MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why do contards put more value on the li...

Why do contards put more value on the life of the unborn as opposed to life after birth?

Listen to those dumb bastards (Fat Donnie's mentally retarded disciple) screech and shriek and wail because their "tax dollars ([although hardly any of them actually pay taxes] are being used to fund programs to subsidize health and welfare for the children of poverty stricken parents"?


Why is it that libtards want to kill unborn babies but are against the death penalty for vicious criminals ?




Now that's a good idea!


As a lib, I don't have a problem with the death penalty if there's no doubt (ie marathon bomber, serial killers). In that case it should be sped up so we don't pay to keep the monster alive. I think the criticism is mostly of the history of the death penalty and how many innocent people were killed.


I don't think your a liberal.

Pro death penalty.

Are you liberal with your money or do you conserve your money?
Go in debt , over spend? Or save and spend wisely?

Are you liberal with your sexuality, are you will to try gross things?
Be more prone to disease or be a one partner person?

Are you liberal on borders? Feel there is no need for borders and that anyone can come and go freely? Or a more conservative approach and have control who gets in?


Maybe not a liberal, more independent progressive with some exceptions.


Open borders or secure?

Soft on crime or serve justice?

No cash bail or bail?

Boys can compete against girls or not ?

Abandon fossil fuels or drill?


Abandon fossil fuels.


And replace with???


We will use the outlet on the side of the wall for the power silly.


No one has top pass your arbitrary and stupid test -- thank god.
Life and people are a hell of a lot more complex and nuanced than you and your ideology could comprehend.


No, libtards want to kill people like you for being publicly and terminally ignorant.
Why should innocent schoolchildren always have to die for your sins?


You are a lunatic.


how is a half an inch fetus "a baby". I bet if we had a chart you couldn't tell if ti was a dog, dolphin or human fetus.

if I live function of my kidneys do I have the right to use yours? so does a fetus have a right to the mothers body?


Too much insulting going on here on the politics board, but I agree with the point of your post. Once they are born, even if they have issues, the cons want them to be on their own. They don't care too much about them. I agree with George Carlin, who said it's not about life, it's about control.


Yeah, it’s not like the conservatives have built hospitals, shelters, foster homes, food drives, etc, all of which have been around for a while to help people post-birth, many of which aren’t government funded.

It’s current year and people are still using this argument.


cut government funding. then expects a pat on the back when these same groups and churches do charity so they can preach. good one.

im sorry your party keeps underfunding all these things. maybe ask them why


if society allows the murder of innocent unborn babies then it sets a precedent that nobodies life has any value. if u dont want kids then dont open your legs u hoes....


and dumbest comment of the day goes to! the mental case incel who is def on an fbi watchlist


fbi is too busy arresting innocent journalists to protect biden from his daughters diary that implicates biden in some seriously weird shit to care about my dumb ass


your talk of guns and mentally unstable posts say otherwise


guns are freedom. without guns the commies will come and steal all our land and food like they did to my family during the purges in Ukraine. you can take my guns from my cold dead hands! my parents immigrated here with no rights, as refugees from commie hellholes but i was born a free Murican citizen and i will die one!! USA USA USA!!!!!


gun are freedom.. thats why you live in a corrupt shithole? how free is Somalia?? more than Canada?

LOL "the commies"

shit bro is still trapped in the 60s.

yes chant the line like a good parrot. thats what low iq people do


yes i would rather live in Somalia than Cuckanda. they have more medical right in that third world place than your commie shithole, forcing all the poor people to take that mcfranklinvax, making everyone be part of big pharmas experiment or became a second class citizen without any transportation rights even. ur country sucks fucking ass, i would rather spend my life in any African county than be a trapped peasant living under fidel castro's love childs reign of commie terror... ur country is a disgrace



tell me you are on strong anti psychotics without telling me you are.

yaa man make sure you dont get the myriad of other vaccines that are mandatory for kids too. those are all part of big pharma conspiracies!


i take no drugs except weed, dont even drink anymore. ur the one popping the big pharma death pills not me bud...


you've literally admitted you did hard drugs and are permanently fucked from them. LOLL

I know man aspirins a trick to make you a compliant drone.

