MovieChat Forums > Politics > Who hasn't had covid?

Who hasn't had covid?




I've not had it .
Definitive proof the vaccine works! :)


Not so! Millions haven’t had the jab and no Covid.


yes I was being a little facetious , both our points prove nothing .
also maybe i've had it and didnt notice.



I've had Covid, I wasn't vaccinated and I got better. Definite proof that my immune system worked and it works for free.


I've had it twice. Unvaccinated, and it was like a mild cold both times. I just sat around reading and watching movies with a bit of a headache, a temperature of 99 and a scratchy throat. My wife had to go to the hospital with COVID pneumonia the first time, but the last time she just had a mild cold-type illness like me.

My brother-in-law and his wife had it recently. Both are fully vaccinated and both of them were practically dying for over two weeks. Fevers over 101, throats so sore they couldn't even swallow their spit, real nightmare stuff.


lol so your presumably middle age wife with no serious health issues, got fucking pneumonia and had to go to a hospital? and its not that bad? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL|

ya and it would have been even worse for your bother in law and wife genius. thats how these vaccines work. its a seatbelt, not a forcefield


are you 60+? do you have other severe health issues. are you morbidly obese?

have you ever gotten a cold and felt like shit, while the rest of your family barely felt ill?

derp derp


make sure then if you get cancer or AIDS you dont seek treatment. your immune system work! why would you need advice and treatment form those "big Pharma paid doctors"


I'm not vaccinated and have never had it.


Never. Didn't get fully vaccinated until January of this year. Still no booster either. And I've been around plenty of people who later tested positive. I've had problems with my immune system for decades as well.


I haven't. I don't know anyone in my extended family who had it nor any of my friends and acquaintances. We're all vaccinated, wear a mask and take other common sense precautions.


There is nothing common sense about you. Delete your account.


You think the vaccine keeps you from getting it? You get your medical degree off the internet?


Actually, it DECREASES the chances although much less with each new variant. That's the reason I added the importance of wearing a mask and other precautions like social distancing and avoiding crowds.

I'll also add that it depends on each individual's circumstances. There is a huge difference between living in a large city and working in a hospital vs living in a rural area and staying home all day.

A couple of people on my job died and everyone who could retire left asap. Covid is still rampant where I work so I take every precaution until I can leave.


No, the vaccine doesn't keep you from getting the virus, Idiot Joe.


It decreases the chance of getting it, but not 100%.


No, it doesn't. Not at all. It mitigates symptoms, that is all, less and less with each mutation.


You're anti-science.


You're stupid. I'm a fucking IT professional, not a caveman. Your argument is based on lies and rooted in bullshit.


You can't keep your lies straight. What happened to your two businesses?


Oh oh! You have exposed Lil' Craigy yet again!


Are you retarded??? I am an IT professional but it's not all I do. It is, however, the only thing I do for money that involves cutting edge technology, i.e. "science". You really need to go outside your bubble.


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!"

You can't keep up with all of your lies, can you?


Don't project your bullshit onto me. You assume because you lie everyone else does.


Two businesses and an IT professional! Sure you are. LOL!


Yes, I know your delicate sensibilities require you to think everyone is a loser like you. I've had an IT business since 2005 and started another unrelated business in 2013. Sorry but you're not entitled to any more details than that. If you had a halfway decent job, I still pay at least four times that amount in taxes. Because as I said, people who make money pay taxes. Regardless of whatever stupid ideas exist in your brain, we carry the load.


Lol 🤦🏿‍♂️


I may have had in May of 2020, also no jabs of an unknown, and I haven’t kicked the bucket! 🥾🪣

What ever it was I was fine 4 days later.


didnt you literally say your husband died of covid?
