MovieChat Forums > Politics > Can anyone provide a single shred of str...

Can anyone provide a single shred of strong evidence for

their god? there is so many angles people can take it'd be best to provide one single point and argument. I normally get "but look at the trees". I need something better than that


It's called faith. No one can give it to you. Seek with all your heart and you will find.

P.S. You already operate on faith.


It's called faith. No one can give it to you. Seek with all your heart and you will find.

and the muslims tell me they have faith Allah is one the true god. while the jews say "no I know with all my heart Yahwe is the true god! the protestants tell me the catholics have it all wrong and catholics are just pope and idol worshipers but THEY have the true interpretation of Christianity. while the Christians tell me protestants are ignoring gods will on social issues and have ignored gods will in favour of modernizing.

so how do I discern between which religion has "true faith" in all these situations and who is following the REAL god, and which are wrong? as Hitchens said they cant all be true, as they contradict each other in fundamental, foundational ways, but they could all be untrue.

P.S. You already operate on faith.

p.s. no I dont. name one example. I don't blindly cross the street and say "I trust in faith ill be oaky". I take in observational evidence and look both ways. when I go to the doctors I dont say "well he will just pray and my faith will heal me!". I know medicine has come along way, backed up by studies and science to treat illness with the best possible treatments we can develop. based on evidence, not faith.

name one


Believe what you want. Seek or don't seek. It makes no difference to me and I have no interest in "proving" what I believe to you.

You have faith that what you intrinsically believe is true.


I dont believe what I want. I believe as many true things as possible and as few false things as possible. and what is true is "that which comports with reality".

I believe crossing the road is safe because

1. I take in observational data no car is coming
2. every other time ive taken in the same data no car is coming I have crossed unharmed (inductive reasoning)
3. I know physics exist and cars dont simply "teleport and pop into existence" to mow down unsuspecting pedestrians.

nope I dont.. faith is the reason given when you dont have evidence. because if you had good evidence, you wouldn't need faith. I dont have faith, I have evidence

you dont have to convince me what YOU believe. you have to convince me why I should also believe that and care.

you are falling apart here. anyone who reads this will see this is an absolute one sided intellectual slaughter.


Hahahahaha!! You're pathological. The only reason you started this thread and the only reason you engage with people in general is to assert that you're right. That's what's known as a character flaw.

Now, you'll come back with how I'm wrong and how I'm "falling apart" and how you're "intellectually slaughtering me" and whatever other inane insults you can come up with in hopes of impressing people with how "right" you are.

Your desperation is pathetic and you're a joke.


"The only reason you started this thread and the only reason you engage with people in general is to assert that you're right"

in the title I ask for "anyone provide a single shred of strong evidence for their god".and you scream. "have no interest in "proving" what I believe to you."
so why are you here?

I dont assert im right, I ask for evidence. thats how a logical person is convinced. and you scream basically "I won't give you evidence!"

you are a perpetual victim. its like somone asking for data on birthrates, and you say "I wont provide you with that!!!!!! you just want to claim you are right!"

lol you are falling apart. im not right because I claim it. im right because you cant support your assertions.

I asked for how I have faith, you gave me nothing. I ask for evidence for god, you say "I won't give you anything"

theres no desperations. theres me asking for evidence. and then theres you whinnying I asked for evidence, and crying the rules are too hard.

try again little crybaby. the intectual slaughter continues.

"WAHHHHH YOU HAVE FAITH TOO!!!!!! wahhhhhhhh!!!"

demonstrate this crybaby


Hahahaha! You can't make this stuff up!!

Now hit me back like my good little bitch.

P.S. What do you hope to accomplish by sending me private messages with more of your same attention seeking rhetoric?

