MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump says he would pardon Jan. 6 rioter...

Trump says he would pardon Jan. 6 rioters if he runs and wins

U.S. former President Donald Trump said on Saturday if he were to run for president and win in 2024, he would pardon people charged with criminal offenses in connection with the deadly Jan. 6 assault by his supporters on the U.S. Capitol.

Trump, who has not said whether he will run for president again after his defeat by Democrat Joe Biden in the 2020 election, was speaking at a rally in Conroe, Texas.

I don't think Trump will run for president in 2024 because he doesn't want to risk losing again. Of course time will tell.


85K there to see him.But it is over 2 years away.



I used to live in Houston. I first lived in an apartment close to the Sharpstown mall (or whatever it's called now) then I lived in a duplex in the Heights. Unfortunately, I found that Houston was a total shithole and I joined the Army just to get away.


I live in North Harris. I won't go inside of 610 anymore.


Texas had the most Jan. 6th rioters according to your link.

Major gaslighting when Trump complains about the Afghanistan pullout in which he caused.


Why do you insist on CONSTANTLY spreading lies?


Is Trump trying to win or lose 2024? announcing you're going to pardon the January 6 insurrectionists is a good way of dividing your voter base.


It wasn’t an insurrection, if they truly wanted to take over the government they would have brought guns, the lefts constant bitching and moaning about it is only showing their own immaturity. If you want to talk about insurrections I’m happy to talk about summer 2020 and the 574 insurrections that were incited by the left.


They did bring guns, therefore it was an insurrection!

The Oath Keepers were recently charged with sedition and attempting to bring arms into the Capitol building.

The Proud Boys leader was arrested before the insurrection when he was caught attempting to bring in arms.

Other individuals were also arrested with arms. And there were two pipe bombs which were found.

Also, your mob friends brought toxic sprays which they used against the police. They also turned my American flag into a weapon by assaulting police with its pole.

Anti-American scum like you make me sick.


LOL no one brought a single gun into the capitol, whether or not some fringe group thought of it yet didn't is irrelevant. BLM attempted to kill more cops than they actually did so by your logic they are guilty of the murder of thousands of police officers.

Stupid libtard.


You and other Trumpites are part of the far-right extremist fringe group for supporting Jan. 6th and downplaying pipebombs and dangerous armed militia groups seeking to overthrow democracy and install an authoritarian government with Trump as its leader.


LOL, your cult has been bitching and moaning nonstop for over a year over a couple of idiots trespassing into a building, all it's showing is your own bias and immaturity while at the same time ignoring BLM and Antifa terrorizing major cities and killing cops and innocent people. Get over 1/6 it is a complete and total non issue, instead focus your attention on the true threat to the American Democracy which is the DemoKKKrat cult.


It's Sunday. Shouldn't you be in church worshipping your false god, Trump and praying to the golden idol made in his image?


LOL I'm atheist numb nuts, appealing to church is meaningless to me. Also I don't worship Trump unlike how you worship your cult leaders. I'm sure you kidnap babies of conservative parents and then sacrifice their blood to your cult leaders.


It's obvious you're worshipping Trump and far removed from reality.

"Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes Spent $33K on Guns, Equipment While Plotting Sedition: DOJ"


Not at all, I mean I support him because he supports America and will put America first unlike your cult. You however literally sacrifice conservative baby blood to your cult leaders. You are like those mindless, brainwashed acolytes in Temple of Doom.


You're deflecting, again.

You said there were no guns:
"Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes Spent $33K on Guns, Equipment While Plotting Sedition: DOJ"


No deflection on my part, I just support whoever is going to stand up for America, you however will never go against your cult because you’re under the black sleep of the DemoKKKrats.


Deflection from you.

Your deranged cult brought guns. Your "black sheep" comment is racist. No surprise.


They have a constitutional right to carry guns. It’s called the second amendment numb nuts. Did they use them to try to “take over the government” just because you are protesting doesn’t mean you can’t utilize your second amendment right dingleberry


What black sheep comment? Also you are not one to lecture anyone on racism as you are one of the filthiest racists I’ve ever encountered


Also the only source I’ve seen that said they even had guns was far left fake news CNN and they didn’t mention it until a year later, so I don’t believe you when you say that they did.


