MovieChat Forums > Politics > Women no longer have a defintion,LOL

Women no longer have a defintion,LOL
Official video says you can’t define ‘woman’


And this is why I do not believe trans women are real women and trans men are real men. I support if they want marriage and all that, but I draw the line them telling me that gender is how you feel and can't define it.


I can. A woman has 2 real breasts, real vagina, a uterus, and ovaries. When healthy, they generally have an hour glass shape, and their hip to waist ratio is a good indicator of child-rearing, as women are the only sex that can have babies.

I could have authored this exact post 35 years ago when I was 11. Probably even younger.


Ya mean, no cock `n balls???


Nope, that's a dude.


I know 4% of women that would disagree...


This sums up the wokist/libtard in a nutshell. Confounded by a simple question that any child can answer.

Boys have a penis.
Girls have a vagina.
End of discussion.


Not always. You've never heard of intersex babies? Do a little reading before making such asinine statements.


That's an asinine statement?! Wow...


It should be obvious to anyone but the brain damaged that my statement was not inclusive of those born with genital birth defects. Shouldn't have to point out that such examples are tangential at best.


Thats the playbook!


Exceptions don't disprove a rule you moron. Those are nature's mistakes are extremely rare and therefore don't count.


Oops didn't see your reply but yes completely agree.


People using the word asinine while trying to apply an exception to the norm as the crux of their argument 🤦🏿‍♂️.


Women supported all the Woke bullshit when it suited them. Now they deal with it working against them.


Despite of what some might say, the definitions of a man and a woman are the same as they'll always be:

A man= a human being born with a penis
A woman= a human being born with a vagina

No other definitions are relevant, or apply.


This applies: Conservatives' minds are not advanced enough to detect the nuances of an issue. It hurts their brains to think some issue is not black and white--in their parlance, they get "triggered."


There is no nuance, trust the science.


"trust the science?"
Do you always spew out cant phrases thinking it will make look smart when they're a total nonsequitor?


I’m sorry, does science get this one wrong???


Very brave of you to take a position that goes against your cult...

I assume this stance also applies when it comes to climate change and vaccines...


No it doesn't. Liberals will accept anything as truth as long as it either supports their position or demonizes the opposition. It is really truly disgusting the lengths you people go to to slander the other side. Not everything under the heading of "science" is credible.

Distrust of COVID vaccines and distrust in vaccines in general are two different things.

Do you know why trust in science is waning among conservatives? Because it has been politicized by liberals! Because it has been weaponized by liberals! The evidence is right here for all to see. Look at how people like you use it to attack conservatives. I'm not ignorant, I do not distrust science in and of itself. I'm not huddling in a corner, clutching my bible and praying when I get sick. Yet that is how you characterize people. If there is distrust, it's because of environmentalist lunatics and people like Fauci. You people are amazing. You expend all this effort to weaponize science and then call us backward when we don't trust it. Are you really that stupid? Or is it intentional and all part of some great scheme? You'll probably disregard my comments as conspiracy theorist, rather than actually respond to them. Which is typical.


Go away, Trumptwat! 🤡

This tune reminds me of high school...I was more knowledgeable than most on scientific matters even back then!


That's all you can come up with? Shameful. Disappointing. Sad.



It's okay, I know you're incapable. You don't have to deflect.


Found the tranny.


Camino: A video you didn’t even watch, did you?


I am not a government worker.


Well we're all glad to hear that!



Lol, I talked to my mom about this, and she was giving me the WTF? This is crazy! after telling her men can get pregnant now.

You know society is declining when you have people marrying trees, airplane, hologram, etc. etc.


I hope your residence is a psychiatric ward, for everybody's sake!


Make the world a crazy place and then call people crazy for pointing it out. The liberal way.
