Just kidding, looks like the Red Wave (Ripple) isn't as fruitful as portrayed by Faux Newz. Gen-Z literally prevented a Red Tsunami. Polls got it wrong, again, as usual. Very rarely do you see an in-power party do so well in a midterm of a first term President.
[Democrats have nothing to be happy about.
They are losing the House of Representatives.
Republicans have nothing to be proud of.
They failed to give the people the red wave they promised.
This midterm election was a failure on all levels.]
-Michigan Senate just flipped to Democrats for the first time in 40 years.
-Guam flipped to Republican for the first time in 32 years.
-Ron De Santis heavily won Florida with Latino vote power.
-Elisabeth Epps won, John Fetterman won.
-Lauren Boebert at the moment is losing by a bit.
Remember Trump promised one, but did nothing for 2 years when the GOP controlled BOTH Houses!
Furthermore, Trump promised to end crime in the cities and did nothing!!
The only thing the GOP does is lower taxes for their rich donors.
You're being conned! The GOP doesn't care about you unless you're rich.
At least, the Democrats helps the little guy: lowered healthcare costs, protected small businesses, reduced unemployment, forgave student loans, creating millions of middle-class jobs, etc..
The GOP Wants to ruin Social Security and Medicare which we already paid for!!
You sound stupid saying this...trump tried all these things and the Democrats blocked and fought everything.
Trump made Mexico pay with remain in Mexico and less funding.
How do you condone the amount of drugs smuggled across the border under Democrat?
Literally record number of American citizens dying and no one bats an eye.
Republicans had control of the White House, Congress and Senate for TWO YEARS and did NOTHING!!! No wall! No Repeal and Replace! No crime fighting! No good trade deals! And no - Mexico did NOT pay for the wall! Nothing done!
Then, Republicans wait for disenchanted Americans to vote in Democrats in order to complain about what the Republicans themselves have repeatedly failed to do!
Biden lowered taxes for couples with children, lowered insulin cost, lowered hearing aid cost, can negotiate Medicare drug pricing for lower cost, new infrastructure nationwide including internet for rural areas and good-paying jobs, investment in new technologies to keep the U.S. ahead of Chinese and European competition, fastest job growth and recovery in history, lowest unemployment rate, fast-tracked covid vaccines distribution using legislation (Trump refused) to safely reopen economy, forgave college student loans (which GQP is fighting because they only want rich people and banks to have taxcuts and financial aide). Thank you Biden!
"because of Democrat opposition."
Excuses! Excuses! If Republicans can't get anything done, then they shouldn't be in power. Democrats find ways to get things done without whining 24/7.
"and now the rest will just have to pay more."
Boohoo! Big Pharma and Big Oil will take less profit from all their price gouging!
"your wallet is hurting"
Nah! I comparison shop and have found nice deals! Inflation is coming down, btw!
"deep state"
You're a QAnoner into conspiracy theories. Don't fall off the flat Earth!
Who writes Joe Bidens speeches?
You think the policy rolled out today by the Democrats is coming from.Joes brain?
The deep state are those people.
Democrats control the FBI, the FBI literally went around to social media companies telling them not to run certain stories that would hurt the Democrats.
Democrats control 95% of the media...the control the narrative, the can change definitions. Re write history, destroy historical statues
Democrats control 95% of hollyweird. Hollyweird work with Democrat policy like no genders and push this narrative in commercials and movies.
Democrats control a majorty of the education sector where the work to indoctrinate kids. Grooming them.
And even with all this control they are still putting out the same election formula.
In reality everyone's pockets are hurting, so this huge red wave must be coming.
But it's the same 50-50 too close to call, Democrats squeak it out.
I've lived long enough to know that dems fix the problems the repubs create, and it's only on the dems' stable economy that a repub can even get elected before fucking things up.
And you'd have to be mentally retarded to think that either party would fix the worldwide problem of inflation just by winning the Senate.
the border...Republican remain in Mexico was cheap and effective.
