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Why GOP voters are so loyal to Trump

Republican primary voters are showing no signs of easing their support for former President Trump as their 2024 GOP presidential candidate.

Trump’s lead in the presumptive field of GOP presidential candidates has widened in most polling, even as he finds himself embroiled in high-profile legal battles and as the party grapples with a worse-than-expected midterm election.

Though the presidential debates and primaries are still months away, pollsters and even some anti-Trump Republicans point to the former president’s recent indictment and his no-holds-barred approach to his presumptive GOP rivals as being among the reasons some in the party are still leaning toward the former president.

“Donald Trump has conditioned … a pretty serious majority of the Republican base to believe that any legal critique of him, any external charge made against him is invalid and a product of the ‘deep state’ or a conspiracy of some kind to take him away from Republican voters,” said Rick Wilson, co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project.

Thankfully there are not enough Trump supporters to reelect Trump.


It's not TRUMP that has "conditioned" us to "believe" any "external charge" against him is a a "product" of some type of "conspiracy".

It is the hysterical rage and hate from liberals and their actions.


This is pretty much it, thread over.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Oh please, he's constantly complaining about liberals, the "deep state," the press--there's nothing he takes responsibility for (in his own words). Almost every time he opens his mouth he lies (great recent example--he said E Jean Caroll was not "his type" [btw, going against the pretty well established fact that rapists don't discriminate on looks] but when shown a photograph of her when she was young he mistook her for his ex-wife!)


It is not his words that convinced us of the hysterical rage of the libs. It was the hysterical rage of the libs.

Pointing to his words, is kind of irrelevant to that point. My point is that YOUR actions defined you, not his words.


- Some trump supporters remain loyal to him because they refuse to acknowledge the truth about his narcissistic/fascist mentality, which is also true about themselves and why they refuse to acknowledge it exists in ANY of them.

- Some trump supporters remain loyal to him because the legislation he promotes benefits their pocketbooks.

- And some trump supporter remain loyal to him because they've had their patriotism and religiosity used to condition them to vote against their own best favor of the interests of those who have conditioned them.

It's simply no more complicated than that.


You clearly hate US. And yet you cannot imagine that we disagree with you as to our own best interests.

The problem might be on your end. We understand ourselves far better than you do.


No, based on the category of trump supporter that you placed yourself in, you clearly hate the idea that the U.S. is supposed to stand for, which is, that the true ideas of patriotism and religion are supposed to look out for EVERYONE, not just trump supporters.


Nice assertion. Care to back it up with an example from policy or action?


You've already provided the example with your own comment/"action" where you claimed Democrats "hate" you.

You telling yourself that is true, and then obviously actually believing it to be true, proves that you don't understand yourselves as well as you "believe" you do.


Me believing that you hate us, is not us wanting the us to just look out for us.

I'm fine with all US citizens having their rights and interests represented in national policy.

From my perspective, it seemed that you people flipped out and are still raging, becuase WE finally got a voice, when Trump ran.

We just wantn equal representation and consideration, that we have not been getting for a long time now.


Except for the fact that you are listening to trump, who is telling YOU to hate others who don't share your "voice".


I don't know where you got that, but I never heard Trump nor any of my fellow Trump supporters say anything liket that.

You should give the people YOU listent to, a real good look.

Meanwhile, till you do that, the hate I talked about, that I see directed at me and mine, constantly is still a thing.

Are you really unaware of it?


All you've proven is that YOU aren't REALLY listening to trump or your fellow trump supporters.

So I don't have to ask if you are unaware of THAT. You already just proved it. ; )


LOL. You just proved that you are unaware of the very concept of supporting your claims.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. This talk of "hate" is nonsense.


There you go projecting again.

And thank you for proving you didn't understand that the types of trade and immigration policies trump promised were the exact opposite of what he tried to deliver. Sad.


Don't try pivoting away from your talk of "hating other voices".

That is your claim, and you didn't support it with anything, even after being prompted.

BECAUSE YOU CAN'T. Because it is not true.

In the real world, it is YOU people that hate that we, ie Trump supporters, have a voice. You thouoght you had marginalized us forever. Then we won and you flipped out into hysterial rage and hate.