seek medical help for your psychosis


yes i have strayed away from the Lord when i was young and angry at the world and done a lot of hard drugs in the past. i was a sinner who gave up on God but God never gave up on me. in my darkest hour after burning all my bridges and having nowhere else to turn i got on my knees and prayed for the Lord to guide me out of the valley of a shadow of death. after letting the Lord back into my heart i was able to turn my life around and get my sad wretched soul out of the gutter. i went from overdosing at the age of 21 and dropping out of college to making my first million the next year at age 22. when u put ur faith in the Lord anything is possible. big pharma will never fix ur problems, it will just sedate ur symptoms and keep u in your wrong ways, digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole. only the Lord can save you from yourself! put your faith in God not man!!


omg you believe in "da god toO".w ow three strike. you are on your way to pure stupidity.

a Jesus freak former drug addict conspiracy theories. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

shame you weren't strong enough yourself, you had to invent a magic sky daddy.

LOOOLL sure you did man. and I went from shooting heroin to a billionaire in 1 year.

you are a clown

"“If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”"

amazing how christians dont even know their own bible. yes man god made you rich. LOLL


u need the Lord brother that is all i have to say. i told u my story and how God helped me turn my life around. i care not if u believe me or not, the story is true, it is my reality. i am too busy living a good life now after regaining my spirituality to care if u believe my experience. the Lord saved me. Praise be the Lord!!! 🙌


no I have facts and reality.

faith is literally useless. you may as well believe in the magical 4 unicorns who made the universe.

which lord? there's literally thousands of religions who all make the same claim! amazing you found the real one though lol

enjoy your delusion. your mass opioid. your re living a lie because you are not a strong person


like i said you need the Lord bud. that is all i have to say


again which lord. theres over 2000 religions and 1000s of denominations

you are living a lie. and hence why you ant even address the fact YOUR OWN BIBLE says you are living in sin and cant get in to heaven. how sad

look at that the christian runs away when he get shown his hypocrisy! big surprise!


i claimed to be a spiritual man, never said i am a christian. u are the one making assumptions. there are many ways to find the Lord wether it is tru Jesus or another a religion it doesnt matter. having a relationship with a higher power is all that matters. if a sad Godless soul trying to put me down but i have no ill will to you. hope you find God again for your own sake brother. Godbless


you claimed a god. you claimed "the lord"

you are suing christian vernacular, from a mot christian country.

im sorry you arent even brave enough to defend your convictions since I pointed out your nonsense.

stay dumb man. stay living a lie

id rather live an uncomfortable truth, than a comfortable lie. sad you arent strong enough to do the same


ur "facts" and "reality" is no more valid than mine bud. atheism is a cult with no proof just like any other religion. u put ur faith in man, i put it in the Lord


it actually is. that you cant see that is truly disturbing and show an illogical broken mind. its truly disturbing that your religion has warped your brain.

if I live in reality. and I say. I have a red car. I can demonstrate I have the car, show my ownership, show you the car exists.

now if you say "I have a pink dragon". and I say cool well show me. and you say "oh well hes invisible". I say "can I touch him" Nooo hes ethereal". can I talk to him "noooo he only talks to me". I have no reason to believe you. your claim is garbage

One of us IS ACTUALLY living in demonstrable, reality. one of us is a mentally unstable dellusional person. that is you

no agnosticism is the claim "I am not convinced". its not a cult, its not a believe system. anymore than not being convinced Santa clause is real is "putting my faith in man" or a cult. its a lack of belief. since I am not convinced. and you have given nothing

your brain is broken man. you are living in a fucking delusional alternative la la land.

get help


faith is the excuse given when you dont sufficient reasons to believe something.

please name where I have "faith" in atheism. my stance is "I am not convinced a god exists". now give me good evidence.

its the same reason I dont believe Santa. I cant KNOW Santa 100% doesnt exist. im not convinced he does.

yet you are running around telling us you know 100%.


the Lord has saved me bud, i wish u grow up one day and let him back into ur heart


which lord?

lol I should grow up by believing in an evidence less sky daddy imaginary friend?

hahahahahahah notice how you have no logical input or argument to add to my discussion on the issues of faith? you re abscialyl admitting tis total BS.

}again this is reason and logic coming up against nonsense "my feelings"

destroyed again idiot


u seem like a sad soul brother. u need the Lord in your heart to turn ur life around bud...


nope im happy. I follow my passions. I also dont need made up delusions because im strong enough myself. unlike you :)

lol how sad and condescending. another pathetic christians who thinks they are better than everyone.

im sorry you
1. dont know your own bible
2. dont follow what god is claimed to have said
3. are so weak you needed and imaginary friend.

some people are born weak or dumb. you are both


u seem fucked bud


yes im fucked because... I live in reality and dont need a crutch or made up delusions?

meanwhile the former drug addict who found his imaginary friend is normal?

