MovieChat Forums > Politics > Answer Me This: Why is the political rig...

Answer Me This: Why is the political right so obsessed with trans people?

It's like the right-wing equivalent of so-called TDS. It's now entering various threads and coming up as topics apropos-of-nothing.

Has the right discovered a new minority to bully and marginalise?


Answer Me This: Why is the political left so obsessed with ignoring biology? If two black people have a child, that child won't be white. But if they identify as white, will their baby be white? Of course not. It's the same way as believing you're a different gender. You can believe it all you want, but biology doesn't work in your favour.


Two black parents with their biological white child:


It says it's a gene mutation that the mother would believe would be passed down.


Why is the political left so obsessed with everyone that doesn't want to be a part of their cult?

When a group(trans, or others) starts going after children, and creating forced participation in their toxic ideology...expect pushback.

Hard pushback.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


No-one is being forced to be trans. But pro-trans-rights organisations and advocates are providing support for young people who are bullied and ostracised as a result of their identity.


That's a strange way of saying they are being groomed.

Hard. Pushback.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Because we notice the evil, mentally ill LGBTQ DemoKKKrats are coming after children with Drag Queen Story Hour, Gay porn in school libraries, Gay Disney movies and tv shows for young children, and passing bills to enable sex change operations without parents consent. DUH!


Because they lost their holy war against gay rights and they're still pissed about it.