Says the person who CONTINUALLY tries to change the subject by projecting their own narcissistic/fascist traits onto others thinking no one will notice. - Eyeroll -


I'm the one asking you to clarify your voice to an actual point.

I am encouraging you to speak, and to speak more clearly so that your actual point is made, so I can address it.

That is the opposite of your claim.

Right now all you've done is making... static.


Nope you are being a manipulative jerk. Not surprising though.


Except for the fact that you and I have been through this many times, and you've NEVER accepted any "clarified points". All you've ever done is exhibit the same deliberate obtuseness you're again exhibiting trolls who accuse others of being trolls always do. - Eyeroll -

You aren't fooling anyone but yourself at being convincing. Sad.


Well, yes I disagree with you that I and other Trump voters are motivated or attracted by "hate".

I'm inside my own head you know. For me to disregard my own thoughts and feelings, to instead accept YOUR take on my actions,

that is a high bar you have set yourself. It would take, a very impressive argument.

My memories of 2016, are being please that a credible candidate was running who's policies were closer to what I wanted than since... well for a very long time.

I was happy at the thought of the US possibly getting good policies and good results, ...FOR EVERYONE. Well, every US CITIZEN.

And that is what I saw in my fellow Trump supporters.


Since you want to talk about what goes on in your head, it's no ones' fault but your own and that of your fellow trump supporters that it's what you have in your heads that allowed you to be duped into supporting further evidenced by your last comment where you illustrated that you still "think" trump policies provide good results for everyone...even STILL at this point despite all of the objective evidence to the contrary. Sad.


It is worth noting that we were talking about what motivated Trump supporters such as myself to vote for him in 2016.

Thus I was discussing my motives of taht time period, and the point is thaat it was nothing like you claim.

What you should do at this point, if you were capable of good faith discussion, is try to produce some evicence from historical records, that my motive was somehow in the minority, and that most Trump supporters were motivated by something evil.

Expressing your negative opinion of Trump policies or me, was nothing but spam.

The only information in your post, is that you don't even unstand the concept of how to debate ideas.


Except for the fact that even before trump ran for president he was a well known scam artist and cheat. It's no ones fault but your own if you voted for him not being aware of those facts because in doing so you only made yourself look ignorant/ you're STILL doing with your continued support. ; )


You are jumping all over the place like a fool.

Your claim of us being motivated by "hate" you dropped like a hot potatoe the moment you were challenged.

It was bullshit. YOu knew it was bullshit when you said it.

You are a shit talker.


"I don't know where you got that, but I never heard Trump nor any of my fellow Trump supporters say anything liket that."

Trump's entire 2020 campaign was to go around telling people that if Democrats won, they would literally end America, murder Republicans in the streets, kill their families, burn their churches and businesses and allow a terrorist siege-state against white rightists, while simultaneously claiming Democrats were working to cheat and "steal" the election (the toxic combo that eventually led to 6 Jan.). He has always preached hatred, protofascism and the real thing. He began his 2016 campaign by calling Mexicans killers and rapists of white people and said the Mexican government was involved in a conspiracy to ship such people to the U.S.. He explained how American Muslims danced in celebration in the streets of New Jersey on 9/11. He called for a complete ban on Muslims entering the U.S.. He regularly encouraged his supporters to violently assault those who disagreed with him, These things were central to his campaign. His stock stump speech, for the last 2 years is just hatred of Dems, liberals, progressives, "the left." He rants against Democrats and tells his white followers, "This isn't their country, this is YOUR country."


The few clear claims you made there, were not true.

1. He did NOT call Mexicans killers and rapists of white people.

2. He did NOT call for a complete ban of muslims entering the US.

You are the one demonizing half the country to divide us and turn us against each other.


"1. He did NOT call Mexicans killers and rapists of white people."

I see. It was all just a figment of the imagination of literally everyone:

"2. He did NOT call for a complete ban of muslims entering the US."

His exact words are that he's "calling for a total and complete shut-down of Muslims entering the United States":

Trump's campaign manager said this applied across the board, even to tourists:

Try your gaslighting on someone else.


