Hollywood has been threatening to make all the characters in TV shows and movies be gay for many years now. It is implied that the reason why people in hollywood want to do this is because a majority of people in hollywood are gay. Why haven't hollywood people made all of them gay yet?
It was said that they want to make all the comic book character movies gay because most of the people who read comics are gay.
I don't understand why they don't just make a separate streaming channel and genre of movies that always have gay storylines and an exclusively gay cast, and then label all of it with a little rainbow symbol so LGBT fans can go watch those, and everyone else can stay away. Then everyone would be happy...
Oh wait, I know why. It's because the gay community is tiny and wouldn't bring in the income needed to maintain such a setup. Need examples? I direct you to the "success" of "Bros" and Superman's gay son in DC comics.
Why does everything have to look like a rainbow flag? We're not interested in everything looking like 'Queer as Folk'. Even gay people don't want to see gay people all the time.
If that makes me a bigot, then I'll wear it like a badge of honor.
If that makes me a bigot, then I'll wear it like a badge of honor.
this comment is wrong on so many levels the LGBIQIA+ Are people too they deserve to have there a voice in Mainstream Entertainment I use to think of you then I decided to Be Better.
Depends on what you mean by voice. If you mean that they should have some representation, meaning once in a while there should be films where there are LGBTQ characters or themes, then I agree. If by voice, you mean that they are entitled to be represented in nearly everything, that everything must look like a rainbow flag, then nope, sorry, they are not entitled to that.
In addition, many of us don't want to see them, or at the very least, don't want to see them in large doses. It's one thing to interact with people in public, the public square belongs to everyone, but entertainment is personal, even though it's made for the masses. That is why you must have different options for different people. In this particular case, a little bit of segregation is justified. There should be films for people who want to see LGBTQ people, and films for people who don't. Forcing everything to look like a rainbow flag is unacceptable.
"There is a reason we have genres you simple minded rеtаrd.
Are you against black movies?"
my political views were altered from Conservative to Liberal thanks two Black Movies 2017s Detroit and 2018s Blackkklansman Everyone deserves to be seen on screen you are bigoted coward for supporting segregation of the LGBTQIA+ unlike you I welcome Diversity on screen because Films Should Be For Everyone , your the simple-minded retard here
Yeah, you sound like you were indoctrinated into the woke cult.
Diversity is overrated. I don't want everything looking like a rainbow flag.
"𝘍𝘪𝘭𝘮𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦"
Exactly. That's the point genius. Real diversity means that there should be films with quееr dуkе girl boss POCs and films where the cast is all lily white cis heterosexual males. And everything in between. What you woke-tаrdѕ want to do is make it impossible for there to be anymore all white films, or all hetero films. Your idea of diversity is for every individual film to be diverse as opposed to having a diverse range of films.
You sicken me. You and your kind is what is wrong with the entertainment industry. Wokeness has spread like a cancer and destroyed TV shows with it's repulsive ideology.
The Wokerati are the lowest form of life... Lower than pond scum.
They should be pushed out to the fringes of society where they belong. Back to some dark corner of the racial/gender studies department of academia never to be seen or heard from again.
Is it offensive? Oh no. Cry harder. Equality means they are treated like everyone else.
They are not going to receive any special treatment like a bunch of рuѕѕіеѕ. They are all equally worthless. https://youtu.be/78ICiQKdO-Q?t=15
I'm not advocating for anything. I'm simply recommending a popular song from one of the most popular shows of the 20th century. That was the title of the song. What you read into it is your problem.
doubt that will ever happen or will happen I see nothing wrong with the LGBTQIA+ Characters sharing screen time with Straight characters that's the goal your so delusional the Goal is Equality for LGBTQIA+ Actors/Actresses with other minorities you are talking out of your ass your post is filled unjustified bigotry and paranoia. Get with the times also you have 80s Movies that you can rewatch no one is forcing you to watch movies with evolved ideals and on how society should be.
They choose a lifestyle where they can never reproduce or pass on their DNA.
