You can make all the excuses you want but these common events are uniquely American and American only. No other country has this much mass shootings and school shootings on this scale so you can shove all that crap excuse about more guns means less of this or that a good guy with a gun would've stopped it because they're all now starting to wear body armor of lvl 3 or higher. Shooters are learning, they aren't going in with just thin clothes no more.
This dude literally crashed his car, engaged police, and ran into the Elementary School and started going room by room blowing kids to bits. 19 kids and 2 adults have been confirmed dead now. 2nd worst school shooting since Sandy Hook of 20 kids and 6 adults.
If it's too early to talk about Uvalde because you think this is somehow political then lets talk about:
Sandy Hook.
Or Parkland.
Or El Paso.
Or Pittsburgh.
Or Las Vegas.
Or Orlando.
Or Buffalo.
Or Fort Hood.
Or Aurora.
Or Virginia Tech.
Or San Bernadino.
Or Columbine.
Or Boulder.
Or Sutherland Springs.
Oh wait, let me guess, they're all false flag paid actors to take away your guns.
Don't want to elaborate too much, but maybe something like Uvalde happening more often, such as weekly.
Edit' even that's no guarantee it will change laws.
Do Mexicans have a right to own guns? (Yes.) Where are do Mexicans get their guns? (Smuggled from the United States).
Thanks for playing. Also, thanks for comparing like countries and circumstances. The brutal organized violence of drug cartels vs. the grind of violence in a relatively rich, industrialized country. Are you a social scientist?
If we make abortion illegal, women will still have abortions, but they won't have as many abortions. The creation and enforcement of laws can *reduce* undesired behavior (ceteris paribus); there's almost no amount of police power that can *eliminate* unwanted behavior. People are killed by guns and other weapons in virtually every country, but there's a substantial difference between tens of deaths and tens of thousands.
In 'most' cases, weapons involve American made or American joint made guns. Who the fuck wants shitty Made in China guns when you got a gun store nation right next to you that is legal?
Which will never happen anyway since the US drives all the carnage happening around the world be it 'US interests' or its indivisible 2nd amendment. There is a reason why people refer to them as the world police so to speak. Once you obtain such power after WW2, you won't want to let it go no matter the cost. 800+ military bases baby.
cause you are comparing a unstable developing country to a supposed first world "best country in the world" and saying "see we are slightly better than them! look how great out country is!"
LOL what? you are making assertions like massive amounts of guns will just be shipped over. Not like the guns are there because of the unique easy trade and close geography. of easy to get US guns for Mexican drugs.
so the Chinese government is going to work with cartels to sell them guns?
Because what you call "sensible", isn't. That's a political term used by the left to try to sell their agenda to the ignorant.
Fact remains, it's illegal to shoot people, does that stop them? So how is another gun law going to affect anyone but the law abiding?
How about this instead, an honest discussion about the underlying causes, instead of focusing on a 'perceived' bandaid over the symptom? That means no politics and no bullshit. Let's talk about the degradation of the American family. The erosion of traditional family values. The constant deterioration of parenting. The lack of personal responsibility. Let's do that, instead of punishing the people that didn't do it, hmmm???? the same thing happens by the same person just 3 years later....because you focused on the band aid of an age limit and not WHY this asshole decided to take out innocent victims. Makes sense.
As much as I agree that we need sensible gun laws (e.g. licensing, age restriction, mandatory training, etc.), it would do little to prevent tragic events such as this one, or the broken culture that leads 6% of the population to commit 50% of all homicides, because of one essential social element that’s also needed. Regarding guns, the cats long out of the bag, so to speak. Barring a Thanos Snap, the guns are out there and they aren't going away. Additionally, anyone can find the blueprints for and print or forge their own firearm with just a little bit of effort and ingenuity. Laws are well and good, and would provide a slight mitigation to this complex issue.
But the most prominent component of this and any other communal problem is the social environment and circumstances that lead to the mental states underlying the motivations for such vile affronts to humanity, be it mass shootings, inner city violence, domestic violence, serial killers, rapes, stealing, vandalism, political slander and corruption, corporate power mongering, online bullying, or any other act that has one single preventative. It all – every single goddamn thing – boils down to a lack of respect for fellow humanity.
