions caused George Floyd's death.
The maximal restraint technique was in the police training manual. The manual did note that the recovery position might be warranted if the perp is having difficulty breathing. The link below shows the maximal restraint position in page 26 and the recovery position in page 28. Page 23 shows the symptoms of excited delirium and that would correspond to Floyd's condition. The cops did follow the training but they probably should have put him in the recovery position.
The cops did call the ambulance. Police recruitment and retention will fall if the cops are held accountable for every loony, junkie or criminal who dies while resisting arrest. Floyd could have easily complied and sat in the back of the cruiser but he resisted arrest.
We need to stop sheilding underage kids. We need to be able to discuss these issues, fully.
And yes, the passenger needs to be arrested too. AND it should be looked at as a possible hate crime. If we have laws about hate crimes, they need to be applied "both ways",
The media needs to give these stories equal coverage. If you go by what the mainstream media tells us you'd think that there were little to no hate crimes committed by non-whites. They inject race into incidents that have no evidence race a factor frequently when the alleged aggressor is white, and the alleged victim is not white.
If Darrell Brooks trampling dozens of people and killing 7 Christians at a Christmas Day parade, while making racist remarks on youtube, wasn't a hate crime, NOTHING IS! Or the federal justice department is a disgrace (obvious choice under Biden).
I believe the 2 sub-humans were White. Look very closely to see the flash of the murderous driver, also on the right side mirror you can see the SOB recording the murder. Both should face a firing squad, but that wouldn’t be done in today’s time. Lethal injection would work.
The report stated his name can’t be listed due to his age of 17. In Florida his name could be released. The SOB filming the murder would be as guilty as the driver. In Florida he would be deemed as guilty.
I watched it again. Kid in the passenger seat filming is Black, driver is not White. Even when White dudes talk ghetto, you can still tell they are White.
Maybe you’re right. I do need new eyewear & I’m using an iPad. IMO, if a kid is at least 15 years of age their names should be listed along with a photo. I regret having to say this, but they are vermin. What do we do with vermin? These rats in the form of human beings should be done away with as they are useless to a sane society. They have no soul.
”Unfortunately, as our city is dying around us, our WOKE Sheriff Kevin McMahill makes excuses for violent thugs, telling local reporters “They have no job. They have no opportunity. They have no really home life, oftentimes and so we have to continue our effort there and try to make a difference.” A month earlier the same sheriff praised the criminal George Floyd and told his officers not to use mean language to describe troubled neighborhoods.”
Damn excuse for a sheriff! I hope he’s ousted after his “kiss the asses of criminals” remarks.
This almost made me upchuck my dinner. From the same idiot sheriff:
”After throwing his own officers under the bus, he then attacked them and other officers around the country when he showed videos of the criminal George Floyd and claimed that police being mean to these criminals was why recruitment was so low – NO jackass, recruitment is low because no one wants to work for a Sherriff who bans his officers from doing the work they need to do to keep us safe.
McMahill took time to praise the criminal drug addict George Floyd and played a memorial video for the drug addict. At the same time, he defended the local protestors who created chaos throughout Las Vegas.”
”WOKE Las Vegas Sherriff pledges to be more friendly to criminals!”
🙄 And here folks we have a lefty chastising the commentator who called the useless sheriff a “jackass”. But, not a word denouncing the 2 pos evildoers! Why am I not surprised? 🤷🏼♀️ Wrong is right with the left, while right is wrong with left-wingers. They will always go after the law abiding while defending or remaining silent when it comes to criminals and their evil deeds.
FYI, There are words much more colorful to describe this character playing like a sheriff.
At first I couldn’t believe what chatterbox wrote. I had to read it twice even though I shouldn’t be surprised coming from this poster. Of all the details about this no-nothing 🫢🫢 sheriff who took time to praise the criminal drug addict George Floyd. He even played a memorial video for the drug addict. At the same time he defended the local protestors who created chaos throughout Las Vegas.”
So, Chatterbox instead called out a person who named the sheriff for what he is a…JACKASS!
Finally these 2 worthless pos are named & photos shown. Thank God one of the mothers is full of remorse for what her sub-human son did. The other one, I refuse to call her a “mother” more like a broodmare, is of course defending her sub-human son. She said “My son's side of the story will be told - "the truth" - not the inaccuracies the media will try to portray.' “
Hey! POS broodmare, with your history you wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped you in the face!
I’m attempting to locate the maximum sentence for a 16 year old convicted for murder.Can the 16 year old murderer be sentenced for life? IMO, once convicted the sentence for murder should be by hanging or by a firing squad. If he gets life, it should be without the possibility of parole.
The older (driver) one will be tried in Adult court & could be given the death penalty Yay! If it happens!