You are such a blatant, obvious HATER, you can't see yourself in a mirror.
You are some fucking ugly monster, and yet you think you speak for regular people.
If regular people are like you, then yes, you are the knuckle-draggers which you are so acutely sensitive to bring up yourself.
God, if you had any of the Grace you claim to have, you'd STFU and take up gardening. Feed the birds, for science sake.
Do something other than pollute this site with your hatefulness, ugliness, and persistent rotten negative thoughts.
But we had another senseless shooting today, so I'm sure you're drunk with glee. More guns ! What good are they if you don't shoot them ? Put 30K people out of electricity ! It's a 2nd amendment right ! Happy happy joy joy.
Maybe a small child will get shot and killed tomorrow and you can throw a party, you sick fuck.