MovieChat Forums > Politics > No the Nazis were not left wing

No the Nazis were not left wing

despite libertarians trying to rewrite history, Hitler and the nazis certainly aw themselves as closer to the right. No

-THe beerhall Putsch was led by an aliance of hitler as well as a right wing general. why are you teaming up with a leading right wing figure if you are a left wing socialist??? WHy is a right wing general teaming up with a left wing party???

-Every single right wing party voted for the enabling act while all the left wing ones voted against it. if the nazis are clearly leftists, why are the right wing parties all voting to give them absolute power???

-The Nazis were allies with right wing parties in both federal and provincial elections. including a coalition government. weird how you ONLY ally with right wing parties... its almost like, they were closer to them ideologically..

-The DVP, a far right party, almost merged with the Nazis before it fell through. why if the Nazis are a left wing party is a far right one trying to merge with them?

-right wing leaders were ALL spared and retained seats in reichstaag. weird how every single major left wing leader was executed or fled Germany. while EVERY SINGLE right wing party leader lived out their lives in germany??? its almost like hitler didnt see the right as a group as his enemy

-the Nazis mass persecuted left wingers systematically as a group. irrelevant of whether they were direct opponents or not. including during the enabling act and after wheres 100s of thousands were sent to concentration camps. communists and SPD members were rounded up en masse and sent to camps. While left wing lawyers, judges, teachers and bureaucrats were replaced too. wheres the right wing systematic round up and persecution as a group?

Weird how EVERY OTHER right wing party didnt see the nazis as ideologically dichotomous and instead closer to them. Weird how when they get absolute totalitarian power, they ONLY systematically target left wingers as a group, never the right.

i think libertarians need to get a time machine and go tell the Nazis "hey you are doing it wrong!!! you are on the left!!!! you are supposed to target right wingers as a group!!!".

Ultimately the nazis were third way. they saw themselves above it all and blended by capitalism and socialism in a form they saw as "free from jewish bolveshivism and capitalism". but ultimately they were closer to the right.


Great talk .

I just have one quibble , who are these "Libertarians" ?
There are many definitions

and have you got any examples of them trying to rewrite history by calling Nazis "left" ?


Maybe they’re the same libertarians that see Abraham Lincoln as a worse tyrant than Jefferson Davis.


i am referencing a particular one who has semi popular videos on youtube name "tikHistory"

while his pure history videos are quite good, as soon as he starts injecting his libertarian politics into it it gets quite insane and nonsensical. he is also so extreme he doesnt even want schools, police or courts as part of the government and thinks society could work with them privatized fully... so he is on the far end even for a libertarian.

including making claims like

Well, since we do not use commodity money (gold or silver) as our means of exchange, by Karl Marx's own definition, we do not have capital, and thus, cannot have capitalism. Karl Marx also called for central banking in the Communist Manifesto. Why? Because he wanted to use a fiat currency system rather than money (gold and silver). That's where we are right now. We live in a fiat currency world - meaning that we live in a central planner world (Socialism).

and when i asked him how courts and police and proeprty rights could be protected in his libertarian society he went on this insane rant

Okay, let's assume that a free market can only work with State control. This means we're no longer able to talk to each other, since the State has not sanctioned our conversation (state control of the means of production - we are producing words). The fact that we're able to talk without some commissar giving us permission to do so, is a testament to the fact that humans act on their own free will without the need for guidance from some central organized society - the State. Similarly, property is myself, whatever I own, the money in my pocket etc. I don't need a State to sanction that I have things. I have things because I create or trade with other individuals for things. Don't need a State for that. You list a corporation or a court doing things, and then proceed to call them 'private'. Private means 'individual', while hierarchies of society (nations, unions, syndicates, corporations, States, governments etc

he even argues corporations are socialism... but his definition of socialism is so insanely broad everything is "socialist" except literally a single private individual. he based it off the 1700 year old Latin word for "public" and the latin word for "private". so since according to the old meaning of this word therefore anything not private is public is hence cooperative, syndacalist and hence socialism.

im sure you can see the flaw with this nonsense redefinition and his methodology to get it. using "etymological voodoo" to redefine terms especially this incredibly braodly is silly.

as he defended his insane beliefs more and more he had to continually doubel down on his ridiculous claims or else the whole house of cards would fall down. leading to this Gem where he claims North korea is a dmeocracy....

