MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why can't conservatives accept scientifi...

Why can't conservatives accept scientific consensus?

Speaking specifically of whether it is covid, global warming of the age of the earth (ill grant thats largely religious conservatives) they can't accept scientific consensus?

it seems they have no problem accepting gravity, or germ theory. Yet when it comes to these topics above all of a sudden it's a massive conspiracy to lie?

its the same type of tests and studies that have led to the massive unanimous positions the scientific community holds on these positions.

and yet all they can point to is normally a single individual on the fringe who disagrees.

I am currently waiting for conservative to provide me with one scientific institution worldwide that thinks man made global warming and climate change is not real and made up.


I am ready with my aggregate study showing over 98% of studies agree with man made global warming these conclusions. and a list of hundreds and hundreds of academic and scientific institutions who agree with them.

can you provide one?


You mean aside from the thousands of conservative scientists out there LOL?


show me them please. cite them, the institutions who agree and cite their studies.

because I can not just cite indicual studies, but a study of the studies that aggregates them and show 99% of the studies agree with man made climate change.

EVERY TIME, every single time, I get a link from you guys. its from a non academic scientific institution, with names like "friends of science". who in their "about us" section always have things like "we are a group of scientist, academics professionals and concerned citizens". and when anyone checks up on these, they find they count "scientists and academics" as people with engineering or English degrees. and the ones who are legitimate scientists are normally never in relevant fields, and have NEVER published anything on climate change.

go ahead clown. I will wait :)


Wait? It's only 99%? I thought it was 100% FACT?


you don't understand how science works you fucking dull wit. Every new comment by you exposes how you would fail a grade 8 introduction to science. you do know science never deals in 100%? wait you didn't? !HHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH

get fucked. I love destroying you dull wits


It's a scientific fact that it's not 100% ... don't get upset it's just facts.


you don't know how science works at all. dumb fuck. start at grade 8 classes and work your way up. you have literally zero understanding of science if you conflate 99% of studies with 100% fact. or that science even deals in absolute certainty. IT DOESNT.

lets see how fucking stupid triplea can get. keep going please. I love when you dull wits show your stupidity of simple topics


That's literally what I said, it's not certain.

Glad we can agree on something here.


and yet that doesn't change

-most evidence pointing in a certain direction
-most studies and evidence supporting a certain theory
-most studies analyzing facts and coming to the same conclusion
-most experts on the subject viewing the evidence and agreeing

you are fucking stupid.


Weird how it's not all though, almost as if all 'the science' doesn't agree.


weird how it is though. 99% of studies. the entire scientific consensus basically. every since major scientific and academic institution.

its why you can only find a few individuals, and not a single institution. just sites like "friends of science" that try and conflate their numbers by including people with English and engineering PHDs and "experts" on climatology

I can find you a "scientist" who says the earth is flat. evolution isn't real and nor is gravity. I guess those have equal bearing withthe overwhelming evidence and consensus of scientists who do think the art is not flat, evolution is real and so is gravity right?

false conflation of two unequal things. nice try though. I am far more intelligent than you and your BS won't work here. now run along little kid


So 99% of studies are correct but not all 'experts' are actually climatologists - PLUS not all scientists are credible either.

No wonder it's not 100%!


""The consensus among research scientists on anthropogenic global warming has grown to 100%, based on a review of 11,602 peer-reviewed articles on “climate change” and “global warming” published in the first 7 months of 2019."

"While controls over the Earth's climate system have undergone rigorous hypothesis-testing since the 1800s, questions over the scientific consensus of the role of human activities in modern climate change continue to arise in public settings. We update previous efforts to quantify the scientific consensus on climate change by searching the recent literature for papers sceptical of anthropogenic-caused global warming. From a dataset of 88125 climate-related papers published since 2012, when this question was last addressed comprehensively, we examine a randomized subset of 3000 such publications. We also use a second sample-weighted approach that was specifically biased with keywords to help identify any sceptical peer-reviewed papers in the whole dataset. We identify four sceptical papers out of the sub-set of 3000, as evidenced by abstracts that were rated as implicitly or explicitly sceptical of human-caused global warming. In our sample utilizing pre-identified sceptical keywords we found 28 papers that were implicitly or explicitly sceptical. We conclude with high statistical confidence that the scientific consensus on human-caused contemporary climate change—expressed as a proportion of the total publications—exceeds 99% in the peer reviewed scientific literature."

damn you are fucking stupid. keep going. keep exposing your ignorance please


Did you even read what you pasted? Your second paragraph completely disagrees with your opening statement lol.