You are truly a piece of shit masquerading as a human.



No, my words are true of Keelai and probably you too!


How do you know his or anyone else's god is false? Do you have access to the unknown mysteries of reality/creation? You're a bigot, racist, anti-Semite and a liar, which is continually being proven.


What!?!?! You didn't call him a racist!! Surrender your leftist card!!!


multiple people brought guns and have been charged for it. Others brought baseball bats, rebar ect.

If I try and rob a bank but I only brought a knife instead of a gun, would I get off because I can say "I did not truly want to rob the bank, I would have brought a gun if I did"


That’s not the point, if you are going to “take over the government” you aren’t going to just bring signs, you are going to bring actual weapons or else in a matter of no time, people with weapons are going to come in and arrest you.

Also if CNN is “fact checking” something to prove it wrong, that generally means it’s true. If you care so much about “insurrections” then you should probably focus your attention on terrorist movements such as BLM and Antifa and quit bitching and moaning about 1/6.


It is the point and directly applies. You just don't like the conclusion. You don't get to say "they have to bring X weapons I decide are necessary or else it isn't an insurection". I showed you multiple people charged had guns.

you said "not a single person brought a gun to the capitol". you are mistaken

Many of them were crazy and probably thought the military and others would step in to help, or if they got pence they could force him to not approve the election.

it didn't happen on a random day. it happened on the day he approved It and many went searching for him. Its by definition an insurrection


You are clearly incapable of following a simple discussion: If the crowd seriously wanted to take over the government then they would have been armed. All they were doing was largely peacefully protesting a very shady and suspicious election and even Pennsylvania has ruled that unconstitutional voting procedures were used so they did have a point. There were a couple that got a little out of line but for the most part it was peaceful. And this rings incredibly hollow coming from the DemoKKKrats who for months encouraged BLM and Antifa to burn down cities and kill cops. Show me you are serious about impeaching/expelling Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. for their role in the summer 2020 insurrections and then maybe we’ll talk about 1/6.

You don’t even know what an “insurrection” is, you don’t care about democracy, all you are doing is parroting DemoKKKrat talking points just because you don’t like Donald Trump. Far left terrorists burned down cities in 2016 and sent death threats to electors and I didn’t hear a word of complaint out of the DemoKKKrats, you aren’t legitimate, you aren’t serious, you are just trying to score cheap political points.

As far as your article goes, first of all it comes from a biased far left source, you wouldn’t accept anything I posted from Fox News, secondly if the crowd truly did have guns we would have heard about it nonstop for the past year, instead we surprisingly didn’t.


No sir you are! intention and actions are what matters, not what you determine is the threshold of arms you decide is necessary to make it an insurrection. Many were armed, with guns and other handheld weapons. Which you said there were no guns. you were wrong. Which you will not admit because you don't have integrity.

So because a court in Pennsylvania ruled some voting procedures were unconstitutional (which wouldn't have overturned the results) they "had a point"? which is tying to find Pence to stop the election?

a couple? we have the video sir, it wasn't a couple. oh look "but the BLM!" stay on topic sir., you are trying to shift the topic because you are wrong. around 2000 entered the capitol

definition of insurrection "a violent uprising against an authority or government." which it objectively was.

again sir I know this is hard when you are driven purely by emotions. but your feelings do not change the facts. which are

-it wasn't just a couple people
-many were armed
-many were violent
-they tried to find the VP to overturn the election
-weapons and makeshift restrain devices were found.
- a pipe bomb was found placed

You cannot admit what happened because it doesn't fit your storyline. yet again if I decide to try and rob a ban with a kitchen knife. you cannot argue I didn't try and intend to rob it because you deem my weaponry insufficient


LOL, in that case BLM and Antifa intended to kill thousands of cops and intended to burn cities to the ground because that’s what they said they would do. In that case they need to be investigated and label domestic terrorists, show me you are serious about investigating BLM and Antifa or else your moral outrage over 1/6 is bullshit. You still haven’t proven at all that any of them had guns (a “fact checking” article from a biased far left news source isn’t evidence) , and even if they did they didn’t use them (it is also their second amendment right to carry them), so therefore it is irrelevant. If I have a gun on me and I punch someone that doesn’t mean I tried to shoot them you idiot.