Like I said, you're pathetic and a joke.


yes you cant make this stuff.. that people as for facts and evidence. how shocking................. and that they call you out for whining about having to provide evidence, in a post titled "provide evidence"

the only little bitch is you, which is demonstrated with every post where your whine and cry and dont provide evidence.
hyes I encouraged you to keep going. you are possibly the dullest debater on here. you just whine, at least others try

so name 1 thing I take on faith. ill wait little coward


Moron. My first post was a direct and relevant response to your OP. You're just too dim to understand.


yes and yet christians still claim they have evidence (and faith). its my post. I can ask what I want.

so. Moron. I asked you based on your first point where I " already operate on faith."

I also demonstrated the issues with faith and "true faith". which you had no answer to. instead you IMMEDIATELY started to play the victim.

go cry bitch. its what you are best at. perpetual whining victim who cant answer anything


Victim? You should maybe try your hand at stand-up comedy! That's some funny shit!

We don't know a lot more then we do know. If someone told you about radiation, microwaves, bacteria, etc., etc., etc., 300 years ago, you'd be behaving the same way. Show me proof! Waaahhh! I'm intellectually slaughtering you! Waaahhh. I'm riiiiight!! Waahh!

Grow up, little bitch.

I'm once again growing bored with winding my little bitch up, so I hope you come up with something worthwhile, but you never do.


"We don't know a lot more then we do know. If someone told you about radiation, microwaves, bacteria, etc., etc., etc., 300 years ago, you'd be behaving the same way. Show me proof!"

THIS HAS TO BE the most retarded thing you've ever written.. We didnt know about things, before we discovered them... thats some deep level thoughts. 300 hundred years ago id be behaving what way? where I ask for evidence? yes believe it or not people would and still do ask for evidence. HAHAHHAHA this comment just disproved your nonsense clown. what a self own

"Grow up, little bitch."

I have grown up. I expect evidence. I dont believe what just feels good. im no longer a little child. unlike you

"I'm once again growing bored with winding my little bitch up, so I hope you come up with something worthwhile, but you never do."

in other words, here comes the cop out and excuse to run away after being utterly destroyed. aww the sad loser has nothing, not on here, not in real life. you are a little bitch I know :)


You didn't let me down. You came up with more of your usual drivel.

Yes. Any sane person would ask for evidence, but those same sane people would not dismiss something out of hand because of lack of evidence because they would know that just because there was no empirical proof that radiation existed, didn't mean it didn't.

You are not sane and you're not looking for proof. You're looking to "be right" no matter what.

You know God's existence can't be proven and nothing could make you happier. It gives you free reign to be "right", even though you could very well be wrong.


yes the drivel of "demonstrate your claims, provide evidence". such drivel LOLLL>

Yes. Any sane person would ask for evidence, but those same sane people would not dismiss something out of hand because of lack of evidence because they would know that just because there was no empirical proof that radiation existed, didn't mean it didn't.

yes they would dismiss it. if you cant demonstrate something, I HAVE NO REASON TO BELIEVE YOU. welcome to science 101 clown. its just a claim. if you cant show it, why should I believe.

here ill demonstrate it. "I have a dragon in my room, but he's invisible, cant be touched or felt and no way to test hes real". do you believe me?

You are not sane and you're not looking for proof. You're looking to "be right" no matter what.

LOL. I ask for proof. you whine like a bitch how you won't provide any, just have faith. then now claim "I dont want proof"

you are dumb as hell. how do you remember to chew food?

hahaha yes it makes me soooooooo happy to destroy clowns like you :). how could I be wrong when my position on god is "I do not know?"

retard strikes again!


Look, junior. You know as well as anyone with even a modicum of sense, you didn't start this thread looking for any "evidence" which is why I mentioned faith, and as expected, you railed against that. You're looking to argue so that you can assert your false sense of superiority and your pathological need for validation.

You set forth an argument that can't be won or lost by anyone in the world, for the sole purpose of belittling others. You have a pathological need to "destroy clowns like me", which is further evidenced by your compulsion to falsely brag about doing so. If you did truly "destroy clowns like me", it would be self evident and you wouldn't need to brag about it. More evidence is that you privately message me to further claim that you "destroyed me", an anonymous "idea" on the internet. Why? Because you can't, in the real world because everyone knows you're a blowhard and a joke.