1. The mexican comment was clearly a statement that rapists and killers were coming across the border buried in teh overall flow. He made no comment on "white people". The media LIED to you, claiming that he said that of ALL mexicans. it is also worth noting that he statement was clearly TRUE, and that people are dying as a result, but on the other hand, the dems scored some PR points by lying, so, you have to decide which is more important. So, that's not really "hate".

2. When implemented it was a ban of travel from only SEVEN countries, that supposedly the state department had trouble checking people for terrorist connections. That is not a ban of all muslims. So....Considering that we have been the target of quite a number of terrible muslim terror attacks, that killed thousands of us, that seems not so much "hate" as "reasonable self protection".

I take it these were your BEST examples?


It's also the case that having Trumpian protofascism "represented in national policy" in any sort of hegemonic way would literally end the liberal society, so there would no longer any question of anyone's rights or interests being represented.


Some trump supporters remain loyal to him because they refuse to acknowledge the truth about his narcissistic/fascist mentality, which is also true about themselves and why they refuse to acknowledge it exists in ANY of them.

That's totally inaccurate. That particular part of his base--the hardcore Trumpers--remain loyal to him precisely because of "his narcissistic/fascist mentality." That's a feature--THE feature--not a bug. The only thing Repub voters of this species demand of a politician is that he hates and wants to screw over the same people those Repub voters have been conditioned by right-wing media to hate and to want to screw over. On that score--the only score that matters to them--Trump delivers.

Almost no one in the regular corporate press understood that in 2016, including, early on, those in far-right media that had created those conditions. It's fascism--seething, furious hatred of the liberal society and any manifestation of it and the desire to crush it.


You must be pretty cool, if the people you fight are such evil bastards.

Mmm, though, the way that you paint them/us as such evul bastards, kind of supports my point, that you hate us.


Trump's supporters aren't, by and large, a bunch of evil bastards (though there are plenty of those). They're people who have been victimized by, among other things, a powerful, agenda-driven media apparatus that takes advantage of them and fills their heads with poison for political reasons. But that apparatus just did this so they'd vote Republican and those behind it never realized the fascist monster they were creating by what they were preaching until it was too late.

Never get confused on the source of the hatred in this.


Why thanks for the faint praise.

Back in 2016, when Trump ran, I supported him politically becasue I liked his stance on Trade and Immigration. .

For that, I was viciously attacked by dozens of lefties partisans over the years.

It was not a "powerful media" that told me that happened. I experienced it myself. The treatment I got from those people, was clearly full of hate and anger.

The stated reasons were quite mad. They said it was stupid of me to want Job friendly trade policy so that people like me could have more jobs. They said it was RACIST of me to not want high levels of immigration. They also ironically said that as a white man, I had no right to be against high levels of immigration.

When I pointed out that that was actually racist of them, by that point of discussion, they would normally just be hate spew rage monsters.

Your insistance that it is us, the Trump supporters that are the problem, is very , very wrong. It is the ANTI-TRUMP people that are hte problem, them and their hysterical hate and rage.


It's obviously NOT totally innaccurate because you basically just said the same thing I did.

The reason they like his narcissistic/fascist mentality is because they identify with it, ie; he's just like they are in that regard. They're the same traits that keep them from being able to admit/acknowledge those things about themselves regardless of who points it out to them or how objectively conclusive the evidence of it being a fact is.


Yeah, hard to imagine that we don't want to join YOUR team, when you are so friendly to US.


And you are friendly towards the left?


calling them groomers and pedophiles is their way of being friendly


Just because you believe that doesn't make it true. Calling your "team" out on its narcissistic/fascist traits is not the same as someone being "unfriendly" towards you, but of course it's easy to see why you would choose to see such calling out in the way that you do since doing so is a textbook trait of the narcissistic/fascist.


Or, it could be that you just hate us, imagine bad shit about us, to justify your hate, and then just keep insisting on those bad things, becuase it justifies not having to listen to people you hate.

But the bit where you then in addition to that, make fun of us for not joinging with you or talking about "sides",

is really... not good.


No, it's because your "team" is seen in actual reality exhibiting narcissistic/facsist traits, and refusing to acknowledge such things when called out on them is simply what people with narcissistic/fascist traits do...which you've just done addition to not listening to the people you hate pointing out that you're doing it.


