MovieChat Forums > Politics > Report: Biden Has Spent 40% of His Presi...

Report: Biden Has Spent 40% of His Presidency on Vacation


The post notes that “Biden’s weekend jaunts and vacations spanned 234 days — with seven in 10 of them spent at his homes in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware — out of 589 days in office.”

Biden’s predecessors didn’t have nearly as many days away at this point during their first terms, with Trump taking 132 days, Obama taking 38 days and Bush taking 100 days.

He has to go away for dementia treatment and to sniff young kids hair to recharge.


Wait I cant keep up with your nonsense narratives.

is he a useless dementia ridden husk who cant even tie his own shoes and has to be on derma vacation and others are running the show?

or he is a a master manipulator and dictator, taking out enemies, while also taking over the world?


That's a fair point but I doubt you'll get a proper answer.


So you are basically saying that Bitler is too stupid to be a dictator? Thats pretty mean of you, Bitler is 79 and has dementia and should be in a retirement home for dementia patients.


You're the one who claims Biden is smart enough to take over the world but then you claim he's suffering from dementia and can't even run America. Pick a lane and stay with it.


So you agree as well that Bitler is a retarded retard and is not smart enough to be a dictator? And you also agree that your fake president has spent the last 14 months on vacation. Why did you vote for this man?


the fact my comment confused you speaks volumes.....




political forums really are where the absolute shittest puns on earth are created


"is he a useless dementia ridden husk who cant even tie his own shoes and has to be on derma vacation and others are running the show?

or he is a a master manipulator and dictator, taking out enemies, while also taking over the world?"


You really can't be missing the fool.


How do you tell when he is on vacation and when he is not on vacation? Is mouth agape and bewildered eyes considered "working hard" or vacation?


I don't care for Biden, but I would hardly call going to Delaware, where he lives, a vacation.


Let's break down the other 60%....

10% Pants shitting

10% Falling up stairs

10% Shaking the hands of ghosts

10% Threatening half the country

10% Wandering around

10% Doing everything his handlers tell him to
