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Trump says he would pardon Jan. 6 rioters if he runs and wins

U.S. former President Donald Trump said on Saturday if he were to run for president and win in 2024, he would pardon people charged with criminal offenses in connection with the deadly Jan. 6 assault by his supporters on the U.S. Capitol.

Trump, who has not said whether he will run for president again after his defeat by Democrat Joe Biden in the 2020 election, was speaking at a rally in Conroe, Texas.

I don't think Trump will run for president in 2024 because he doesn't want to risk losing again. Of course time will tell.


Trump is despicable! He'll never be president again!


I don't think he will run for president in 2024. He doesn't want to take a chance on being defeated again. His fragile ego won't be able to handle that.


correct. He's got nothing to gain he's already got his "I've been president badge" , and would just be leeting himself in for miore work . and scrutiny.

Then again that same fragile ego probly wont let him pull out and let his turmper army down.
If I had to put money on an outcome , I'll bet that :
He runs , loses , pulls all that "vote was rigged!" shit again .


Says one of MC's most despicable.


He'll run if he thinks he can win. The 2020 election bruised his ego, and he's desperate to avenge it. Though he'll probably change his mind when Biden's poll numbers go up to the mid 40s or higher again.

Covid will most likely become endemic this year or the next and a stable economy will follow. If that is the case, boring Biden won't piss off moderate repubs the way Dumpy pisses off moderate dems. Dumpy running in 2024 would guarantee a Biden victory.

The GOP would have better results running Ivanka.


But, but, but, according to the Trumptwat narrative the rioters were all Antifa plants? Dumbass is planning to pardon Antifa...Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Less than 1% of the Summer 2020 far left rioters were even prosecuted so I say pardon all of them. Just pretend 1/6 was a BLM rally and that should alleviate all of the lefts concerns.


Tell that to Pence


Tell that to David Dorn, I mean he was black and everything, I thought you people cared about black lives? Or does he not fit your narrative so its best to just forget about him?






I know it's difficult for you to discuss Mike Pence, considering his former boss threw him under the bus and rallied for his rabid mob to execute him. And to add insult to injury, Trump now wants Pence investigated for not overturning the election! This is pure insanity!
I don't know who David Dorn is/was. Was he attacked at the Capitol also?


First of all your cult was wishing death on Pence for 4 straight years so I don’t know who you think you are to have any moral authority here.

Secondly Trump never once told anyone to A) storm the capitol, B) take over the government, C) execute Mike Pence. He clearly said march “peacefully and patriotically”. THEY DID THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE SAID!!!!

Third it’s now been determined that illegal and unconstitutional voting measures were used so it is now officially an illegitimate election

Fourth your cult bitched, moaned and made up conspiracy theories about why the 2016 election was illegitimate for 4 straight years and you didn’t give a good fuck if it divided the country or not, that and you all knew the Russia conspiracy theory was a lie. All you care about is politics and getting power, and whoever gets hurt in the process is fine with you because the ends justify the means.

Trump literally had nothing to do with 1/6, the people who acted badly didn’t do what he said in fact they did the opposite of what he said. This is a non-issue and right now all its doing is exposing your cults immaturity, and partisan corruption. The only reason your cult is even talking about it is because they know that if the election were held today Trump would mop the floor with Biden and they therefore have to keep him from being able to run, and of course they don’t give a good fuck what the people want.


Yet Dumpy hates Pence more than any democrat, and Dumpy wants 1/6 rioters pardoned unlike any other republican.


Your cult wished death on Pence for 4 straight years, your sudden concern for his well being is too little too late. KKKamala bailed out violent rioters/left wing terrorists who burned major cities, killed cops and innocent people. You need to get over a couple of idiots walking into a building getting pardoned.

Just pretend (your cult loves pretending) that 1/6 was a BLM rally, that should alleviate all of your concerns.


Yet Dumpy hates Pence more than any democrat, and Dumpy wants 1/6 rioters pardoned unlike any other republican, and Dumpy excused the rioters actions.