Give me your best single example of said "traits", or admit that you cannot do anything than circular reasoning.


You've already provided examples of them yourself in this thread by always accusing OTHERS of hate while obviously supporting people whose political "ideas" and legislation is based on hate. Sad


To actually support your claim,

you would have to had specificed one of those "ideas" that you claim is based on hate.

All you did there was repeat your unsupported assertion.

And show that you know how to do circular reasoning, perfectly.


No, you said to provide an "example"...and I presented all of the ones that YOU have made available.

STILL not surprising at all that you either don't understand that what you've provided are legitimate examples, and/or that you are simply refusing to acknowledge that they are. ; )


Word salad. I understand perfectly. you've TRIED to support your position in the past and got your ass kicked and now you have learned to just talk smack.


You are the king of word salads. Pot meet kettle.


The only ass that you've kicked around here is your own...repeatedly.

It's no ones' fault but your own that every time you CLAIM you understand what is happening, what you PROVE, with your own responses, is the exact opposite. Talking smack indeed. - Eyeroll -



Said the man that despite repeated attempts ranging from clear requests to strong rhetorical challanges, still is incapable of even trying to back up his assertions.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. Valid policies. Your hysteria is just you being irrational.


Says the guy who has to resort to calling HIS OWN comments "clear requests" and "strong rhetorical challAnges"...when anyone with even half a brain knows that you just continually project and deflect from your own obvious deliberate obtuseness.

If that's what YOU call backing up assertions, it's no wonder you don't realize that you're the person here proving that you don't understand how policies are actually proven valid.


Ok, shit talker. I'll bite, how do you think policies are "proven valid"?


Right back at you. Why do you still think trumps' trade and immigration policies WEREN'T based solely on the irrational and xenophobic "thinking" of his maga supporters?

After all, with the benefit of hindsight, the overall intent of the policies DID prove that valid.


Because the status quo policies he challenged, failed to give the results that were promised when they were implemented long ago.

Thus changing those policies, since they failed, is completely reasonable.

ie NOT any "phobia" or other such word salad.


And yet you continue to fail to prove that the policies trump tried to introduce to change said alleged status quo were failures (thus requiring any NEED for them to be changed)...especially in the way that trump and his supporters wanted them changed. Sad.


I remember teh arguments used for Free Trade. The high immigration arguments, I have read in history works.

The result are not what was promised.

What part of that do you need "prove" to you?

Or are you just doing the silly sophist shit where you say shit and think that that makes it a valid argument, cause, reasons?




Not surprised at all that you and trump want the focus to be on something trump wasn't even charged with anyway.

"Q" really has YOU grasping at orange straws too doesn't he/she/it? (Rhetorical question).



Mmm, no. you got a response, YOU make it. I'm not watchign some dumb youtube vid, that will do god knows what to my feed from them.

I remember teh arguments used for Free Trade. The high immigration arguments, I have read in history works.

The result are not what was promised.

What part of that do you need "prove" to you?

Or are you just doing the silly sophist shit where you say shit and think that that makes it a valid argument, cause, reasons?


Except of course for the fact that YOU still haven't proven that any of the policies YOU cited as coming from trump actually worked. You don't get to have YOUR sophistic argument both ways. ; )


You keep moving the goal posts.

Your initial point was that Trump was all about "his narcissistic/fascist mentality".

I've pointed out that his rise was all about serious issues.

It is irrelevant whether or not you agree with his solutions. THe fact that his rise was driven by legitimate issues that spoke to his supporters, utterly debunks your trash talk.

You want to have a more serious and nuanced debate about the best policies to deal with those issues, I'm up for that,

but first, drop the trash talk about what bad people we are.

That is just you being a partisan hack. AND a sophist. AND a fear monger demagogue.


Just because YOU believe trumps' rise was due to a serious regard to any issues on HIS part doesn't mean he actually had said regard, OR, that any of the issues you are regarding as "serious" actually were...especially since history and the facts both suggest otherwise.

Regarding the "partisan hack. AND a sophist. AND a fear monger demagogue" part, that's just you ONCE AGAIN trying to trumpishly project/deflect from the fact that you aren't capable of having a serious/nuanced debated about serious issues because you and trump don't even know what they are, or if you do, you refuse to acknowledge them because focusing on your hate is all you know how to do. Sad.