Your second paragraph is also irrelevant. It has been determined that the election involved unconstitutional voting procedures which means they were beyond legitimate in being concerned about the election being stolen, because it has now been determined that the DemoKKKrats did indeed cheat, whether it was enough to overturn the election is 100% irrelevant. You sure do love your non sequitur don’t you?

Walking into a building isn’t a “violent uprising” however BLM burning cities down so that the government will defund the police is a “violent uprising”, show me you are serious about investigating BLM and Antifa and then we’ll talk, until then you are just talking out of your anus.

Wrong on all counts, 1) If they were indeed armed but didn’t use the guns then it doesn’t matter , if I get into a fist fight with someone but I happen to have my gun on me and it stays in my holster then the gun doesn’t matter 2) most of them were peaceful 3) No one was trying to overturn the election, they were trying to largely peacefully protest an obviously suspicious election 4) The DemoKKKrats literally did try to overturn the 2016 election by sending death threats to electors, why don’t you care about that?

You cannot admit what happened because it doesn’t fit your storyline.

EDIT: I’m sure you;ll respond with “well you aren’t allowed to take weapons inside the capitol” and in that case yeah that’s a minor offense, but the fact remains that if they never took them out then you have no evidence they ever intended to use them to “take over the government”. You seriously need to grow up and get over it, all you’re doing is exposing your own immaturity and bias.


Thisisn't about BLM. You have an obsession I find with them when talking about another subject. You need to act like a grown adult and discuss the topic. so I will continue and ignore your clear and apparently subject changes thank you.

every election has irregularities, some "voter fraud" and later a court may rule one county made mistakes or doing something unconstitutional. in other republican and democratic victories. it does not follow that therefore the election was stolen". your arguments do not logically follow form previous ones.

its like a soccer game where the ref misses one penalty for team R, but team D won the game by 10-1 and completely dominated them. This does not mean the whole game was a sham and stolen and the ref deserves to be kidnapped.

I can walk in to a bank too. red and only use my knife to try and rob it. But I think you missed the videos of the barriers and the lady breaking glass to crawl through. oh again more BLM obsession. your point has been dismissed.

1) I didn't shoot anyone when I robbed the bank I just carried it in. 2) many weren't. if 1000 are violent the group is peaceful? if I stormed into your home but I didn't physically attack anyone was I peaceful? 3) they were. they were shouting about pence outside and actively trying to get to him. the fact they failed doesn't mean anything. 4) More whataboutism. dismissed due to your juvenile behaviour.

notice no talking of

-the pipebombs
-you lying about there being no guns
-the restraining devices found

they should sell you at a ballgame because you are truly turning into a pretzel to defend an armed violent insurrection.

oh wow look at this! multiple fights with capitol police to push their way on to the grounds, including using weapons, bear spray, throwing rock, hitting them with bats and metal objects. this video is all I need to prove my caseDo you normally peacefully enter a building by battering down the door and smashing windows in?

I will happily do a time stamped section by section analysts of the video you refuse to accept was thousands of violent people committing insurection. dominating each act of violence and an estimate of the number of people.


It’s about your moral inconsistencies, if you truly found insurrections reprehensible you would be demanding BLM and Antifa be labeled domestic terror movements like they are. Instead you ignored 574 insurrections and only focus on the one that suits your narrative (which ironically isn’t an insurrection)

Your second paragraph is a false equivalence, using illegal voting methods and a couple of miscounted voters isn’t even close to the same thing.

Your next paragraph is another false equivalence. The robber would have tried to use the knife to get the money, no one held a knife to Pelosis throat demanding she overturn the election. Also robbing a bank is far easier than “overtaking the government”, to overtake the government you would not only have to have automatic weapons but if you seriously tried to overtake the government you would have used them numb nuts. It was a largely peaceful protest.