My guess is you have few if any friends, no wife/girlfriend or kids.

Stop thinking it's "everyone else".

You cannot belittle me, no matter how many stupid names you call me and you can't "destroy" me with your intellectual dishonesty because I see right through you.


which I destroyed your nonsense on faith. and you couldn't provide a single example of what I have faith in.

falsely brag? the conversations here for all to see. you flailing around, whining and not answering.

". If you did truly "destroy clowns like me", it would be self evident and you wouldn't need to brag about it. "

not how it works clown boy :) damn you really need to take some classes in philosophy, logic and argumentation in particular clown.

you are having a mental break in this post. let all your self projection out :) its good for you. its healthier to do this than end up on the news.

soo as we both saw you cant prove anything. and you ran away from your lies about me having faith. :) utterly destroyed


You're such a dumb ass. I have no interest in proving anything to you, as I said earlier. Believe what you want.

Everyone has faith including you. Lying about it won't change that.

You're sooooo desperate to "win". It's pathetic.


lol you have no interest all of a sudden, because I rebutted your nonsense every single time.

nope I dont believe just what I want. Im not like you, I dont need to believe things that give me comfort because im so weak.

"Everyone has faith including you. Lying about it won't change that."

NAME ONE THING CLOWN. I love how you threw a fit when I disproved your nonsense below. the problem is you are dumb. and you work under the assumption everyone else is as dumb as you.

Im not desperate. I am objectively winning here. ive rebutted your nonsense. while you go into an unstable spiral.


No. You are desperate and it's pathetic.


so what do I have faith on rat? stop changing topics after I obliterated you


You have faith on rat?

P.S. Glad I could wind you up again, little bitch.


I know you loser. anytime someone utterly destroys you, its "you are my bitch reply again!" or "im winding you up"

its a cop out to escape. its apparent to everyone. so again, what do I have faith on rat? name one thing. or else concede and man up for once in your sad little life


Tell yourself whatever you want. Liar.


its a fact. its happening right now so again, what do I have faith on rat? name one thing. or else concede and man up for once in your sad little life


I'm done with you for now. You're nothing but a pathetic, desperate liar.

Now go ahead and tell yourself you "destroyed me" or whatever makes you feel like you "won".

I. Don't. Care.


name 1 thing that I believe on faith


You have faith that you don't live in a simulation.

You have faith that your existence didn't just now begin and that you actually experienced what is in your memory and that those memories weren't manufactured.


"You have faith that you don't live in a simulation."

nope not faith.....I dont know if I live in a simulation or not. I cant prove it either way. thats not faith. thats "I dont know". thats like saying "you have faith magic fairies dont exist!!". no I dont.. I dont know... literally the opposite of faith spazo.

"You have faith that your existence didn't just now begin and that you actually experienced what is in your memory and that those memories weren't manufactured."

they could have. again, I dont know and as of yet have no way to prove that did or didnt happen.

again. that isnt faith.

wow. you just may be retarded. how are your posts getting MORE ignorant and stupid? I thought we hit bottom of the barrel already

Me - I dont know. demonstrate it and I will believe with a level of confidence equal to the evidence

you - I know I know I know. because I have faith i know! demonstrate it? I dont have to I just know cause I believe it and have faith


Does God exist?

P.S. You're a liar about not having faith. I don't know if I live in a simulation, but I have faith that I don't. Same as you.


"Does God exist?"

I dont know. I cant demonstrate he/it does or does not. Can you?? with objective verifiable facts or tests that can be replicated? that prove to a high degree of confidence he does? if your answer is "faith" well ia already showed the issue with that in my jews, muslims, protestant and catholics example.

"You're a liar about not having faith. I don't know if I live in a simulation, but I have faith that I don't. Same as you. "

thats not faith in my case you dumb fuck.i dont have faith we don't or do. I DONT KNOW and cannot demonstrate we do or do not. wow you are actually retarded.