If the issues were NOT relevant to his rise, then what value is there in discussing them?

You are doing a stunt I see a lot from lefties, trying to cloud the issue(s) by discussion multiple issues at once, which gives them an option to pivot from one to another, when they get caught by the weakness of their arguments.

It is a tactic people want to use, because on some level they know that they are wrong.

AND furthermore, it is worth pointing out, that ANY discussion of how you view the results of the policies?

That is absolutely fucking RETARDED to bring up, becuase the discussion is based on the intetnt of the voters, AT THAT TIME WHICH WAS YEARS BEFORE TEH RESULTS OCCURRED.

ANY of that shit, is pure...sophist bullshit.


Except for the fact that the stunt you're doing is OBVIOUSLY right-wing projection across the board.


Err, I was describing your behavior IN THIS THREAD RIGHT ABOVE, so you just saying "projection" is a complete and utter fail.

My point stands.

If the issues were NOT relevant to his rise, then what value is there in discussing them?

You are doing a stunt I see a lot from lefties, trying to cloud the issue(s) by discussion multiple issues at once, which gives them an option to pivot from one to another, when they get caught by the weakness of their arguments.

It is a tactic people want to use, because on some level they know that they are wrong.

AND furthermore, it is worth pointing out, that ANY discussion of how you view the results of the policies?

That is absolutely fucking RETARDED to bring up, becuase the discussion is based on the intetnt of the voters, AT THAT TIME WHICH WAS YEARS BEFORE TEH RESULTS OCCURRED.

ANY of that shit, is pure...sophist bullshit.


Except of course for the fact that I had been describing YOUR behavior FIRST, and all you've done is tried to steal my observation about YOU and turn it around on me. Projection indeed. ; )


Don't feel bad dude. Corbell is a well known idiot on these boards. I've suffered through his stupidity just like you have.


It's ok. I don't feel bad. I actually enjoy getting trumpers to unwittingly continue to respond to me so they can provide even more public evidence of how much they DON'T understand about themselves and their misguided political support.


See the funny thing about him is he thinks I'm this Biden worshipper. I personally don't like either of them. Difference is I will call out both of them on corruption. With him either you love Trump or you are some avid democrat lover. It's the us vs them crap.


All of the CEOs in all the corporations you worship all voted for Trump.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Just because you've proven your support of trump is based on "worship" doesn't mean that's what everyone elses' support of various things is based upon.


democrats are working harder than usual to make it more difficult to either vote them out of office or for people to even vote at all.


As usual, the response from republican supporters is just more of the same attempts to project onto others what they themselves are guilty of. Sad.


I am a Trump supporter not a republican supporter.


That you're claiming there's a difference these days is simply laughable.


at least I am not a democrat and not a Biden supporter. cant believe you voted for a dementia patient and fascism.


As usual, the response from republican/trump supporters (which the same thing seeing as how trump is the presumptive 2024 presidential nominee) is just more of the same attempts to project onto others what they themselves are guilty of. Sad.


I am a Trump and freedom supporter. at least I didnt vote for a dementia patient that is ruining America. hows that war going and what are your thoughts on 1500 troops being deployed to secure the border?


What are your thoughts on why a person should continue responding to trump worshippers when they've repeatedly proven that they refuse to acknowledge the truth about trump and themselves, and when called out to acknowledge such things, all they do it try to change the subject with whataboutisms that aren't based in fact?


acknowledge what about Trump? that he was a great President and secured our border? here are some other accomplishments from Trump.

