Whatever Trump says, or said he thought or believed it was always a cynical play for political support - you cannot trust it. He said he did not like NATO but all the way he was supporting the same US/NATO policy against Russia w.r.t Ukraine, arming, training and speaking provocative words.
That said, Biden is a creep. America is in real trouble when one party cannot even field any candidate that supports the American people, democracy, and the Constitution, and the other party feels like it can get away with anything just by virtue of not being totally insane.
The Ukraine war would never have started without US pressure on NATO to accept Ukraine as a member when they knew that Russia had spoken out about that for years - the same as the US would object to violations of the Monroe Doctrine. Still, the US/NATO meddled in the politics of Ukraine
- appointing their Presidents,
- manipulating their media,
- setting their laws to put NATO into their Constitution,
- outlawing the use of Russian in public.
- shutting down opposition media channels.
- shipping arms,
- building caches,
- training soldiers in NATO tactics,
- training soldiers in foreign NATO wars,
- allowing the Nationalists to shell Donbass and kill from 12,000 to 16,000 civilians
- refusing to allow negotiated deals like the Minsk Agreement or the Budapest agreement to work.
The west provoked this war at a time when Russia is not a threat to the US - China is our "peer competitor" as John Mearsheimer puts it. The thing Trump got right was that it would be better if we got along with Russia ... but he never made the case or did anything to see that that happened. He was lying, incompetent or just manipulating people for political and monetary support.
Biden on the other hand has been all in on this program since before 2014 and Maidan. It is despicable, and now because the Republicans are so unacceptable Biden thinks that instead of following through on his promise of being a one-term President he can run again - dishonest and liar that he is and win.