Under Republicans low illegal crossings.
Democrats you say fix this by getting rid of remain in Mexico and show record breaking illegal crossing numbers.
Record drugs smuggled in, record American over dose deaths.
How can you see things the complete opposite?
It's not even debatable, it's not even close.
America was not always effected by global inflation, they were always one step ahead, always smarter.
How do you Democrat for 3 years push the trump election was from Russian collusion
3 years of high level courts and investigations and then get upset if anyone does the same thing?
The media was on board, numerous reporters and politicians said trump's win was not legit.
You guys look crazy like that and even more guilty.
How they are going after and stigmatizing anyone who makes the same claims they did just shows how blatantly corrupt they are.
You had a republican president and both houses of Congress in 2017 who all hated Hillary with every fiber of their being, and they never mentioned Gadaffi.
Calling it a war crime now is just sour grapes.
Dems are the rebellion who defeated the sith trash three elections in a row. And all the sith lords can do is lie about it that they actually won. And now that the repubs are so gutted by Lord Trump's multiple defeats, they are in the midst of starting over. Just like the Empire did with the First Order.
You could never see how unpopular Trump actually was because you live in an echo chamber.
In 2018, it was proven by the blue wave.
In 2020, it was proven again by Trump losing re-election. The only way you hardcore Trumpers could cope with it was by denying reality and claiming voter fraud.
In 2022 it happened again. When reality hits you in the face, you go back to your fairy tale echo chamber.
If that's all you do, you'll never fix anything, and you'll just keep losing.
You guys wont vote Republican for the next 20 years because of trump.
You mention trump during the midterms and you don't even see your obsession.
The Democrats have no platform to run on.
The Democrats cant debate their policies.
So to encourage the general dumb public they come up with slogans like stop trump.
Most of the country doesn't believe that boys should compete against girls in sports.
So how can we get a majorty of the country to vote for that even though they are against it?
The GOP could fix their party by ridding their party of the election denial shit. But you're all too busy making excuses and whining about the two boys competing against women.
This conversation is interesting. You have the Conservative spitting cold hard facts and the liberal like "Democrats would never cheat to gain power" yet its the liberal convinced of his own intellectual superiority while ignoring all the reality around him that everybody sees.
"If you choose not to decide/you still have made a choice"
I find voting for "the lesser of two evils" to be very weak. I say it's time to say the hell with the Republicrat/Demopublican Inner Party.
And BTW, I actually did vote for Trump in '16 (instead of Libertarian like I normally would), just because I liked how he was shaking things up. But to me he turned out to be more of the same old same old. JMO though.
Apart from the ones that are blatently horseshit , that list isnt too bad
Do you believe boys should be able to compete against girls in sports?
no , thats ones bullsgit , no one wants that
Do you want strong border security or the current border statistics?
"immigrant swarms" is a made up moral panic peropetuated by right wingers in all countries
there are adequate lwas in place , nopt a big deal .
Do you want a strong military or less funding?
I think the US could easily cut massively and spend it on something more useful.
Do you support no cash bail and a soft on crime mentality or do you want tougher justice?
most other countries have no cash bail for lesser offences
Do you want human infrastructure or traditional infrastructure like roads and bridges?
In the future people will have to move away from friving everywhere in 2 ton metal boxes
College forgiveness and non citzen voting, for or against?
against . as are most people , and isnt non citizen votimng already illegal?
Do you believe the country is ready to abandon fossil fuels or do you want more drilling and fracking?
no it isnt , but making the move to renewable energy is the absolute highest priority and biggest challenge
facing humanity - so encouraging moves to that is to be applauded.
Republicans run the elections in most states and rig them against democrats through voter suppression and gerrymandering.
Notice how DeSantis arrested Blacks for voting (in a past election two years ago) in Florida just before the November elections! Scare tactics to stop Blacks from voting which likely worked.