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no guns allowed at Texas NRA convention||

LOL even they know the dangers. oh the irony of these pro gun republican nuts

BUT BUT BUT I thought no sort of restriction on guns worked with criminals and bad guys? you can never limit rights like the second!!!!!

this means besides the agents and officers, only the bad guys will have guns in there!!!!!!!!!!

this one thing alone disproved every single republicans 2nd amendment talking points and shows they don't actually believe it


That is because Houston is full of criminals that will break into your car and steal them.They can get more for a gun than a catalytic convertor. Just let them have those.


if you are allowed to bring your gun in the convention and conceal/open carry. why the fuck you leave it in the car. you are truly a drool chin


That is a weekend thing, and nobody would carry the same gun each day. Hotels have nothing but crooks working at them so it is unsafe to leave the extra guns there.This is Houston,land of the Democrat Homo Criminals.


To be fair, how many conventions like this allow you to carry?


NRA would but Houston is democrat with half the population criminals. Nobody would take all their guns inside.


I don't know enough about the NRA conventions. Do they allow visitors to bring guns in other states. I would think that policy is actually decided by whomever owns the convention centers.


They do but with it right after the shooting. That place will be full of homo's outside and most likely would break into a car to take a gun they think away and off from being used the right way.


I don't understand that comment. With how badly some gay people are treated I wouldn't be shocked that they also support gun rights.


But why though? These people perpetually advocate for having people armed damned near everywhere and make bold claims about how it makes everyone safer, yet when it comes time for their own event, having everyone armed is now a safety issue? The shameless hypocrisy is mind-boggling.


I can't answer that, which is why I asked if this happens at their other events. It could also be that the owners of the venue will not allow it. And they have final say.


the point is NRA "we need to arm everyone, including teachers. more guns just means we are safer because good guys will have guns" not allowing guns is the height of irony


I get your point, but its not based on fact, which means no irony involved. If the NRA has no say over the matter how is it their problem? Your point doesn't connect.


Problem is they've booked a venue for their gun show that doesent allow guns.


They are running a business. The goal of a convention like this is to bring in as many people that the venue a can handle. Bigger venues are highly unlikely to allow guns floating around like some have claimed here.


yes but dont NRA members expect to be able to play with their guns?
what happens at these things?
do they sell guns?


yes a business all about promoting guns including ownership nd open and concealed carry. while not allowing it at their own function, or at least choosing a place that doesn't.

they could have chosen one that did, they chose not to. thats the irony


you have no evidence the venue doesn't allow guns. im not saying it does im just saying you cant say "its not based on fact".


The NRA, one of the most powerful PAC's in this country, has no say over the matter? Bullshit!

Hell, I'd bet my life savings that whoever owns that convention center is an NRA member.


It is being held at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Glossing over their website there is no reason to suggest they are a bunch of gun toting NRA members. In fact it shows they open to people of all walks of life.

And the NRA isn't even the biggest gun lobby in DC anymore. I really wish the left would stop using them as their boogeyman. Charlton Heston is dead!

The Houston may, a Democrat also said this.

"The convention has been on the books for more than two years," Turner said during Wednesday's City Council meeting. "It's a contractual arrangement. We simply cannot cancel a conference or convention because we do not agree with the subject matter."


You are a laser guided heat-seeking missile with your comments here. I applaud your logic and reasoning


The NRA is not a PAC. I surely wish they were as grand and powerful as you seem to think. The NRA began as a training and competition governing body. Their political role came later. The NRA fights to preserve rights the people are already guaranteed by the Constitution. They represent its members. How you people can make it into something else is proof of how effective the liberal media is in brainwashing people.

Sorry but the monster you're describing is big pharma.


It doesn't matter. None of these shootings are organic....its false flags to trick people into thinking it can happen anywhere, which is simply not reality.

If it was even remotely true...why are all shooting against innocents? Where are all the attacks on people that deserve it? Surely some of these shooters hate the bad guys, right?