In many cases family names that have been passed on for generations will never exist again.
They needs to recruit and make themselves as known as possible.
Also instead of bombs , countries push this ideology onto their enemies to weaken them.
One chinese national said as china surpasses the u.s navy the Americans are arguing among themselves about which bathroom soldiers can use.
Plus, if you take a look at what they say, versus what they do, you realize that they were never pushing for "equality." They want revenge on a society that refused to bow down and worship the ground they walked on, but treated them as the mentally ill freaks and perverts they truly are for thousands of years. In fact, the last time you saw a society that allowed them to practice their lifestyle freely, it was the latter days of Rome (which was one of many reasons Rome eventually fell). Don't kid yourself if you don't think gay people (particularly those in Hollyweird) aren't bitterly jealous of the "privileges" straight society has. So they decided to change society around to suit them (not unlike socialists and Marxists), and now you have many of them in power or idiots in power support them and use them as a pawn against their enemies. They don't want equality. They want to dominate and kick the "breeder" society to the ground, forcing them to worship them and give up their children to the cult. Their actions, versus their words, speak very loudly about this.
I heard a famous phrase that says "Think about who you're not allowed to make fun of, and that's who runs your society." Ever notice nobody is allowed to make fun of gay people anymore? And if you do, you get punished?
You are right that the last time we had such depravity and perversion was during the fall of the Roman Empire, however I would disagree with you that the degenerates caused that fall. I believe it is the other way around. You see, when empires collapse, and societies around them begin to collapse and decay, people lose their sense of identity and purpose. Society falls into what the french sociologist Émile Durkheim called Anomie — a breakdown of moral values and social bonds between people. This leads to all sorts of diseases of despair such as suicides and addiction. It leads to magical thinking and a rise in cult like mentality, and cults in general. The culture loses all grips with reality and everything starts to become absurd. This is how you end up with perversion, queer culture, and non-binary, gender fluid pan-sexuals. Any of this starting to sound familiar? This is what happened in Rome in its last years. It is what has been happening to us in the last 40 years. Most of us haven't noticed it until about 10 years ago, and we all started to see it around 2015-16, when it was undeniable.
It you look closely at what I said, I said it was "one of MANY reasons" Rome eventually fell. Sexual degeneracy was not the sole killer of Roman civilization, but it was a hallmark of Roman society in its later years, and happened in conjunction of the breaking down of the family unit.
Also wanted to mention...
In your example you mentioned Socialists and Marxists wanting society to suit "them". Everyone tries to create a society that suites them, that is the point of creating a society. There is nothing inherently malicious about that. It is only a problem if you disagree with their proposed changes. Like you, when it comes to Wokies, I have a problem with it. I don't want to live in a society that celebrates degenerates. As a socialist and a Marxist, I obviously do agree with socialism. So I would like to see society move in that direction.
Although, I should probably clarify what is meant by both socialism and Marxism since both of these terms are often (incorrectly) thrown around as euphemisms for authoritarianism and wokeism.
Socialism is just an economic and political system where the working class has the power in society, and their interests are represented above all, instead of the wealthy oligarchy like we have in capitalism. Socialism generally benefits the poor and working class, because its goal is to eliminate all poverty and give most of the wealth that is generated by society to the workers that produce it.
Marxism is just an analysis and a critique of capitalism. It is a post capitalist ideology, meaning it wants to replace capitalism with a better system, any system, as long as it's better. This system is usually socialism or communism, but it doesn't have to be either.
In theory, socialism is supposed to be ideal in all humans coming together to contribute to the common good. It's a lovely idea, of everyone being one happy family and taking care of each other. Nobody's rich, nobody's poor, and nobody's miserable or unhappy.
