MovieChat Forums > Politics > trans "laws" VS genital mutilation...

trans "laws" VS genital mutilation...

[[[figure I'll post this in politics since people can't see straight anymore....]]]

people are upset because a law is keeping children from getting sex change.... excuse me "gender reassignment" operations?

We are allowing CHILDREN to decide what sex they want to be, EVEN BEFORE they have even experienced sexual activity?

We are letting CHILDREN,
with "minds not fully developed",
too young to comprehend or halfway understand sex,
too young to have/experience sexual activity,
too young to vote,
too young to join military,
too young to smoke, drink, or go to R rated movies,
too young to move out of their parents house,
too young to have responsibility over their own life and rely on parents LEGALLY,
decide what their SEX is and CHOOSE to get an operation changing it?

I just want to make sure I understand the issue correctly.
Did I sum it up right?


Yeah, and instead of calling it "child abuse," the trannies think they're doing the kids a favor by choosing their gender early before puberty, because they were the 0.01% of the population that struggled with it when they were growing up. They don't give a damn at all if girls get raped in bathrooms because guys put on skirts and pretend to be "female" so they can go in and rape them. They don't give a damn what damage they're doing to these young kids, because they think it's worth getting all the power the Rainbow Mafia and their political backers showered on them 5 years ago.

They think their rights are more important than the rights of the majority (the normal population that is comfortable with their gender), and get pissed like overly sensitive, spoiled children the moment anyone attempts to fight them or talk sense into them, because they've already made a devil's bargain with this, and refuse to give it up in favor of leaving our kids alone.


they should have NO RIGHTS concerning OUR kids. like any other bad influence. they do have NO RIGHT to intrude. fuck'em


Yeah, I mean, they can mess up their own kids all they like, but it's not their job or responsibility to teach other people's kids about their ideologies.

I remember hearing a horrible story about this woman who was shocked that her daughter suddenly started wanting to become male and have different pronouns, despite the Christian teachings in the household. The mom went and investigated the school, and discovered it was the teachers putting such ideas into her daughter's head, taking advantage of her confusion over her identity as a person (this happens to everyone during the pre-teen and teen years, and is not always about who you're planning on having sex with later in life). The fucking teachers had also founded a pro-gay-trans club [complete with a safe space] with a deliberately confusing name to trick parents into encouraging their [normal] kids into joining.

The mom ended up yelling at them at the PTA meeting, taking her daughter out of that school and putting her into a better one, and her daughter very quickly got de-programmed and is fine being female again.

The entire story pretty much shows that a.) these kids would have never gotten any ideas about identifying as trans without the teachers there to brainwash them into it, b.) the teachers have over-stepped their jobs and responsibilities in what they are supposed to be doing with young, impressionable minds, and c.) they proved something I'd known for a long time about this nonsense, and I think it's true with gay people too: that it's a CHOICE. It was always a CHOICE, and anyone who says otherwise doesn't want to take responsibility for their actions/feelings, and has been brainwashed by stupid, bleeding heart liberals, or older gay adults that needed new, young recruits.


I don't know how any sane mind can dispute anything you say here!


Those on the Left are terrified of "offending" anyone. They don't want to be called an "-ist" or "-phobe," and they have been brainwashed into believing that letting the Rainbow community dictate how things are gonna be is "progress" for society. They don't want to admit that not only are they regressing back to the days of ancient Rome, but they've been duped into caring more about keeping a tiny minority of mentally ill people happy, vs. making sure society doesn't collapse from such weak pillars.


The law is pointless. Underage sex changes were never a thing. A person always had to be 18 to get one.

The slippery slope is the hormone blockers and chemical castration which always requires parental consent before being done to a minor.


Aren't those reversible though, hormone blockers that is. Sex change is something more permanent due to castration although I guess there is surgery to attach a penis or mutilate one thereafter. No wonder they have such a high suicide rate. It's like a dysphoric mental retardation illness or something. I'll never understand why treat it something 'normal' instead of some disease of sort.


Chemical castration is where you keep your junk but it no longer functions to produce hormones, and isn't reversible.

Hormone blockers are generally reversible, but for younger people there is still the chance of causing a permanent reduction even when they are taken off the blockers.


i think the slippery slope is allowing KIDS to make any important decisions BEFORE they are fully responsible over their own, whole life. EVERYTHING is up to the parents.... they made the kids, it's on them. Not society twisting them all up.


It's always been up to the parents. Nothing has changed.