1) then it isn’t armed robbery, but the robber still tried to rob the bank, no one tried to take over the government 2) doesn’t matter, you are trying to label the whole group as violent and that is a disgusting lie, only a small minority acted inappropriately, most of the crowd the worst thing they did was trespass. 3) so shouting stuff at him equates to “trying to take over the government”? I guess that means that all of the libtards who wished death on President Trump tried to kill him then. You need to toughen up, kid. 4) I accept your concession on that point

Again you are just focusing on the small minority that were being inappropriate while trying to lump the vast majority of peaceful protesters in with them, you are a sick person.

So now we are back where we started: the demokkkrsts sent death threats to electors in 2016 and in 2020 told BLM and Antifa to burn cities down and kill cops, why are you silent on those insurrections? That’s right they don’t back up your lies and false narratives.


No you don't know my position on BLM so you couldn't possibly know if I'm inconstant. you are simply making them up in your head sir. again more BLM obsession, dismissed.

I listed multiple things that count as "election fraud". but also again Pensylvania would not have overturned the election. There have been inconsistencies and ruling against republican districts too during republican victories, this doesn't mean you throw out an entire election.

they sure were trying to get to her though weren't they? and Pence! You think after watching that video talking about hanging Pence, if they had found him the would have said "sir it is our opinion you should overturn the election, that is all we came to peacefully say we are leaving now". you must be on some mind altering substance to believe that

We didn't start with democratic death threats. Your mind is unable to be consistent and concentrate on one subject! again dismissed

looks like I will have to go through the video section by section describing all the violent insurrection acts. stay tuned!

you somehow missed it and chose to ignore it

enjoy your fellow brethren violent insurrection all on camera


The fact that you haven’t denounced them so far proves you are fine with them committing insurrections, and even if you did it’s too little too late, you have had years to denounce them calling for cops to be killed and neither you nor the Demokkkrats did when it could have made a difference. You aren’t serious about insurrections, if you did you would have said something once the past 574 times the Demokkkrats did it.

Your second paragraph is another non sequitur , whether it would have overturned the election or not doesn’t matter, it proves that the election was illegal which means the crowd had legitimate concerns.

Now you’re just making stuff up, you are speculating which isn’t evidence, it’s just you connecting the dots in whatever direction you have to to get the answer you want.

I have called you out multiple times to explain why you said nothing when far left terrorists were literally trying to overturn the 2016 election and you have deflected like a coward every time.

Once again you a sick person for trying to lump the entire crowd together in the demographic you want them to be in, I already said that some acted inappropriately, most of them were peaceful , but of course the fake news is brainwashing you to believe their lies.


Nothe fact you can't stay on a topic without trying to insert what aboutism is the issue here. I've had years to?? in my 3 days on movie chat? where I have made two political. threads and many more comments about films I like?

you do not seem able top stay on topic for even 1 minute so instead I will end all conversations except to go through with a time stamped description of every violent action by your "peaceful protesters"

stay tuned sir!


I have given you multiple chances to denounce the insurrections caused by the Demokkkrats but instead you only focus on 1/6 because all you care about is your false narrative. I am on topic, you however have primarily used logical fallacies to perpetuate your lies and false narratives. The group was largely peaceful, your cult and the fake news are lying to you , get over and deal with it numb nuts


No you have changed the subject many time! stay tuned sir for my breakdown of the video!


Get out of your cult, lay off the fake news and learn how to debate without using logical fallacies


My cult of never having voting democrat my whole life? or your made-up fantasy about me and my positions on thing is never talked about?

the only fallacy used was by you. wait sir the video analysis is arriving soon!


Lol yeah I don’t believe you. Moderates are distancing themselves as far from the Demokkkrats as they can now because of Biden’s disastrous first year. Your sources are biased and selectively focus on whatever backs up their false narratives and lies, I have no reason to take you or your sources seriously.


You said I had years to distance myself! Yes On movie chat 3 days. with only 76 comments, and I have to distance myself on a topic no one has ever discussed with me.

Should everyones first post be denouncing and explain their position on the nazis, USSR, Cuban dictatorship, Mussolini, Franco and every single controversial issue in the world? do you know how illogical and what a dull-witt you sound like sir?

My biased sources? So direct video evidence mostly taken by rioters themselves? Are you going to start claiming the CIA edited the videos next?