Plus they didn't even read the papers, not even the subset according to what you've written ... Talk about an own goal LOL 🤦🏿‍♂️

Nice 'science' 😂😂😂


except it didn't at all.

maybe you need to brush up on your reading skills? specifically

"We identify four sceptical papers out of the sub-set of 3000, as evidenced by abstracts that were rated as implicitly or explicitly sceptical of human-caused global warming. In our sample utilizing pre-identified sceptical keywords we found 28 papers that were implicitly or explicitly sceptical. We conclude with high statistical confidence that the scientific consensus on human-caused contemporary climate change—expressed as a proportion of the total publications—exceeds 99% in the peer reviewed scientific literature."

try again dull wit


ROFL they did keyword searches of a subset instead of reading ... Hehe 🤣


ROFL that is how ALL aggregation of studies are done. welcome to a research methods 101 class at any university fucktard. why? cause they don't have time to read 10k published papers.

and science in particular would use a certain terminology and keywords that they can look for.

retard who didnt even go to university confirmed.


You've been asking for JUST ONE the whole thread then you go and provide evidence of 28 yourself ...
Own goal of the season LOL 🤦🏿‍♂️


fuck yet again you demonstrate your inability to read. what I said

"with one scientific institution worldwide"

a study by one scientist is now a scientific institution? derp derp

and as for studies

28 vs 10k in one year alone.

I wonder which side has more evidence... my tiny conservative brain can't figure it out...

retard goal of the season. show you don't understand the topic. embarass yourself. show you cant read simple sentences.


hahahah the embarrassed dull wit ran away.

aww reading was hard. but it could have at least saved you from saying such silly and ridiculous things and showing you down understand fuck all about science.

so as my sources showed 100% consensus of studies in one year, 99% in the next on man made climate change.

so out of around 20k studies only 28 disagreed with man made climate change. or 0.0014%.

Amazing that the 99.9986% of studies done are all wrong! all by the "non credible"scientists all part of the left wing democratic conspiracy!. but the 28 studies, the 0.0014% are correct and done by the real scientists!!

this is what happens when

1. you don't understand science
2. you don't understand consensus
3. you don't even fucking understand what a study vs an institution is (how embarrassing)
4. you don't understand there is never 100% consensus. but the community takes a tentative position based on the best available evidence and information and most well supported theory

this is what happens when you will ignore science to push your right wing partisan script


It's cringeworthy how unaware of your hypocrisy you are.

It's no wonder you think the sky is falling.


you have nothing at all. thats why you didn't address anything you just said "cringe!! hypocrite"

you got fucking rekt here

"It's no wonder you think the sky is falling."

it doesn't matter what I think. it matters what the best available evidence shows. this is a simple concept you cant understand.

but again amazing how the 0.0014% of scientists they are legit and correct and need to be listened to. the 99.9986% are just fake alarmists pushing fear.

you are too stupid my intelligence lowers with each interaction with you


You are one of the least intelligent people on this site.

You've demonstrated, in your own thread no less, that the science is:
Not unanimous
Not all climatologists are credible
And that there is no empirical data
The %'s are not based on actually reading ANY of the papers 🤦🏿‍♂️

LOL!!! 🤦🏿‍♂️

Then you've overlooked that said unreliable scientists are actually applicable to both sides, so a highly political issue that offers financial insentives for one side could be inherently biased.

Then you've got instances like the sokal hoax that proves peer reviewed papers aren't worth shit.


Yes I am unintelligent because I say

"what do the consensus of experts think on the evidence and what is their position? what do their studies show and which way does it lean on the topic?

vs you who disagrees. couldn't read one fucking line and confused a study with an institution, then thinks 0.0014% of studies is equal to 99.9986%.

I can find you scientists who claim the earth is flat! they are also likely 0.0014% of the scientific community! I guess the earth isn't spherical! its all a lie! scientists paid to lie and do research top push the sphere earth lie!!!

-it is as unanimous as its going to get. you just yet again exposed you don't know how science fucking works
- "wahhh 99.9986% of all studies are not credible!!! my 0.0014% are!!" again dull wit confirmed
- there is empirical data. you do not know what the fuck you are talking about

you don't know how science works you are incentives to disprove others and offer better information/ theories.

awwwww when you have nothing "its da conspiracy to make money!!". guess what? these scientists would be paid to do a study that shows "there is no man made climate change"

and if the vast amount of studies showed that, and there is no need to study it, those scientists would be funded to study other topics!!!

stay on the short bus and don't come off it!


And through all that, only one party resorted to insults and name calling. Pretty telling.


BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH if I call a flat earther an idiot, while disproving their nonsense, thats telling of nothing.

NO one party didnt name call. your fucking party were fucking lunatics the entire time during covid.

LOL trying to reinvent history to act like your party were logical and calm. while they screamed "death jab!!!!"


Blah blah blah. Delete your account.


its funny cause "blah blah blah" is all you ever do. lie Tism owned again


HAHAHAHA! You know you're my bitch, right? I can wind you up at will and keep you going for days. There's an easy solution: Delete your account.


umm okay because I respond to comments like everyone else... like you do... wow man. you got the tism bad...