The reason why it doesn't work is because human beings are naturally selfish creatures. They do not feel motivated to work if they will not get a reward for it, or they will become angry when they work really hard, get fed, and then see lazy people who never lifted a finger to work, and got fed anyway. It's very demoralizing. Even worse, the only way socialism has been implemented was either through trickery or force, and you often ended up with a broken country ruled by a single dictator and his cronies, or you had a country that was broken by internal strife and ruled by anarchy before a new power came in to bring order from chaos. In both cases, they fail because they run out of other people's money, and eventually collapse economically.
Also, keep in mind that the Marx and the other guys who came up with socialism, as well as people who support it, never worked an honest day in their lives, and wanted to change society so they could sit on their asses and collect a paycheck they didn't earn, while a small group of over-worked slaves do all the heavy lifting. That's where America's going if we keep this up, and you will not see equality come out of it one bit. The entire country will become slaves to a tiny oligarchy living in Washington, all rights will be abolished, and people will be starving because the govt. will do such a good job regulating the food supply, instead of listening to farmers who know what they're doing. Can't have independence, right?
Socialism is about the workers owning the means of production. That's it. It has nothing to do with not working or getting something for free. What you're talking about is a welfare state, something that is often desired by people in a socialist society, like a UBI for example (more on that later). The idea is that capitalism is based on exploitation. A capitalist hires an employee. An employee uses his labor to make a chair. The capitalist sells the chair for $10. Therefore the chair is worth $10 dollars. But the capitalist can't pay the employee the $10 because there is no benefit for him, so he pays him $5. So the employee gets $5 for $10 of work in order for the capitalist to exist. This is the arrangement. It doesn't even matter if the employee is fine with being exploited (some slaves didn't mind being slaves, they had good masters), but it is exploitation nonetheless. This is what socialism attempts to solve. In the work place, it wants to make every worker an owner and operator of the enterprise so there is no exploitation. In the government, it wants a party that represents the working class, instead of large multi national corporations.
And yes, socialists have historically been the hardest working people. Socialists and communists were the blue collared workers of America. They helped to unionize America in the 30's. They have been erased from history because of anti-communist propaganda.
Lastly, the welfare state. Yes there is for example the UBI (Universal Basic Income). It gives everyone for example a $1000/mo regardless whether you work or not. It is a nice idea. There are benefits to it. But there is one major flaw. You alluded to it. UBI is based on taxes. This means that you as a worker are going to be paying for people who don't work. This is a problem, not for me, I don't mind paying for others, but generally people are going to become angry, bitter, resentful and it is going to cause division among the poor and working classes. END OF PART 1
This is why I propose the idea of a UBD (Universal Basic Dividend). Unlike a UBI, a UBD is not based on taxes, it would be based on a collective ownership of resources. For example, the oil we export as country can be owned by all of us as citizens instead of one corporation, and we could get dividends based on the shares we own in that oil. We could do this with all sorts of natural resources or various other exports. The idea is that every citizen would simply own a share, just like having shares in Amazon or Apple, but this one you couldn't trade or sell, you would simply own it by virtue of being a citizen of the United States. Like any other share, these shares would pay you out a monthly dividend. We could set up a system where you essentially get the same result as a basic income; For example, every US citizen on average receives ~$5000 from the profits of the resources that belong to all of us. Because in this system they DO belong to all of us. With oil for example, instead of ExxonMobil owning the oil, we would own the oil collectively. This is just one idea. There are many ways that we could arrange society that would benefit the many instead of the few. Helping the people who actually need it, instead of propping up a bunch of parasitic rapacious oligarchs.
By the way, if you think my idea is pie in the sky, It's not. We already have it here in America and had for a long time in Alaska. Residents get a monthly dividend from oil there. It is collectively owned. And it's a Republican state.
The thing is I don't think it's true. I think it's a vocal minority of woke dеgеnеrаtеѕ that want this, and they are the ones who have power within these companies. The general public does not want this.
I don't see anything wrong with Films having Modern and Inclusive Ideals also InquiringMind is part of the peanut gallery disregard his bigoted and devolved opinions
Watch your mouth.
When you use my name you use it with respect.
If you so much as insult my good name in your dreams, you better wake up and apologize.