I've given you at least 10 opportunities to denounce BLM and Antifa to show me you are serious about rioting and you deflected every single time. That proves that you are only not serious but you are trying to push false narratives and lies. You don't care about anyone's life, you don't care about "democracy" or the government or whatever, you just want to smear President Trump.

And yes your sources are biased because they selectively edited out the peaceful protestors and only focused on the very small minority that was acting inappropriately.

Call on congress to impeach/expel Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. for their role in inciting the Summer 2020 insurrections and for getting dozens of cops murdered, push to have BLM and Antifa labeled as domestic terror movements (and denounce Garland for labeling concerned parents domestic terrorists) and then we can start to talk about 1/6, until then you are just a partisan hack more concerned with your political agenda.


Sir you do0 not understand how a conversation/debate works.

you do not bring up[ random things that have nothing to do with the conversation.

I love that you talk about "deflecting". you can't help but put your own strategy on me :)

I want to smear trump by talking about the people who rioted and attacked the capital... while never bringing up trump once??

this seems to be how your brain works. Rather than staying on topic, you have fantasies and visions imagining what others never said or did!

none of those who were in the capital were peaceful. they by definition broke in.

you don't seem to know how to stay on topic. yet again your change of topic has been dismissed. Can you talk like an adult or are you a small child?


Holy shit I feel like I am talking to my hand.

I said a long time ago SOME PEOPLE AT THE CAPITOL ACTED BADLY!!!! How many times do I have to say it? You are literally arguing something I never asserted you idiot. Most of them were peaceful protestors, sure they were trespassing but if you think that rises to the level of “attempting to take over the government” then you are either on crack or a giant pussy.

You aren’t legitimate however because you ignore the over 500 times left wing terrorists insurrected and you are only focused on the one instance you think will score your cult cheap political points. If you truly cared about riots you would be all over these boards denouncing BLM with far more enthusiasm but you don’t because they toe your partisan talking points.

Are you mentally challenged or something?


No you said" a couple". the video shows hundreds. and that is only what is caught on tape and what was posted by the rioters or confiscated and shown.

thousands and thousands attacked the capitol and entered it.

Yes they entered with the intention of stopping Mike Pence. that is why they were there on January 6th, the day Pence was supposed to finalize the election results.

they did not go December 5th, or January 7th, or February 2nd. they went on that day for that reason. to "stop the steal".

I haven't ignored anything. anymore than me in a topic about Stalin and the USSR, talking about how horrible Stalin, means I am "ignoring how bad hitler was and trying to score cheap points!"

its called staying on topic sir. You should try it sometime!


It was only a couple (your video showed maybe 5 or 6 people actually do anything other than trespass into a building), and I clearly meant a small percentage of the crowd, I never once tried to quantify it you moron. I’ve been consistent since the very beginning only a small percentage of the crowd behaved badly, you only care about that small percentage because you can use it to justify the conclusion you decided on a long time ago, that and the conclusion your cult brainwashed you with. The vast majority of them only trespassed which is barely even a crime. At least they didn’t torch the capitol and attempt to kill the cops like BLM would have.

A bunch of protestors is making the libtards shit their pants and according to you protesting is an attempt to overtake the government???? Funny how you didn’t have that attitude when BLM invaded the Oklahoma capitol for that very reason, so which is it? Is it an insurrection or not because you’re trying to have it both ways. Also they have a right to free speech, protesting is protected by the first amendment and you are trying to take away their rights you fascist. All they did wrong was walk into a building and a couple of them shoved a couple of cops. The DemoKKKrat cult was silent during the 574 riots that were objectively far worse than 1/6 so their moral outrage is incredibly meaningless.

Ummmmm, yeah considering Biden was indeed an illegitimate president it would make sense to protest that day, shit for brains. Also they protested before 1/6 so your premise is debunked.

I have been on topic, you however continue to try to slip your logical fallacies past me and then pitch a fit when I call you out on it.