You're not fooling anyone. Liar.


LOLLLLL the little bitch is breaking down hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha

you are flailing hard here clown. yes im not fooling anyone by...... taking a skeptic agnostic position of "I dont know". Probably the most common position now amongst the atheist/agnostic community online. compared to the past atheist position of "god doesnt exist"

please stop projecting your own stupidity and ignorance on me.


What do you think you're actually accomplishing here? You're the joke I've been laughing at since your first liar post you made, which incidentally, you won't post a link to because you would be exposed as the liar you are.


good one!!! you are running away now from the subject and trying to change it. I owned you here sooo badly. sad little bitch


Pretty half assed dodge there.


I dont need to dodge anything. I rebutted your nonsense about me having faith.

why would I dodge when I just won?

I won't post a link cause id be exposed? im literally the only one of us two, who made an entire thread about that exchange. then asked you to do it. then shared the link to it multiple times.

"P.S. You're a liar about not having faith. I don't know if I live in a simulation, but I have faith that I don't. Same as you. "

HAHAHAHA I love how you project your own pathetic bitch self on to me. I demolished you here and now you are desperately changing the subject. go cry

SO again demonstrate one thing I have faith about clown :) im waiting bitch


Share your original post. I would but other user's history only goes back 6 months. Come on, chicken shit.


LOL I have 5 times. nice running though :) so what do I take on faith. stop running little rat


Liar! You have NOT linked your post where you lied about working for Leonardo Dicaprio.


I have in the past.... multiple times.. I literally started a thread about it.

but we both can see your desperation to change the topic. so again what do I have faith on clown? name one thing


No. You're a liar. Put up or shut up.


"no you are!!!" you are a literal child mentally.

umm put up? like the 5 times I have already? including me starting an entire thread on it ?? and when I told you to you didnt? ive put up far far far more than you you little rat. I love how you just showed im more of a man than you while you are a scared little rat who cant actually deliver and cowardly tells others to do so.

so for the 8th time what do I have faith on rat? name one thing. or else concede and man up for once in your sad little life


Liar. Put up or shut up.


again I have 5 times. including making a thread. while you haven't once

you will always be a little coward bitch. goading others while never man enough yourself to do others.

so for the 9th time what do I have faith on rat? name one thing. or else concede and man up for once in your sad little life


No. You are a liar! You have NEVER linked your original post where you lied and said you worked for Leonardo Dicaprio, and your "pile up" thread which was just you doubling down on your lie, was an abysmal failure.

Come on. If you posted the link before (you didn't), post it again. "Destroy me" bro! Come on!


You have faith that people believe your lies. The don't though.


No. You are a liar! You have NEVER linked your original post where you liar and said you worked for Leonardo Dicaprio, and your "pile up" thread which was just you doubling down on your lie, was an abysmal failure.


1 second later


thanks for that self own. I didnt even have to do any work. it was great


My god you're desperate. You didn't post the link in that thread and you know it! Quit trying to worm out of your lie, you pathetic, desperate LIAR!


yes... yes I did.....

illa accept your apology whenever. you can do it in written form on this thread or in the PM. up to you


This in the link you posted:

That's NOT the original post where you lied about working for Leonardo Dicaprio.

Post that one! It's you chance to vindicate yourself and "destroy me".

You won't though because you're a chicken shit LIAR.


here ya go. you can apologize here or in a private message.

either way, man up for once you sad sack of shit


What is actually wrong with you? I'll say it as plain as I can:

in probably my 10th comment ever on this site I joked and said "I work for Leonardo Dicaprio himself! he wants to know what normal people are like online. ill have to report to him one of my first encounters has not been pleasant"

That "10th comment ever" thread. Post a link to that one, or lick my balls.


ummmm I dont have to do what you say rat. you said I NEVER posted a link. I did.

now I expect your apology here or in a PM. lying little rat


You're the rat and a lying, desperate worm.