Less than 1% of the Summer 2020 left wing rioters have even been charged with a crime, a couple of idiots walking into a building being pardoned pales in comparison. And your cult was wishing death on Pence for 4 years, your sudden care for his well being when it just so happens to benefit your lies and false narratives is too little too late.


Dumpy before 1/6: "Stand back and stand by."

Dumpy after 1/6: "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away."

Dumpy while 1/6 was happening:


Pretend that they are the thugs who murdered David Dorn and that should alleviate all of your concerns.

Also you’re a coward if you think “march peacefully and patriotically” are the words of incitement of a coup. 1/6 is a complete non-issue, you are only bitching about it because you know if the election were held today Trump would win so you’re trying to cheat by getting him banned from running. The 574 insurrections that your cult leaders incited make 1/6 look like a day at the beach. The thugs that Kyle Rittenhouse killed in self defense deserved to die, they were trying to overthrow the government and were part of a violent mob.


You forgot to mention Dumpy said "'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'
That's all they needed to hear to get them fired up and storm the Capitol.
It's as plain as day.
I don't know why I bother with your repetitive brainwashed lunacy


You were saying??? I guess every DemoKKKrat in that video should also be impeached. Also considering we are now finding out that the DemoKKKrats pushed for illegal and unconstitutional voting practices in the 2020 election it turns out President Trump was right.

Also Biden called the police the “enemy” and as a result cops were murdered by BLM and Antifa. KKKamala said that the violence “isn’t going to stop, nor should it stop” and as a result it didn’t and more insurrections happened.

Also you’re a dumbass if you think he literally meant use your fists and fight. When someone says I’m going to fight for what’s right they don’t literally mean they are going to go assault someone.

You’re just connecting the dots in the direction you want to go in and I have called you out on this multiple times.


As was said, "your brainwashed repetitive lunacy."


That quote was filtered through a narrowminded and biased libtard lens. It’s actually accurate and objective reasoning.


Nah, you really are brainwashed. Your love for Dumpy is beyond pathetic.


Your love for your cult not to mention your TDS are pathetic.


No cult here. Biden's foreign policy has been pretty good, but he's too weak domestically and doesn't push for results. Bernie, AOC, Nina Turner, hell even Warren and Gabbard (who is basically a regular on Tucker's show) would be better domestically. Biden is just standard, run of the mill, average Joe.

Now your turn. Who would be better than Dumpy?


So you consider abandoning Americans in Afghanistan and leaving the Taliban 80 billion dollars in military weaponry to be “pretty good foreign policy” and don’t give me that it was Trumps plan he followed because it wasn’t. You are a cultist, anyone still standing with the motherfucker is a Demokkkrat cultist just about everyone else has run awAy from the son of a bitch


Got us out of Afghanistan. Dumpy wanted to stay.
Ended Obama's drone strike program. Dumpy increased it.
Ended Dumpy's offensive weapons going to the radical Saudi regime.

Now quit dodging the question. I named 5 better than Biden. Name one person who would be a better president than Dumpy?


Who is Dumpy? You mean Humpty Dumpty from Fake News CNN?

As for Trump he did want to get us out of Afghanistan and he had a plan for withdrawal but it would have required the Taliban to stay in line and if they set one foot out of line he would have bombed the shit out of them. Biden completely fucked it up and left Americans to die.

I can't answer that question because I'm not familiar with someone named "Dumpy", again if you are referring to Humpty Dumpty from Fake News CNN then pretty much anyone who can breathe would be a better president.


Nice try cultist. You already played the "TDS" card in response to the name Dumpy, acknowledging you know who Dumpy is.

But I will rephrase.

Name just one person who would be a better president than the ex-presiDump.


I have no idea who "ex-presi Dump" is. If you are just making up some stupid nickname I will be happy to discuss them when you address them by their actual name and title in a respectful manner. Until then you are nothing more than a bigoted libtard cultist.


When pretending to be stupid as fuck is your only way out.

The MAGA way.


So it sounds like "ex-presi Dump" is just your imaginary friend that you created to help perpetuate your sheltered, privileged liberal illusions. Utterly pathetic.


Biden and Harris own this, they have blood on their hands and they murdered them.


Of course, that is not what he said, but, whatever.


he should be in prison with them