Trump recently signed 3 bills to benefit Native people. One gives compensation to the Spokane tribe for loss of their lands in the mid-1900s, one funds Native language programs, and the third gives federal recognition to the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Montana.
* Trump finalized the creation of Space Force as our 6th Military branch.
* Trump signed a law to make cruelty to animals a federal felony so that animal abusers face tougher consequences.
* Violent crime has fallen every year he’s been in office after rising during the 2 years before he was elected.
* Trump signed a bill making CBD and Hemp legal.
* Trump’s EPA gave $100 million to fix the water infrastructure problem in Flint, Michigan.
* Under Trump’s leadership, in 2018 the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil.
* Trump signed a law ending the gag orders on Pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information.
* Trump signed the “Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act” (FOSTA), which includes the “Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act” (SESTA) which both give law enforcement and victims new tools to fight sex trafficking.
* Trump signed a bill to require airports to provide spaces for breastfeeding Moms.
* The 25% lowest-paid Americans enjoyed a 4.5% income boost in November 2019, which outpaces a 2.9% gain in earnings for the country's highest-paid workers.
* Low-wage workers are benefiting from higher minimum wages and from corporations that are increasing entry-level pay.
* Trump signed the biggest wilderness protection & conservation bill in a decade and designated 375,000 acres as protected land.
* Trump signed the Save our Seas Act which funds $10 million per year to clean tons of plastic & garbage from the ocean.


If twice impeached indicted one term disgraced ex-president was such a fantastic president as you claim he would have been reelected.


technically he wasnt impeached and the election was stolen.


most of the list is Trump signing bi-partisan bills that came across his desk that ANY person that happened to be in the White would have signed.


what bipartisan bills has Joe signed in the past 2 years to make America great again?


you've clearly missed the point here. The point was that you were giving trump credit for things that congress did. I dont worship Biden so I don't care about propping him up for signing bipartisan bills (there were some like the chips act, American rescue plan, infrastructure bill).
If there fewer bipartisan bills passed during his term then blame congress for obstructing


so basically all the president does is signs bills? what bills has the Groomer-in-Chief signed to make America great again?

here is what Trump did.

Trump also ended a war and never allowed a new war to start. he secured the border as well.

biden just sent 1500 active duty troops to the border. they are expecting about 7,000 new immigrants per day. as usual, no one cares.


"so basically all the president does is signs bills? "
It's not my job to explain how the 3 branches of federal govt operate but when it comes to LEGISLATION then yes that is often the extent of the president's role, Especially when the legislation is supported overwhelmingly by both parties as was the case in the bills you brought up. These types of bill happen during every administration unless the opposing party is deliberately obstructing.
Although I already stated that I am not in business of cheerleading for Biden I will point out a few bills he did sign
Chips act - supporting the domestic production of semiconductors and
authorizes various programs and activities of the federal science agencies.
American Rescue Plan Act - helped small businesses post pandemic
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act - something that trump promised but was unable to deliver
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 - Hard to argue with this one. The recovery from the post pandemic inflation crisis so far has been the best such recovery in our nation's history. The numbers dont lie


Eagle Pass crisis: Biden administration sends 800 troops to help as 10,000 migrants cross over in 24 hour period
An estimated 4,000 migrants arrived in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Wednesday
Homeland Security has sent 800 troops to help the Texas National Guard
Greg Abbott slammed Biden for creating the crisis yesterday
Since January, Biden has granted work permits to nearly 500,000 Venezuelan migrants

the chips act will increase climate change

American Rescue Plan Act is a US $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 117th United States Congress, where did this money come from and how was it spent?

They are both the same thing. dems didnt want to pass Trumps policy because it was too much money.

Democratic congressional leaders say President Trump has agreed to a $2 trillion infrastructure plan. But — and it's a big but — there was no agreement on how to pay for such a wide-ranging and expensive proposal. Dems didnt pass it because they are constantly working against Trump to make him look bad.

Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has not reduced inflation nor has it reversed climate change.

The Inflation Reduction Act is the largest piece of federal legislation ever to address climate change.[71] According to the CBO and JCT, it will invest $783 billion in provisions relating to energy security and climate change.[7][8] This includes $663 billion in tax incentives,[8] and $27 billion for a green bank created by amending the Clean Air Act.[72][73][42] However, other forecasts differ from the CBO's and JCT's reports. A report by Credit Suisse projects that the total climate spending in the Act would be $800 billion,[56][57][74] Goldman Sachs predicts a total of $1.2 trillion, the Penn Wharton Budget Model predicts $1.045 trillion, and an analysis by the Brookings Institution finds a central case of $902 billion.


Joe has added 6 trillion to the national debt in just 2 1/2 years


"he was a great President and secured our border"


"The administration pledged to hire an additional 10,000 enforcement agents. Hiring has fallen short – both Border Patrol and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have fewer agents now than they did in 2016."