Of course you don't have to post that link but you would if wanted to prove me wrong and prove that you aren't a LIAR.

Even now you're lying about what I said. I said

You have NOT linked your post where you lied about working for Leonardo Dicaprio.


yes so I did post about it :) im glad you finally conceded I posted a link about you saying I lied about working for Dicaprio. finally the little rat admits it.


We can do this all day if you want, LIAR.

You have NOT linked your post where you lied about working for Leonardo Dicaprio.

You know, I know and everyone knows I never asked for a link to a post about me saying you lied. You know, I know and everyone knows I've been asking for a link to where you ORIGINALLY SAID YOU WORK FOR LEONARDO DICAPRIO. Or to put it in your own words: "in probably my 10th comment ever on this site I joked and said "I work for Leonardo Dicaprio himself! he wants to know what normal people are like online. ill have to report to him one of my first encounters has not been pleasant"

Post a link to that 10th-ish post where you ORIGINALLY said: "I work for Leonardo Dicaprio himself! he wants to know what normal people are like online. ill have to report to him one of my first encounters has not been pleasant".

Is that clear enough for you? Post it. Prove me wrong!


Can anyone provide a single shred of evidence that you have a brain and can produce a single cogent thought?

There are people who feel they are called to convince people like you to have faith. I'm not one of them. I disregard Godless assholes like you and pray for forgiveness later.


more deep thoughts from title Craig.


There is a god, just something we can't comprehend or understand. For humans and their believer of imaginary god in their image, best way to deal with them is to see if god favors them. If their book god is real then it would them so test it by pointing a gun at them and see how much their faith squanders. :D


I became a Christian about 25 years ago. I was an atheist before then.

Can I give you physical proof of God?

No, I cannot.

If there was physical proof of God, I believe there would be a heck of a lot more people in church!

I have faith. Maybe you consider this a weak answer but it works for me.


here is my question for you about faith. its not rude im legit curious

The muslims tell me they have faith Allah is one the true god. while the jews say "no I know with all my heart Yahwe is the true god! the protestants tell me the catholics have it all wrong and catholics are just pope and idol worshipers but THEY have the true interpretation of Christianity. while the Christians tell me protestants are ignoring gods will on social issues and have ignored gods will in favour of modernizing.

I can claim I have faith magic pink fairies farted out the universe and they re the true gods.

so how do I discern between which religion has "true faith" in all these situations and who is following the REAL god, and which are wrong? as Hitchens said they cant all be true, as they contradict each other in fundamental, foundational ways, but they could all be untrue.

also what other area of your life besides religion do you operate on based on faith?


I'm not a firm believer, but what you're looking for is called faith. Sometimes you need faith and that is what those firm believers have. Not that we have to agree with it.

The Christian religion is often selectively quoted to attack it. I'm not one of those people who does that, I just choose to not be a firm believer. Some examples are the famous "Thou Shalt not kill". The proper translation is actually "Thou Shalt not murder". People falsely believe that God is there to protect everyone of his believers. That is absurd, and free will certainly acknowledges just how absurd it is. God created the heavens and the Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. There is no proof either way that this 6 days period couldn't be billions of years to us humans.

Even discussing this is honestly a waste of time. If you feel the need to trash anyone of any religion you've already lost whatever it is you're trying to do.


I address the issues of faith right above your comment so I won't reargue it fully. either way faith does nothing.

The Christian religion is often selectively quoted to attack it. I'm not one of those people who does that, I just choose to not be a firm believer. Some examples are the famous "Thou Shalt not kill". The proper translation is actually "Thou Shalt not murder".

thats literally not a famous one in any sort of debates...... ive watched over 100 formal debates and thousands of shorter discussion/debates. that was never brought up once. theres dozens of translations of the bible. some are better or more accurate translations of the old Hebrew, but then also we just frankly dont know the context. as many words have multiple meanings. like how Mary is a "virgin", but the word can actually mean "young woman". either way this translation of murder vs kill is in no way foundational or proof of god or christianity in any way

real issues and debates would be "why does god condone slavery". if got created and knows eveyrhting how do we have free will. if christians think everything is made by god and created, how can they know? how can they tell the difference between he natural and that made by an intelligence if everything is