LOL this is your brain on religion and a "god"

you need help man for real. stop being a weak person for once in your sad life. live in reality


yeah bud ur fucked. find the Lord and stop being so sad


I know im sad by having hobbies and passions! and not talking to an imaginary friend.

you are one drug relapse away from being a crack smoking street preacher man

you are weak and needed a crutch. that is oaky but be honest about it.

dumb and weak. how sad


i am a young cash money millionaire who has way more free time and resources for passions and hobbies than you because God blessed me #blessed you need to get off ur high horse bud and stop being such an aggressive sad atheist. its a beautiful world out there if u let it be bud


LOLLL god said you cant get into heaven then :) whoops looks like hell for you. but it seems you deserve that place

hahahahah yes im sad because I appreciate the world for real. to through your delusions

sad little loser not even strong enough to do stuff himself. has to have an imaginary friend. you are a weak weak person.


i am a world traveler who been to over 50 countries and 42 states. the weak person is you, corrupted by society and media into losing your spirituality. u need to go on a long spirit quest to get yourself back bud. too much fluoride in the water supply calcified ur pineal gland. the government wants u Godless and scared. find the Lord and u will be happy


You have to either mentally retarted or never ever took sex Ed during your teen years. Pregnancies can happen even with safe sex. There is no such thing as 100% guaranteed protection.

Secondly, if you don't believe in terminating babies, don't do with when you're carrying a child. You're a big girl! You don't need the government to illegalize anything. If you don't want your 12-year-old wandering around the city alone at night (which no sane parent does), then don't allow it! You don't need the state to make laws against that.


u shouldnt have sex with someone unless it is a spiritual connection and ur willing to have kids with them. murder of innocent kids should always be illegal. the government is there to protect the weak from the strong. that little baby inside the woman has more rights to live and survive than a murdering mother who believes its her "right" to kill her own kiddo. Murica was founded as a God fearing nation. if u want to murder your own kid go leave to some evil country and do it there, not on our holy soil! USA USA USA!!!!!


"Murder of innocent kids should always be illegal".

Then it should be illegal for any racist cop to point a gun at non-white citizens for simply waking outside.

After covid hit, many innocent Asians (many of which are NOT even Chinese) were physically beatened and harassed by racists people in badly they could have died.

Plenty of black and brown citizens were shot at and called "criminals" or "illegal" after doing nothing but walking on the side walk to school, stores, home, etc.


it is illegal to do all that stuff u mentioned. asians are the most discriminated race not cause of redneck assholes like the fake news spins the propaganda but instead by the libturded affirmative action laws that give afro muricans more rights then everybody else. white people lose out to affirmative action but asians receive twice as much discrimination by these laws and have to work even harder than white people just to have there rightful positions filled with c student afromuricans receiving free handouts from the government. the real asian hate comes from liberals. their parents act like tiger moms and ruin their childhoods because they know their children will have to work twice as hard as whites and 100 times as hard as afros just to get to the same place in our corrupt backwords libturded society


Why do libs care when they wanted them dead before they were born anyway? 🤔

Lol what an own goal by op 🤦🏿‍♂️


Why do conservatives want to allow them to be born when they can't commit to protecting their life once they ARE born?


Why do libs care when they wanted them dead before they were born anyway? 🤔




You don't even qualify as afterbirth.


Your mom wanted to keep the placenta and flush you. Too bad the doctor wouldn't let her. She would have been a lot happier.


Becuase they're idiots who worship control for their own benefits and ignore other people's real concerns.

They're not fooling anyone. They don't care about unborn babies. They care about control and money.




Which country are you referring to? Everything you said is not an issue in Canada and yet there are still people who are anti-abortion.


You have been taught that people shouldn't be responsible for themselves and their offspring for some reason. There are multitudes of ways to prevent pregnancy, not to mention STDs and AIDS, and now Monkey Pox(?), least of all, do not allow a man to ejaculate inside.

Stop the whining and take responsibility to prevent a pregnancy so you don't have to murder the growing baby inside a woman's womb.