Keep going like an obedient bitch.


nobodies reading this an is impressed. you look esperate because you got fucking owned and this is all you have left hahahah


Like I said before, get some writing skills then get back to me.

Oooooo! I go owned!! Too bad even you don't believe that, little bitch.


yes you are my bitch if you respond. ahahahaha pray to sky daddy for intelligence


here I can do it too! you are responding like my bitch, now keep going obedient bitch!


Nah. It's nice that you want to imitate me, but the last word is yours. You bore me.


thats what I thought. nice cop out. sad bitch. respond like my bitch you obedient hard


Because they do not live in reality.


Any intelligence species that became aware in a steady-state world and started to understand and develop a thing called science, would understand from just looking at real world precedents that if you foul your nest or destroy your environment your survival is in question.

That can mean from anything, like over-population, consuming environmental resources faster than they can recover, putting waste into the environment.

It would mean before we did anything that could affect other people or our common environment that long-term effects of that something should be considered, and watched and reconsidered if the future to see if there is a problem.

What this really means is that the political organization of humanity is not aware and not intelligent, and that while there may be a lot of intelligent people on the planet, their intelligence doesn't mean anything compared to the psychopathic need for power and wealth demonstrated by the psychotic selfish gene viewpoint of our insane leaders.


"That can mean from anything, like over-population, consuming environmental resources faster than they can recover, putting waste into the environment."

agree affects on our environment can be multi faceted. not simply one thing.

"It would mean before we did anything that could affect other people or our common environment that long-term effects of that something should be considered, and watched and reconsidered if the future to see if there is a problem."

agreed cause and effect. anyone who claims releasing til;lions of tonnes of C02 would have zero affect doesn't live in reality.

"What this really means is that the political organization of humanity is not aware and not intelligent, and that while there may be a lot of intelligent people on the planet, their intelligence doesn't mean anything compared to the psychopathic need for power and wealth demonstrated by the psychotic selfish gene viewpoint of our insane leaders."

politicians work for reelection, not necessarily to do what is right or backed by science. corporations work to gain profits and have no interest in any longterm environmental solutions, short term profits is their sole raison d'être and they can be sued for not doing so and acting morally. these two things are the two largest power bases in our society


That might have to do with structure of knowledge.


There's "sin" in "aspirin." You can choose to be Satan's disciple. I'm going to join the "saved."


got any evidence of your imaginary friend? how out of the thousands of imaginary friend do you find the right one?


Have fun in hell!


which hell? theres around 5000 separate religions, which hundreds of chrsitain denominations!

which god? which hell? amazing how you just happened to find the one correct one!

hahahaha have fun liiving a pointless life following traditions invented by illiterate goat herders written 2000 years ago cause "I have faith"

lol waste your one life please


I'm going to "Catholic Heaven"


hmmm both seem made-up and with no evidence...

got any evidence of the invisible friend? or Jesus?


You sound like one of those right wingers that thought the final scene in "Dead Man Walking" was garbage...


Once more for the people:

Because "scientific consensus" is not "scientific fact"...ever.

This does not require a study.


Exactly right. Consensus implies groupthink, the opposite of real science. Science isn't about opinion, which is a required component of consensus. Science entails testing a theory to see if it holds up by repeatedly reproducing empirically verifiable results (hundreds, if not thousands, of times). Any theory that's proposed an inevitable outcome countless times over the course of many decades that was testable merely by letting time pass, only for each test to produce failed output over and over again, is very problematic.,In%20science%2C%20consensus%20is%20irrelevant.

Consensus has no value in a scientific argument; only experimental evidence matters. As stated already by Galileo Galilei, “In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” Physician, producer, and writer Michael Crichton formulated:

[T]he work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science, consensus is irrelevant. What are relevant are reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.

Psychologist Daniel Kahneman explains that scientists tend to experience what he calls “theory-induced blindness”: once a theory is accepted and used as a thinking tool, it is extraordinarily difficult to notice its flaws. Even when one comes upon an observation that does not fit the theory, one assumes that there must be an explanation that was somehow missed. Therefore, no consensus of experts can be an argument in scientific discussion.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


Gosh figures this asshole Leo started this post. Just another liberal troll whose Daddy never told said he loved him


LOl good one! thats not a response to science though. stop self projecting clown


Why can't liberals figure out that more votes than voters in any given district is Election Fraud?


give me a single proven example. amazing man how all those republican governors and DAs and judges are all in the conspiracy!!! amazing how they never presented any such evidence to any court. you got the tism.


Ever seen the documentary They Live?


sooo no is the answer. you dont have any evidence or facts. now shut your mouth idiot


If you actually cared about facts you wouldnt be a liberal.


It happened in multiple states...and they are all like "nO iT DIdn'T NeenER NeENeR!!11""