"Democracy is People Power. Except the People are the Public and the Public is the State. So Democracy is State Power. North Korea is a Democracy, because the State is in power. This is why the Founding Fathers knew that democracy was bad and called their government a Republic. Also, I explained all this in the video".


Thankyou for that comprehensive answer ! I'll take a looky at his channel


he has some shorter ones than the 4 hour one i linked.

but ya even if you watch the public vs private one you will see his insanity slowely unfold and the foundation of his crazy beliefs. but even thats almost 2 hours


What's "right" and what's "left" for you?

However, after our first encounter yesterday at the CIA ☺ I lack any motivation to discuss with you.

Highly recommonded this discussion to clarify some terms and misconceptions.



you came to whine and say you dont want to discuss? because i asked for evidence? so why are you here?


"whine"? ☺

I'm here to provide you with some knowledge.


you provided nothing. i didnt come to ask for answers and discuss this, by you providing me with another discussion. either make an argument or dont.

am i supposed to read through 30+ comments and decide which you support?


You don't need to.
You can stay how you are...ignorant.

Cheerio! 🍒​


please keep telling me, the political science student how ignorant i am, because rather than providing an argument, you directed me to read 100+ paragraphs and decifer out what side you agree with...

youd know how to formulate arguments if you had any actual education.

you basically used a gishgallop citation paragraph dump. you offered no specific place for me to look, no specific argument, you just said "here read 100+ paragraphs and somewhere in there is the argument i believe, oh you wont read 100 paragraph? you are Ignorant!!!!"

no you are just lazy


Man, you losers really give quite a bit of power to a dude that LOST. Lmao.

I mean... Stalin, Mao, and Pot murdered 10x + the amount of people that Hitler allegedly did. From an outside perspective, why would I give a rats ass about the guy that LOST? 🤣🤣

I'm way more concerned about the ideology that led to 100+ million deaths!

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


What else do you expect from Canucks with their mouth stuck to Trudeau’s rectum?

This is the typical bait post of fabricated left-wing lies as usual…prepare for another dumbassery response from the OP, lol.🤣


Man, you losers really give quite a bit of power to a dude that LOST. Lmao.

because of tards like you! look at your tagline!

When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."

which is it? liberalism? socialism? communism?

I mean... Stalin, Mao, and Pot murdered 10x + the amount of people that Hitler allegedly did. From an outside perspective, why would I give a rats ass about the guy that LOST? 🤣🤣

lol "alledgedly". the issue is im not trying to reinvent history like the clowns on your side. im not trying to act like Mao and Stalin were right wingers. it your clown side who is trying to lie and reinvent history. Also lets be honest, WW2 is far more interesting than some dictator who just kills people domestically. it doesnt mean it wasnt worse. just the hoardes of Nazis making war across europe, the Commies vs the nazis vs the alies and democracies is 10000000X more interesting than "Stalin did purges and killed people and people starved".

I'm way more concerned about the ideology that led to 100+ million deaths!"

you are concerned by an ideology that basically doesnt exist and no one is pushing?

ive already educated you on this clown, you ran away from that convo too! like you did with global warming. debates about taxation and increasing some government programs isnt communism. its disagreements about nuances in the mixed market economy.


Dude, fix your own country. Your Dear Leader is a dictator that wants to take away people's ability to live if they don't agree with his bullshit.

Y'all have enough problems with Authoritarianism up there.

I'm sorry my signature is so full of truth it hurts you.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


hhahahahah "dictator" "authoritatian". you keep using terms you dont understand. but that seems to be your entire existence.

its so full of truth you cant explain or prove it.
