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Should all young males get a vasectomy until they're financially able to provide to protect the sanctity of life?

Vasectomy is reversible* and helps prevent unwanted/unknown pregnancies. If you start feeling uncomfortable about this then you finally know what it's like for a woman.

Also, food for thought, why ban abortions if it doesn't ban all abortions? Abortionists don't follow the law anyway unlike law abiding Christians.


What is this myth that a vasectomy is an easily reversible procedure. It isn't and in a lot of cases can leave the man completely sterile

Success rates for vasectomy reversal
It's estimated that the success rate of a vasectomy reversal is: 75% if you have your vasectomy reversed within 3 years. up to 55% after 3 to 8 years. between 40% and 45% after 9 to 14 years.

Why would a vasectomy (that women can't have you know due to biology) make men know what it's like for a women? Are women told they have to have there tubes tied until able to financially provide to protect the sanctity of life. No. So why should men.


Its because of an episode of Mad About You in 90s portrayed Paul Riser having his vasectomy done and undone several times in an episode for laughs, and now dumbass Americans think they are reversible.


Where did I say it was 'easily' reversible. It's true that the longer you wait, the less likely you'll be able to have a child after the procedure.

Since you obviously can deduce that both sexes have different biology, this is the alternative instead of putting pinning every onus on the women, ya dig? Right now it's ONLY 'the woman's fault'.


Are we not told constantly.

"No uterus. No opinion".

So if men cannot have an opinion on this matter and they cannot have a say on if the child lives or dies then yes it is all on the women.

The man gets no say on if it dies and no say when it lives but is still held financially repsonsible for it regardless of what he wants. Make it fair and more men would probably agree with you. But currently it is stacked agianst us and so as I already said yes the woman can deal with it.

this is the alternative

It isn't an alterantive. It is forced sterilization.

ya dig

What are you 12

about 96% of all abortions are elective with 74% of those being done because it is "onconvenient"


Abortion was not banned by Scotus!


Just severely limited in half of America because of SCOTUS. Women will die as a direct result.


Lmao no they wont, scaremonger.


Email sent to the community of a medical school from the president (I erased the names of the school and people):

Dear (college) Community,
The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade sent shock waves across the country. Women are no longer guaranteed the right to an abortion, and some states have already begun to limit access to the procedure. We must now grapple with the consequences, including the considerable implications for public health.
The ruling will impact countless women, altering the trajectory of many lives. It is well documented, for example, that unwanted and unplanned pregnancies can derail futures and perpetuate poverty. Low-income women in states that ban abortions will suffer the most. They may lack the financial resources and support systems to travel to a state where the procedure is legal. The Supreme Court’s decision will exacerbate issues of equity and access in U.S. healthcare.
(College) works to bring attention to such issues through our curriculum and programming, preparing students to affect change. We believe that everyone deserves to receive quality healthcare, regardless of how much they earn or where they live. We can work together to mitigate the effects of this decision—today and in the future. Consider this the beginning of a conversation about what comes next. We are optimistic that the healthcare community can find ways to support women across the country and champion population health.
We recognize that the Supreme Court ruling is upsetting for members of our community. Keep in mind that Student Counseling Services is available for students to support mental wellness and the Employee Assistance Program is available for employees for extra emotional and well-being support.
As we process the recent news, let us recommit to advancing equity and access in healthcare. Together, we can make a difference for individuals, communities, and society.
(College), President


Why am I not shocked a college president has no clue what she is talking about? Just as stupid as the students.

More scaremongering. Imagine baby murder is "healthcare". Yikes.


These are people on the front line of healthcare. It's not theoretical. Most medical schools employ teachers who work in the field and simultaneously teach or have 20+ years experience working in a hospitals. The SCOTUS decision is a big deal. I believe the people whom it will affect directly (doctorsz, nurses, patients, etc) more than the uninformed public.

Not that it matters, but the president is a guy.


Sluts* you mean, not regular women.


If it increases poverty then it affects everyone, you and me included.


You can't fix poverty... If you took all the wealth in the entire world and gave everyone an equal share....everyone would have $12,000.

The world would be back to normal in a few years because people are stupid.


True but it's severely limited and in others, outright banned which affects half the country already due to trigger laws in place. Some are extremely Conservative where even if rape/incest or if you're a 12 yo girl, they'll force that deformed/suspect baby out of you.



If the couple insists on having unprotected, unsafe sex, and the female is not on methods of birth control, then the male needs to pull out before ejaculation.

It is a medical fact there is no sperm present in pre-cum UNLESS the male does not urinate in between ejaculations. I would go so far to have the male also wash himself off in between ejaculations as well as urinate.

The female will not get pregnant.

But if you insist and can't resist on ejaculating inside then you better hope it's not the female's time of ovulation. I'd say you're a selfish jerk and you will have to take responsibility for your actions as in welcome to fatherhood.


All true points but even with urination and bathing, there is always still that small chance factor. Pulling out before ejaculating is the least successful method of birth control. You're gambling on him pulling out in time, etc. etc.

I actually agree with most if not all your statements here.


No, there isn't unless the guy doesn't pull out in time before ejaculating if following the above. The sperm is not released beforehand.


Vasectomies are not reversible.


Yes they are, up to 20 years. I will add asterisk.


So I was looking into shutting off the valve a few years ago, and I had 3 different doctors tell me that while, yes, they can sew your vas deferens back together, the majority of the time it doesn't work. The stats they claim are bogus.

Don't mess with your shit, gents. Be a fucking man, control your urges...and for fucks sake PROTECT YOUR SEED. You don't want Baby Jail.


I'll just repeat this here as you obviously ignored it.

Success rates for vasectomy reversal
It's estimated that the success rate of a vasectomy reversal is: 75% if you have your vasectomy reversed within 3 years. up to 55% after 3 to 8 years. between 40% and 45% after 9 to 14 years.


Both females and males should have some type of mandatory contraceptive until they can show they are mentally and financially stable enough to procreate. But, that's never going to happen of course due to civil rights and all that.


You are describing the plot of "Brave New World".


They pretty much do that in porn.


That's not quite the same though. I mean that's a consensual arrangement that's made. What I'm talking about is forced contraception without consent.


If the woman isn't DTF then they have nothing to worry about.


I thought that was the vaccines job...
