MovieChat Forums > Politics > you, with a medical problem, walk into a...

you, with a medical problem, walk into a room....

(posted into politics directly, since surely some asshat will immediately make it about politics instead of answering a simple question)

So, you, with a medical problem, walk into a room that has a doctor in it, with 8 years of schooling and 25 years of experience, and also has another guy in it who is just a regular guy.

Who do you ask for advice about your medical problem?

Simple question. Let's see everyone's simple answer. :)


I ask the guy wearing a MAGA hat.


ha! nice :D


Is the regular guy staring at his phone and typing furiously?


The internet is where th real experts are at.


I'll answer with a question. Is it one of those doctors Rogan interviewed that the establishment media don't like, or one of those Japanese doctors that thought Ivermectin was worth trying, or one of the doctors that signed on to the great barrington declaration?

People who talk like this act like people are going to Rogan as some kind of medical authority and he's not actually talking to medical people and looking at articles by medical people. And there's some kind of universal agreement on the Covid response from the scientific community and anyone who disagrees is a not credible, fringe nutter.

The reality is other countries are responding to it differently than we are. The media gives this little attention. They'll tell you that far right people are promoting Ivermectin to associate Rogan with that crowd, but fail to mention that they are trying it in other places. Not proven to work, but worth trying since its cheap and safe.


Now its “the Russians” who are backing the 500k truckers protesting mandatory so-called Covid “vaccine” that doesn’t work. Yesterday it was confederated.

Who will the Democrat media/party and their lemmings claim its being backed by tomorrow.

It’s always cute when they project the fact their protests are bought and paid for thugs hired by the party to trash cities in mostly peaceful protests while the only time the right protests is when people are angry because they’re onto corruption and an invasion of their rights. Hence the Jan 6 demonstration. And now the 500k truckers protesting in Canada.


Who will the Democrat media/party and their lemmings claim its being backed by tomorrow.

The Alt Right!!


Who will the Democrat media/party and their lemmings claim its being backed by tomorrow.

If Biden's number continue to tank, they'll blame him. They eat their own if it gives them a leg up.


well, the question is plain vanilla for a reason: you only get two options: a doctor guy with education and experience, and just some non-doctor random dude... nothing deeper to know. WHO would you ask? You dont get to ask much about back ground as it is stated in the question: ask A or B.
It's you, with an issue, in a room, nothing more.


So let’s say you’re obese and starving to death and you walk into a room. Who do you ask for food, the cook paid by McDonald’s with a Big Mac and large fries and 25yrs of experience at McDonald’s? Or the random guy with no experience a bag of food proven to be healthy?


to much altering of the simple original question: you have a medical issue, there is a doctor, and someone who is not a doctor... WHO will you ask?


You ask Joe Rogan. End of story.


This is a stupid fucking post.


This is a stupid fucking, non-answering response. :)
It really is a simple question to answer.


The premise is shit. It's obviously some lame "gotcha" bait. But the bait isn't tasty cheese, it's literal shit.

So what was your super awesome "gotcha"?


not sure how it is such a gotcha.
rolled it out, very plain, simple, direct, no hidden agenda, no politics, to see what people would choose.

No one is really playing.

Feel baited if you want to. I can't control your reaction to things, that's all you. Nor would I waste my valuable time bothering to try. :D


Another propaganda thread.



how so? just asking a simple question that wants a simple answer.

also proving common sense is being bred out


I'll take the 3rd hidden option where there is a side door to this room with a mystical gypsie twirling a hand around a glowing crystal ball in front of a set of huge jugs.