God created the heavens and the Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. There is no proof either way that this 6 days period couldn't be billions of years to us humans.

demonstrate this is the case. demonstrate how you came to this conclusion. why would an entity outside time and space need temporal limits? where did the author imply this? the issue here isnt the time that atheists debate. its the fact objectively the order of creation according to the bible is massively wrong. thats an objective fact. like how plants were created before the sun.

Even discussing this is honestly a waste of time. If you feel the need to trash anyone of any religion you've already lost whatever it is you're trying to do.

this is a massive cop out to have an excuse so anyone who dares disagree and provide counter evidence is "attacking you"


I know my last line upset you, but it goes both ways. Any religious person who tries to push their beliefs on someone who either doesn't believe isn't strong about it is just as bad in my eyes. Debating religion overall is a waste of time as I've said before. Its turns into everyone judging everyone else. Which never ends well.


I mean I feel we should question why we hold beliefs, holding beliefs for no good reason is an easy way to be wrong about a heck of a lot of things.

you also didnt address anything I said. you made a bunch of assertions that I rebutted and showed make no sense or were straw men.


Because you're trying to fight about religion. I don't want to get into that. I think I made myself clear on that multiple times now. Unless said religious person is harming you in some manner just move on. I know full well many can be pushy, and if at that point trying to move on doesn't work, attack back at that point if you feel the need to. Something I never do on this subject.


"Because you're trying to fight about religion."

im asking people to support their claims..... wow asking for that is threatening to a chrsitain.. noted.

"I don't want to get into that"

I know you dont. that would require providing evidence or a logical arguement for what you said, rather than just asserting its true.

im allowed to post whatever I want and will continue to do so. I get why you wouldn't "attack back" on this subject. you simply assert things are true. someone disproves it. you say "I dont want to get into it"


You didn't disprove anything I said though. Only that you don't necessarily agree with everything. My quick view on religion is that if they aren't bothering you and it makes them a better person, why do you care about their faith?

Reading your posts you have a problem with people who have faith. That is the difference between us. You most certainly can post almost anything you want and I can laugh at you when you waste your time on this.

I'm not wasting my time on this with you or anyone else. Enjoy.


You didn't disprove anything I said though. Only that you don't necessarily agree with everything.

I asked for evidence god is real. what do I get?

You claimed people who attack Christianity mix up "thou shalt not kill and murder"
this doesn't prove god. it shows people mistranslate or present stuff.
argument disproven

God created the heavens and the Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. There is no proof either way that this 6 days period couldn't be billions of years to us humans.

and theres what proof god created the universe over billions of years. I dont need to prove it "isnt" the case. you have to prove it IS if you are asserting it. welcome to the burden of proof. can you demonstrate it is? what secret knowledge do you have the Catholic Church doesn't? where did you get this info from? what evidence do you have? hot tip "I have faith" doesn't count
until such time. argument disproven. as you are the one asserting this, and arent demonstrating it. its just a claim. it means nothing.

why do you care about their faith?

faith is useless. is there anything you cant believe on faith? that gremlins created the universe? that red haired people are the master race? faith is not a path to truth. its a path to believing whatever you want to.

Reading your posts you have a problem with people who have faith. That is the difference between us. You most certainly can post almost anything you want and I can laugh at you when you waste your time on this.

ive demonstrated faiths uselessness and issues twice to you now. but you just want to believe what feels good. not what is true. also you responded to a post with the title asking for evidence. then complain im asking for evidence.. you can laugh all you want. you look like you are throwing a tantrum because someone asked for evidence.


Everyone, as a fellow atheist I must apologize for Leodicaprio, I assure you we are not all as stupid and bigoted as he is.


it would be easier for you to prove that God does not exist.