And yes, I'm going to quote myself from another thread, I’m sure to the chagrin of a few posters on this board, because it's just as applicable here as it would be in any other discussion about any other possible woe this or any other country faces. Every single societal failing has the same fundamental progenitor: no core, shared culture of common ground and respect. If every single child had engrained in them this shared core cultural standard of behavior, these problems would barely exist, regardless of what the laws were.
“Without unity there's no consistency, without consistency there is erosion of framework, and without an underlying uniform cultural framework that includes respect for all fellowman, no society can thrive and excel”, and in fact is doomed for conflict. At the risk of venturing into religious territory, it truly is embodied by one tenant that’s found as a fundamental component of most religions: the so-called “golden rule”. As a society we’ve forgotten this, if we ever truly adhered to it at all. Treat others as you want to be treated.
For this specific situation, for you gun advocates out there who rebuke the notion of “common sense gun laws”, this specific tragedy would have at least been more difficult to materialize if there was an age restriction of 21 to purchase a firearm, not to mention a license that was granted only after proper training and perhaps a mental evaluation. Yes, there’s a strong probability he would have found another way, but it would have been more difficult to pull it off, and he may have been caught before it happened, maybe lives lost reduced.
But laws mean very little without a core, shared culture of respect for each other, the true barrier against all “evils” committed against each other. People who don’t respect each other, don’t respect laws either. We must all learn to treat each other the way we would want to be treated. Nothing else matters if that’s missing. And based on many of the replies in this very thread, it is undeniably absent. Of course, the situation is further exacerbated when the existing laws that would keep criminals off the streets and active aren't enforced.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
In the end I guess it boils down to the 'American' culture as a whole and the sickness that comes with it. The lack of action on the left to hold those accountable and the lack of control on the right to make it harder for those responsible to obtain such things in the first place. Combine them together then you got some brewery of carnage on a ticking time bomb. You'd think a country with so many federal government police/military organizations would be able to put some cap on this but the only thing they can do is respond after the events have occurred. I keep seeing again and again the failure of law enforcement on pre-crime situations. So many red flags from this kid but they did nothing until it was too late. It seems law enforcement can't do anything unti the crime is committed, similar to people making threats until they carry it out, you can't really do much.
This was a wonderful post; I wish Movie chat had a like/love option. But I only wanted to comment on the 2nd to last paragraph.
"For this specific situation, for you gun advocates out there who rebuke the notion of “common sense gun laws”, this specific tragedy would have at least been more difficult to materialize if there was an age restriction of 21 to purchase a firearm, not to mention a license that was granted only after proper training and perhaps a mental evaluation. Yes, there’s a strong probability he would have found another way, but it would have been more difficult to pull it off, and he may have been caught before it happened, maybe lives lost reduced."
The only thing I can say is there ARE already these 'common sense gun laws'. It's a flashy title Dems want to put around but in reality they already exist. It doesn't matter if the guy was 16, 18, 21, or 35. It's not the gun that was the problem, it's the man. WHY did he feel the need to shoot his grandmother? WHY an elementary school? WHY post it on Facebook? Those are all things that need to be looked into; not the weapon itself. He bought the gun legally according to the state of Texas but many people obtain the guns illegally and no amount of gun laws is going to fix people getting illegal guns...or borrowing guns or stealing guns. Heck, the school itself was a GUN FREE zone, right? But that didn't stop the nut job from going there. So what was the point of that 'common sense law?' People who want to break the law are going to do it. They don't care about the rules or common sense. For me, that term is just another buzz word we are going to now have to listen to for months and it really means nothing because the laws are already in place. People ignore them. And we, sadly, ignore those people because we are more blinded by gun control hoopla over what the actual problems/issues with these people are.
Never. Gun nuts would go to war over this. People like to throw around the term Civil War, but I am convinced this would be the issue to cause it. These people care more about their guns than lives.
"These people care more about their guns than lives."
No, we care more about freedom than safety. Which is nothing more than perception. If you have the illusion of living in a safe place, that illusion is provided by men with guns who are willing to do violence on your behalf. In fact, it is just an illusion. We cut out the middle man and the illusion. The question is, why does that trigger so much insecurity in you candy asses?