MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why are they taking 2 years to charge Tr...

Why are they taking 2 years to charge Trump with anything?

He's supposed to the most evil person ever and everybody "knows he's guilty" . He left office over 2 years ago.

The only reason it would take so long is cause this is all for show, and not real.

They didn't take 2 years to charge and execute Nazi war criminals. And that was in the 1940s when it took longer to travel to places, longer to communicate, etc...

Trump must not be a "fascist" at all, it's just something insane people say.


Because the threat is enough to keep him at bay as a 2024 contender. Republicans will not choose him.

If they do, the charged will be brought.

Republicans play checkers, Democrats play chess.


So you admit it's just a game. Fine.

Since when was a photocopier that prints out 3 million fake ballots part of the standard chess set?


No proof found on that one. Even though it was a suspicious win.


The wheels of justice move slowly, especially now.


Prosecutors have to be very careful so that the charges will stick.


2 more weeks Anon! Trust the Plan!

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Because they have literally nothing on him.

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Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
