MovieChat Forums > Politics > Are abortionists evil people?

Are abortionists evil people?

I just couldn't imagine doing that job, day in, day out.

Especially those who do partial birth abortions.

Labor induced. Baby turned with hands. Feet pulled out. Baby kicking. Skull held and pieced with siscors. Spinal chord cut. Baby ripped out.

Sometimes the induced labor causes the baby to pop out. Either left to freeze to death in another room or quickly killed.

Imagine doing that stuff and enjoying it?

Imagine laughing when women call it health care but you do it for the joy of the kill? There's got to be abortionists like that.


Yes. Yes, they are. They’re all ghoulish monsters like Kermit Gosnell as far as I’m concerned.


Not all of them. Definitely the near-birth ones.


No, they're doctors helping their patients, following the Hippocratic Oath.


The Hippocratic Oath included the fact that abortion is immoral. People have recently removed that part of the oath to appease their conscience. That doesn't make it any less evil.


It was written ~400 BCE. We've learned a thing or two since then, and that "immoral fact" is no longer a part of the Oath. Do you still "swear by Apollo?"


I love how you guys cherry pick the past to drive your insane arguments.

Either "the past is dumb and we ignore it(this thread), or the past is super important and we must make all future decisions based on it!(Slavery, colonization)


And the Bible doesn't consider abortion murder unless the baby is born after the quickening and is male.

Everyone is selective in what they consider sacred or right.


Why is the unborn baby a patient when it's wanted and something to be torn apart when it's not?


The answer is in your question, if you can comprehend English.


If nobody wants you, can I tear you apart?


Do you really think those are analogous situations?!!


When it comes to people that think the way you do... yes.


Why wouldn't it be? What's the difference?


Republicans lost their anti-abortion argument when you supported Herschel Walker for senator.


Let's see, desmembering babies in the mother's womb, crushing their little limbs with pliers, sucking the mortal remains through a vaccum tube. Repeat process and call it "work".

You tell me


Surgical procedures are always icky for the general public. In the case you mentioned the primary objective is the removal of an unwanted growth in a way that will cause least discomfort for the woman. Have you adopted any unwanted babies lately?


" the removal of an unwanted growth in a way that will cause least discomfort for the woman"

You mean, killing the unborn in a horrific way for egotistical reasons?


You're just playing semantics, the only card you got. Not a scintilla of understanding or compassion for the woman. Disgusting. Abortions have been performed for ages, only becoming controversial here in the US since the Rethug party decided this would be a good wedge issue for them. It's a medical procedure, nothing more or less. Here's a list of countries where it's illegal:
Aruba Honduras Mauritania San Marino
Curaçao (territory) Iraq Nicaragua Senegal
Dominican Republic Jamaica Palau Sierra Leone
Laos Palestine Suriname Tonga
El Salvador Madagascar Philippines

And you want America to join this August list of dictatorships, Vatican-controlled, and shit-hole countries. If so you are nothing less than a traitor.


Semantics? No, I'm telling it as it is, the sole reason you advocate for abortion is egoism.


NO. I've always embraced the ideas of T.R. Malthus since too many people on the planet will exhaust food supplies. Technological innovations have allowed for further growth of the human population but there could be a breaking point. The population is 8 billion people and all those people will require food and resources. How many people can the planet support? Birth control and abortion will help keep population growth in check and that will lessen the impact of humanity on the environment.

Also, many of the kids who are born will not have parents and will join gangs. Do we want to bring children into the world who will join gangs and eventually go to prison? I say NO.

A lot of kids are born with physical/mental defects that will make them dependents of the state for their whole life. I wouldn't want to have a child that is a vegetable for forty years. I would want a child who would have a chance to make a positive impact upon society.


Solid argument and of course, no reply from the pro-lifers.


1. "I just couldn't imagine doing that job, day in, day out."

Because you view all pregnancies as people and can't imagine someone needing to stop such a process.

2. "Especially those who do partial birth abortions."

Every pregnancy that fails at 4 months or more has to be delivered, including stillborn.

3. "Labor induced. Baby turned with hands. Feet pulled out. Baby kicking. Skull held and pieced with siscors. Spinal chord cut. Baby ripped out."

You are assuming they're all healthy pregnancies, they aren't.


Good comment


Yes they are psychopaths and the "helping the patient" is just an excuse to indulge in their own sadism or deviant criminal ways (being paid for "murder")