1/6 protestors:
- shoved police
- walked into a building

- killed police
- burned down buildings

Yet you are only pitching a fit over the first scenario. You don’t mean what you say, if you truly cared about insurrections you would be furious about the second scenario.


you missed the January insurrectionists

-pepper spraying police
-trampling police
-punching police
-hiting them with objects
-throwing stones and other things

you cannot be helped. You brain is so warped you cannot see what videos show you. I cannot help. you BLM lives in your head it seems.

saying "they broke a couple windows" to minimize what happened when they

-broke through police barriers far outside the capitol
-broke through police barriers to get up the stairs
-broke through the door and windows
-assualted dozens of officers along the way

is like me saying "all I did was walk into the bank vault! the money was just laying there! nothing more!"

When in fact I assaulted the guards, assaulted the tellers, threatened them, then blew open the vault door and stole the money


You are literally pointing out a couple of individuals out of a crowd of thousands. The vast majority of the crowd was just there to peacefully protest an obviously shady election. You are attempting to paint the entire crowd with the very broad brush you want to paint them with which shows you are a sick person.

I;ll ask again: Are insurrections wrong or not? If they are then why don’t you say something about the 574 BLM insurrections that were far worse than 1/6 that the Demokkkrats actively encouraged.


No hundreds were involved in the violence in the video that you didn't watch

you don't want to see evidence so you can maintain your men til storyline! it wasn't trespassing, it was violent insurrection. the fact those closest to police hit and assaulted police, does mean those behind them out of reach of the police are innocent.

so your story in your little head is "unless every single protesters fist made contact with a police they weren't part of the insurrection". you do realize in coups/ insurrections every single person in attendance doesn't have to be physically holding a weapon and use it at some point?

enjoy your ignorance I am done! maybe stay off your kooky sites too


Hundreds walked into the capitol you moron which is trespassing, only a couple actually shoved cops out of the way as your own video indicates. Are you trolling me, or are you mentally challenged ?

You don’t even know what an insurrection is, you are just picking words that you think make you look smart and if you truly cared about insurrections you would say something about the 574 BLM insurrections that make 1/6 look like a day at the beach.

The vast majority went in there to PROTEST which is a constitutionally protected amendment, you need a serious civics lesson, and yes unless they actually assaulted a police officer, held a gun up to a congressman, they are not part of any “insurrection”. Just because you walked into the building doesn’t mean you agree with every other person who walked into the building, shit for brains. If that were the case then every single person chanting “black lives matter” agrees with killing cops, torching cities and invading government buildings to sabotage the democratic process. You are trying to judge the entire group based on the bad behavior of a very small minority which makes you a biased libtard.

If we actually applied your logic to your own behavior you aren’t going to like the results, kiddo.

Your concession remains noted.


You did not watch the video as you said "all hey did was shove them"

I gave. you the definition of insurrection and it fits.

please seek joy in your life sir and stay off your BLM obsessed website.

does saying "your concession is noted" make you right? I missed that one in my many philosophy classes! good to note!


I absolutely did watch the video and first of all I condemned what they did from the very beginning (so you’re arguing a moot point) and secondly it was a tiny fraction of the crowd who was behaving inappropriately meaning it wasn’t an “insurrection”, it was a couple of bad apples in a group of largely peaceful protestors.

As for BLM if you truly cared about stopping insurrections you would be condemning BLM as they are a far left terror movement, but you won’t because you’re a coward.

You said you were bowing out, therefore you conceded. I was just taking you at your word.


Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win you're still retarded.


Also your talking points are moot by this point because I said a long time ago that the people who walked into the capitol did the wrong thing, I don’t agree with trespassing. The issue now is that you are pitching a fit over a case of trespassing while ignoring over 574 violent insurrections incited by the Demokkkrats.


Notice how when Trump supporters have nothing they resort to name calling? Every single time.


That seems to be the least of this persons issue. I should have known earlier there was no convincing them.


Yeah... Stupid cannot be fixed.



now your quote "a couple of idiots trespassing into a building"

00:43 dozens of people push through the barriers

00:47 thousands have gone through the building standing at the steps. some shouting "take the building"

1:00 an officer says they are having rocks and metal objects throw at them

1:10-1:20 dozens rioters punching and pushing officers at the bottom of the step to break through

1:23 more fighting with officers, including pepper spraying them.

1:30 a man using a riot shield to break through the front window

1:42 rioters breaking down front door

you said ""Walking into a building isn’t a “violent uprising”

no but physical assaulting police all the way up to the building, then smashing in windows and breaking down he door is!

