MovieChat Forums > Politics > Blacks Blame the Jews. Jews Blame the B...

Blacks Blame the Jews. Jews Blame the Blacks. Everyone simps for the Aryans.

NO ONE ever blames the people who would have been regarded as Hitler's Master Race/Aryan Poster children, back in the day. It's always the 'fault' of Black people, like Diane Abbott and Kanye West, or Jewish people. Heck, some Jews are turning on other Jews, like Roseanne Barr.

Anti-Semitism is always a problem of POC or even Jews themselves. WASPs, with a few exceptions, like white trash Marjorie-Taylor Green and the unavoidable Trump, are mostly given a pass. And in turn, racism is usually blamed on Jewish people.

Blame the Palestianians, blame the Iranians, blame the Egyptians, blame the Israelis, blame Black people, blame Semitic people. But NEVER blame the people who started it all; the fucking Germans, Austrians, and, yes, the British imperialists who controlled the Palestinian Mandate until 1948.

Meanwhile, blonde, blue-eyed Aryans like Brad Pitt and Amber Heard are laughing their White Anglo-Saxon Protestant pretty boy and girl heads off. FUCK those people. πŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΏ


you sound kinda racist


Thanks for acknowledging YOU are a NAZI! Racists like you should be banned from the web. No wonder you're on MC!

The French and British mandates were created after Europeans destroyed the Ottoman Empire in WW1. These Muslims enslaved over a million west Europeans and some Americans. Then Turkey slaughtered the Armenians. There were thousands of Arab NAZIs during WW2.


Mmm interesting. While Blacks seek reparations from Whites, when are Whites gonna seek reparations from the Middle Easterns? I guess when you become the ruling power it won't matter no more. But still, that would mean Blacks making a mandate on Whites by collapsing the American Empire (which is sorta what's happening, lol).


What a bunch of random drivel from a low IQ race monger..


OMG, did you seriously use the term W.A.S.P.???

Do you even know if MTG is Anglo-Saxon? Holy shit, dude.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


MTG said she was a "cradle Catholic" before she read a newspaper in 2019 and first learned about child-molesting priests.


National Brotherhood Week


I know, I’m so sick of the constant blaming of Diane Abbott and the Egyptians. You’ve really hit on something here.


I'm waiting for the outraged white people replies who think they are a persecuted minority now that black people are allowed on the bus (and the TV!)


I blame Harvey.
