So where is the male contraceptive pill ?
It might help you know.
They've been trying for years. But eventually, it'll be here.
shareMen cannot be allowed to control reproduction. It will never be released.
shareIt's called the pull-out. Why don't they teach that in sex ed instead of pushing abortion? The only time pre-ejaculate contains sperm is if the man didn't urinate in between ejaculations.
Better yet, what about the risk of STDs and AIDS? Why such reckless intercourse anyway if you're having multiple partners? I thought the push for sex ed in public school was to teach safe sex also.
Maybe now some will think twice about consequences. The majority of abortions were from reckless sex and not rare circumstances like contraception failure, rape, incest, and "the life of the mother".
So, I am not only blaming the female but the male for being selfish for wanting to "cum inside" like an a-hole if he had no intention on being a father. Males need to be taught to know when it's time and not be an idiot.
In my sex-ed class in highschool circa '02 they did teach that pull-out method was not a reliable form of contraception, like 1/5 will still get pregnant. They didn't push abortion, they teach options such as condoms, birth control pills/iud/other, abstinence and I assume abortion but I don't specifically remember. So idk what wack sex-ed you had or if you're just believing something an antichoice advocate claimed.
shareNo, what I said about the pull-out is really true about pre-ejaculate, look it up.
The only way it fails is if the guy had not urinated in-between ejaculations or doesn't pull out in time.
I wouldn't gamble on it. You getting your info from barstool sports?
shareMy real life has supported this fact and I'm Fertile Myrtle.
There is NO sperm in pre-ejaculate. Now, if you don't want to wear a condom and prevent STDs you can still prevent a pregnancy. Or you can be a selfish a-hole.
I take it you never bothered to look it up. It is a medical fact.
They exist (since men can now get preggorz), just the woman have to make their man take it. Helps if both take it though.
Vasectomy (easiest for men but ugh!)
Morning After
Nothing beats a condom in the end but hey, some like the real feels.