2:04 at least 100 people seen entering the lobby pushing through police

2;35 another violent rioter breaking windows to Gain access

2:58 one Rioter asks "is this the senate? where the fuck are they" (so wait they weren't trying to find politicians?

3:10- rioters use a smoke bomb on riot police

3;54 rioters tearing off police gas masks while trying to push through an entrance

4;04 dozens of rioter try and push through riot police with hundreds behind them

4;18 multiple rioters hitting the riot police with sticks at the entrance they are trying to break through

4;28 rioter makes a joke on a phone saying "can I speak to Pelosi, we are coming bitch. mike pence we are coming for you too fucking traitor"

4:35 dozens should "hang Mike pence"

4;40 video of a noose set up outside by rioters

4:53 one guy ye;;s "time we start making a list and hunting them down one by one". dozens cheer and one guy says "traitor to the guillotine"

5;08 guy giving a speech says "we need to have 30k guns up here" and someone agrees saying "next trip"

so with literally thousands involved and hundreds and hundreds alone caught on camera. explain how it was "only a couple people". not violent, and not an insurrection. Ill get my mustard out for the pretzel you are about to turn in to!


Holy shit you are an idiot. Everything you just posted is nothing more than a few selected instances that perpetuate your lies and false narratives. Look kid, I said a long time ago that some of the protestors acted inappropriately, but it wasn't an "insurrection", if they really wanted to take over the government they would have automatic weapons because they would have to know that the government would retaliate with automatic weapons, and yes it really isn't that hard to convert a semi-automatic to an automatic.

Most of them were peaceful protestors concerned about election integrity which as we have determined is a legitimate issue as many of these votes were illegal as determined by the Pennsylvania courts.

It was nothing like your typical BLM or Antifa riot which is predominated violent and they are actively using terroristic tactics to take over the government, shit BLM even invaded the Oklahoma Capitol which had to be evacuated because they wanted to stop a bill they didn't like from being passed. That is exactly what you are claiming the 1/6 trespassers did, but you and the DemoKKKrats are silent on that because that insurrection doesn't back up your narrative. Also the obscure examples you posted pale in comparison to the way the left treated Donald Trump, the left on a consistent basis wished death on him and a crazed Bernie Sanders supporter even tried to murder Steve Scalise along with many other Republicans.

I'll say this again: SOME OF THE PROTESTORS WERE OUT OF LINE, but most of them WERE NOT!!!! It wasn't an "insurrection", it was a couple of idiots getting out of line while the vast majority were peacefully protesting. Citing obscure examples of people yelling inappropriate things isn't doing a damn thing for your premise, you idiot.

EDIT: It's comically ironic that you are now so concerned about police officers being pushed out of the way when just six months prior the entire DemoKKKrat cult was wishing death on them and telling BLM to kill them.


I do not need to present lies and a false narrative. we have video evidence of 1000s storming the capital, with at least hundreds and hundreds on video doing violence

wait i am democrat and BLM? I must have voted for them when I was sleeping!

more obsession with BLM, try and keep track of the conversation please!


Strawman, I never once said you were BLM. Show me you are serious about investigating them and impeaching/expelling Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, etc. and then we’ll talk about 1/6, until then you are a just a partisan hack who’s talking out of his anus.


You seem obsessed with BLM. they live in your head. DO you have dreams about them to?

wait so now I have to not only condemn democrats and BLM but be pro expelling Biden

Sir your mind is unhealthy. You have deep obsessions

"agree with me or else you are a partisan"

I am leaving this conversation. I do not talk with the mentally unstable and do not wish to make your condition worse. may I say you are best to stay off this discussion board! Have a wonderful day sir!


Not as much as 1/6 lives in your head.

Of course you do, Biden should be impeached because he called the police “the enemy” and when you have a president calling them the “enemy” there is literally no choice but to go out and kill them. Dozens of cops were murdered, thousands were hospitalized. The son of a bitch belongs in prison along with his scumbag of a VP and others.

I accept your concession, next time learn how to debate without using logical fallacies.


Yes I to educate you! since you got everything wrong!

you said no guns! you said no insurrection! you said only a couple people! you got everything wrong sir!