None of which, unsurprisingly, acknowledged what you were trying to change the subject from in the first place...that trump supporters are ALWAYS trying to falsely accuse Democrats of being guilty of doing what it is that republicans are ACTUALLY doing. ; )


You are pretty much just a spam bot that never actually says anything of substance, aren't you?


No he just sees through your BS. Keep covering for those evil republicans. I will denounce evil no matter where it lies. You call yourself Christian? Pathetic.


There you go projecting again. The current trump supporter way. Sad.


I challenge you to back up ANY of your claims re Trump or Trump supporters.


Aren't you happy that Biden has sent troops to the southern border? If Trump did that you would have been ecstatic.


no, we shouldnt have to used active military to secure our border, everything was fine until a dementia patient said he welcomes all immigrants.

Customs and Border Protection reported encounters with 188,829 migrants and asylum-seekers at the U.S. southern border last month, the highest level in a generation. The Biden administration has struggled with how to respond.


I see...

"The Republican assault on free and fair elections instigated by Donald Trump is gathering pace, with efforts to sabotage the normal workings of American democracy sweeping state legislatures across the US.

"A year that began with the violent insurrection at the US Capitol is ending with an unprecedented push to politicize, criminalize or in other ways subvert the nonpartisan administration of elections. A year-end report from pro-democracy groups identifies no fewer than 262 bills introduced in 41 states that hijack the election process.

"Of those, 32 bills have become law in 17 states."


By "Because the legislation he promotes benefits their pocketbooks" of course you mean lower taxes as black people continually vote for higher taxes because that benefits their pocketbooks


Why exactly did you single out "black people" for your response?


I guess I could have included Latinos too because the reality is Black and Latino people are way more conservative than white people but they vote dem over and over in America for no other reason than they pocketbook and now they fighting over who gonna get more Ben Stein's money


Your reply indicates two-dimensional thinking.


"Thankfully there are not enough Trump supporters to reelect Trump."

Everyone needs to stop saying that. It didn't work well when voters stayed home assuming Clinton was a sure bet and it was very close in 2020.

"... just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."


Many Democrats did make a mistake in 2016 believing that Clinton was going to win so they didn't vote. Like in 2020 they won't make that mistake again.


People have short-term memories. I'm repeatedly hearing news correspondents, politicians and the public assuring a Biden win. This overconfidence is setting up Trump for another win like it did in 2016.

Biden didn't win by that much. 44,000 votes in a few states is very close.


Don't be too cocky about that. Biden won the EC just by 44,000 votes or so. And the Republicans are working harder than usual to make it more difficult to either vote them out of office or for people to even vote at all.


Get rid of trumps name and say
Candidate A produced
These gas prices
These crime rates
These interest rates
These border crossings numbers

How do you argue statistics?

You don't even know the prosperity and safety you were receiving.
Today everyone is getting drained from gas to inflation. Like squeezed real hard


Did candidate A also
use racist dog whistles
corruptly use the Oval to enrich himself
constantly stay surrounded by criminals like some mafioso
get impeached twice
incite an insurrection
Pretty much make your skin crawl whenever he opens his mouth

I honestly could do this all day, but that alone is enough to make me not vote for someone. But hey, if you're happy selling your soul for cherry picked stats, you feel free to vote for him again.


What is a racist dog whistle?
How did he enrich himself? By donating his salary?
What criminals and mafioso?

Your reasons are very weak and not country changing. Wont affect crime.

Now Democrats and their current border policy is having the most crossings ever, ever in the history of the presidency

Democrat no cash bail is causing a crime wave people with 40 plus arrest walking around. Democrat prosecutors working as defense attorneys and reducing charges for criminals.

Democrats mentality that they can abandon fossil fuels is causing high gas prices.

Democrats pushing boys competing against girls in sports.