In fact, the carrying of firearms is ENCOURAGED at the NRA Annual Meetings, always has been. It is the most peaceful and friendly gathering of 80,000 people you'll ever attend. The Secret Service bars firearms in the auditorium where current and former presidents speak. That is all. Standard operating procedure. It's not the NRA's call to make.


False flagging the NRA convention would help the NRA, so the only danger is negligent discharges.


I cant even keep up with this inception of conspiracy theories...
"false flagging the NRA convention would help the NRA.... but also not false flagging the NRA convention when people expect a false flag would help the NRA"


You can't critically think, so I'm not surprised.


he's right.
When you're lost in your far right fantasy world , talking rubbish tied up in riddles peppered with all your favorite buzzwords , it does get a little hard to keep track.

here's an example , what the fuck does this mean:
"None of these shootings are organic....its false flags to trick people into thinking it can happen anywhere"


LMAO...please give me an example of a "Far Right Fantasy".... you guys seriously sound like deranged lunatics with the vocabulary you choose.

"None of these shootings are organic....its false flags to trick people into thinking it can happen anywhere"

It means exactly what it means. It's not my fault you do not possess the brain capacity to extrapolate my statement beyond the sum of it's components.


Your saying these mass shootings are done by anti gun lobbyists to promote their cause???

Cos that's what false flag means


No. Try again.


er, Its NRA members doing the shooting sprees to show we all need guns to defend? ???


This is so unfair to gun owners - infringing on their second ammendment like this.

For everyone entering with a rifle, someone should acoompany them with 'thoughts and prayers'. That should even it all out, and everyone will be happy.


"This is so unfair to gun owners - infringing on their second ammendment like this. "

(I picked up the sarcasm dont worry) yes its almost like there's reasonable restrictions on things even rights! but I thought that only good guys with guns could stop bad ones with guns, and bad guys with guns don't listen to rules and hence the only ones armed will be the officers/agents allowed and bunch of bad guys!!!


You're right ! So let's allow good guys in with guns, and bad guys in with guns, and have a shoot out at the NRA convention to prove their theory correct.


by their logic only the bad guys will be infiltrating so they should!

although one of the conservative conspiracy theorists on here said if they did that would help a false flag action against the NRA.

LOL these unhinged guys. it doesn't matter, X proves them right. while the opposite of X would also show how right their conspiracy is


This is pure misinformation. All lies. In fact, the carrying of firearms is ENCOURAGED at the NRA Annual Meetings, always has been. It is the most peaceful and friendly gathering of 80,000 people you'll ever attend. The Secret Service bars firearms in the auditorium where current and former presidents speak. That is all. Standard operating procedure. It's not the NRA's call to make.


More peaceful than the January 6 Republican insurrection at the White House or about the same ? How do you gauge it ?


You're comparing a convention to a political protest that turned into a riot? Did you ride the short bus to school?


I'm actually comparing one gathering of Republican Trumptoads to another. Did you miss 'equal comparisons' in middle school ?


No shit. The fact that you think it's an equal comparison is what makes me question your intellect. Unless you want us to consider the BLM riots an "equal comparison" to any other gathering of liberals. The fact that you can't have a discussion without crap like "Trumptoad" tells me the rest.


Thoughts and prayers are with you.


Only about 500 protesters outside. It is the homo commie press that is blowing this up to get other fudge packers to read their story.


where in my post did I talk about protesters? it wasnt about the irony of it. and how the NRA and these conservatives dont even believe in the shit they spew. they make a fuck tonne though selling guns to scared weak conservatives though so they just keep up the lies


Patently false.


homo commie press πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ good way to call the fake news cuz that what they are


This is pure misinformation. All lies. In fact, the carrying of firearms is ENCOURAGED at the NRA Annual Meetings, always has been. It is the most peaceful and friendly gathering of 80,000 people you'll ever attend. The Secret Service bars firearms in the auditorium where current and former presidents speak. That is all. Standard operating procedure. It's not the NRA's call to make.


You really are a bot, aren't you. Same message, repeat, same message, repeat ....


Sorry the truth hurts your fragile little feelings.
