Roe V Wade reversed
Now a state issue.
Now a state issue.
Now it's up to Congress, as it should have been in 1973 to establish a framework of abortion legislation at the federal level that States must adhere to. SCOTUS can't make law, i.e. the original ruling was an overstep that was just corrected. But it could quite legitimately be argued that the timing of this revocation of Roe v Wade is as big a misstep as the ruling itself, that they should have waited for Congress to get something passed and established first so that a certain extreme Right element couldn't go bonkers with harmful State laws.
However, Congress had 49 damn years to do that. It was never going to happen. Perhaps this will prompt some actual action by the inept Congressional nincompoops. Not something far Right leaning that bans all abortion under all circumstances, and not something far Left leaning that continues to allow abhorrent partial birth abortion, or even during the third trimester barring life-threatening exceptions. Maybe this is finally an opportunity for Congress to come together and compromise and pass meaningful, non-ideological legis...
Giggle -- sputter -- HA HA HA I almost said "Congress compromise and pass meaningful, non-ideological legislation".
Ha. ha... ha..... ha......... ha............. ha..........................
We're fucked.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
Why would politicians solve a problem that's an infinite source of votes? Think about it.