These are country changing subjects.


use racist dog whistles

Irrelevant to people's day to day lives. Why do only democrats hear racist "dogwhistles"?

corruptly use the Oval to enrich himself

Also irrelevant to people's day to day lives. Now do Nanci Pelosi.

constantly stay surrounded by criminals like some mafioso

Irrelevant to people's day to day lives. Marxist "guilty by association" is super cringe. Hitler drank water and breathed air.

get impeached twice

For a phone call. You can hold impeachment hearings for literally anything. Without a conviction and removal, its virtue signaling.

incite an insurrection

Never happened.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Joe Biden doesn't use dog whistles, he is quite open with his racism but what do you care?


Because he was a good President, that’s why we are “so loyal”

Nothing was more disturbing as the lefts slobbering love affair with Barack Obama. They literally jizzed their pants over him.


.. Literally?


Literally, he was compared to Jesus Christ, they were naming schools after him before he even took office, people all over the place were wearing Barack Obama T-shirts, journalists were saying things like he’s the “perfect human being” and even the birds are impressed with his presence when in reality he was nothing more than an inexperienced community organizer who had very radical and racist associations.


“Donald Trump has conditioned … a pretty serious majority of the Republican base to believe that any legal critique of him, any external charge made against him is invalid and a product of the ‘deep state’ or a conspiracy of some kind to take him away from Republican voters,” said Rick Wilson, co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project.

And here's what the rightists of the Lincoln Project can't seem to bring themselves to admit: right-wing media is responsible for that conditioning. Right-wing media has used the brainwashing techniques of cults, filling their followers' heads with toxic fantasies while making a daily theme of isolating those followers from any information-stream outside the cult. That's what Wilson is describing in those comments. But Trump didn't do that; he merely exploited the situation created by that media apparatus--the same apparatus the high-profile Republican insiders of the Lincoln Project were happy to exploit for decades when it served their interests (getting people to vote Republican).


The LEFT WING like yourself, are the ones that live in a bubble, with fellow lefties in media, hollywood, education, government constantly telling you what you want to hear,

AND taking steps to silence any voices that dare to speak the truth.

That's why FREE SPEECH is now a partisan issue, with the REPUBLICANS being in favor of it, while the DEMS are against it.


Republicans want cult like brainwashing techniques to be considered free speech


Your spin is noted. FREE SPEECH is now a republican issue. ANTI-FREEDOM is the dem side.

Ditto Due Process. For quite some time now.


Alternate truths and lies is the Republican way!
Congrats, you’re now fully radicalized!


What did you think about the way that rogue fbi agents used government funds to collude with billionaires to conduct a pych op against the American people to control the Presidential Election?

For or Against?


oh that , thank god they were caught red handed with all the evidence and are now serving time .

oh wait ,
that wasnt real ,
thats just one of the mass delusions of Trump voters


With all due respect, you are a lying whore. And a troll boi.


Anyone who doesn't see things your way is a troll.


Nope. Just assholes who troll. Like you.


Yep. You are a scumbag.


Yeah, book-banning republicans are "free speech"
punishing private companies for offering a dissenting opinion is "free speech"
forcing private companies to platform those that violate their terms conditions is "free speech"


No books were banned. If you read into the situation you'd know this.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Please dont tell that you are invoking the nonsense logic that they weren't banned because you can still get them at the public libaary or some such nonsense. You can tbat that stupid. Sorry if you dont know what words mean


Woke corp executives choose to use the corporation they are managing, to enter the political arena and engage in political battle.

That you and they expected that they would be free from any push back was insanely entitled of you both.

And by insane, I mean really crazy. You both really expected that you could attack people, and try to force your ideas and policies on them, and they would not respond, they would just let you attack them like serfs or bitches.


No one was attacked, nor were any ideas or policies forced upon anyone.


2. What would happen if you treated those "anti-american clowns" from 1/6, like you treated the anti-American clowns of Antifa and BLM of the years 2016 to 2020?

5. Why do you assume that?

6. IMO, the dozens of dead people and hundreds of millions in damages make the not 1/6 riots worse.

7. Do you not see that the exaggeration of the one right leaning right, is designed to divide US?


“Donald Trump has conditioned … a pretty serious majority of the Republican base to believe that any legal critique of him, any external charge made against him is invalid and a product of the ‘deep state’ or a conspiracy of some kind to take him away from Republican voters,” said Rick Wilson, co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project.

Just when you thought the projection couldn't reach another level. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


why do ALL democraps have TDS?
