MovieChat Forums > Politics > "Women's rights," "women's bodies," etc....

"Women's rights," "women's bodies," etc. are just canards in the abortion debate

What really happens at conception, however, is the advent of a new human life, a separate human/body/person/individual from its mother.
At the time of conception there are trillions of original cells in the body of the mother, and all of them possess the same 23 pairs of chromosomes intrinsic to the mother alone. Only one cell, however, that of the zygote, possesses a chromosome makeup that is not the same as those other trillions of cells. It is clear from then on, that there are two separate human organisms, one gestating inside the other. Some months down the line, this zygote is a fully-fledged human being with all his/her human rights.
So abortion is not only the question of women's rights. In my opinion, the women's rights in this case are of secondary importance.


These same people couldn't define what a women is a few weeks ago...

You think they would ever define when life begins? You have to understand that this issue is never meant to be solved as long as votes can be harvested from it. SCOTUS decision is a means to end this vote harvesting system.

Politicians don't actually care about women....its about the votes.


Courts draw upon expert opinions on this matter. The expertise in this case is embryology. I don't think you'll find an embryologist who wouldn't confirm that zygote/foetus/embryo is in fact human life. The pro-choicers like to throw in canards such as women's rights and religion into the mix so as to paint their opponents as misogynistic religious fundamentalist. But I say consult science what it says.


They have to make it a women's rights issue because no one can justify dead babies, murdered in the womb. So they totally change the narrative.


Perceptive of you.

It's the truth. All political movements utilize slogans and narratives to manipulate the discourse.

Some are even trying to make this an issue regarding race and LGBTQIA+.

This decision will impact the most vulnerable among us. Women, people of colour, members of the LGBTQIA+ community and so on.

How Lewis Hamilton thinks this is an issue for Black, Latin and Asian people and homosexuals/lesbians/transexuals is well a truly beyond me. It's a issue for Women yes (almost exclusively Heterosexual ones), but to call them the 'most vulnerable among us' is poppycock.

He seems like one of those muppets who follow the 'Heterosexual White Men are evil and ruining it for the rest of us' doctrine.


Lewis Hamilton is a jagoff anyway. But I understand the tactic. You make it about women, minorities, the typical downtrodden groups who are perpetually victims of something and you don't have to justify dead babies. How the hell they make it about alphabet people is beyond me though.


Lots of pregnant MAGAS here today