I showed. you a literal videos of literally hundreds of violent insurrectionists and you said "no its biased"

I have to correct the miseducated ones. And I sure do my best to educate those even silly ones like you

Sir you are obsessed. may I suggest removing extreme sites from your consumption?


Yes you did show me a biased video only highlighting the few who were behaving badly, it was largely a peaceful protest you moron. You are trying to lump peaceful protestors who were legitimately concerned about election integrity in with a couple of bad apples, you are a sick person.

Your concession remains noted.


And yeah walking into a building (instead of actually burning buildings) and shoving a few cops is soooooo much worse than calling for them to be killed, throwing rocks at them, blocking the entrances to hospitals so ambulances carrying wounded police officers can’t enter, ambushing them and killing them, etc.

You need to grow up and get over 1/6, it’s a complete and total non-issue and all it’s proving is how immature the demokkkrats are.


They didn't walk, the broke into and smashes down the door and through the windows,

they did throw rocks at them! did you not watch the video?


Only a few actually broke windows and smashed down doors, the rest just followed the crowd. Did you even watch your own video?

I’ll ask again: Are insurrections wrong or not? If they are then I want to see you get serious about the 574 BLM insurrections that the DemoKKKrats incited, until then you are just pissing in the wind.

Scenario 1:
- 1/6 protestors shove police out of the way and walk into a building, once

Scenario 2:
- BLM rioters kill police and burn buildings, over 574 times

Are you seriously trying to tell me that scenario 1 is anywhere close to the level of scenario 2?


I also said a long time ago that it never should have happened, but the thing is the DemoKKKrats don't care about getting to the bottom of it, they just want to exploit it to hurt Donald Trump, they love that 1/6 happened for that reason. Until they are serious about getting to the bottom of the BLM/Antifa insurrections their rhetoric isn't legitimate and any "investigations" are merely partisan witch hunts. Do you understand now????


Your insanity is at least entertaining.

I feel sorry for your mother or the poor woman who married you


I’m sure your mother regrets not aborting you.


No you have changed the subject many time! stay tuned sir for my breakdown of the video!


You're arguing with a fringe kook, far left lunatic which I've said before and I'll say again, is as productive as herding cats. NONE of them will condemn BLM and antifa which tells any thinking person all they need to know.


Antifa doesn't exist...


Okay, leftist.


By all means, go on believing in your scary, fabricated enemy if it makes you feel better! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You and I (and everyone) knows you're lying but keep saying it. We all know.


Why are you so full of hate, Comrade?


Leftists consider being looked at a form of rape. Basic criticism of their ideology already qualifies as violent insurrection.

In other words, they're wimps!


That’s out there


Sure it is.


Anyone who disagrees with them is a domestic terrorist. The problem is these leftist snowflakes have been coddled and pampered their entire lives and they have always been told that their feelings and opinions are so much more important than everyone else’s, so when someone actually calls them out on their bullshit they flip out and throw a temper tantrum.


The amazing thing is it's usually not even their feelings. They're perched like vultures on the lookout for something to get offended over ON BEHALF OF SOMEONE ELSE. If psychology weren't so dominated by leftists, we might be able to get some studies into the mindset of someone who is obsessed with constantly needing to be offended. I feel sorry for them. To go through life like that, instead of just enjoying the brief time one is allotted on this earth? Tragic.


It’s gives their lives meaning to defeat fake oppressors and save fake victims. They look for things to be offended by everywhere except in their own behavior. It’s really pretty pathetic and it’s’ really about them feeling good about themselves, not fighting injustice or whatever.


I agree. The fact that the media and Hollywood reinforce their behavior, instead of mocking it, as they should, certainly doesn't help.


Trumpites hate America and its values. They want an authoritarian dictatorship with Trump as its leader. His cult goose-steps to the Big Lie that he lost the election because they refuse to respect and accept the votes of millions of Black and Hispanic citizens.


Stop using Nazi propaganda tactics.



You're a loser and a liar.


Understatement of the fucking century.


They weren’t rioters and they are being unfairly punished so pardoning them seems like a legit action. At the very worst they trespassed.


You’re insane


Nope, just unbiased and objective.


He should because there were too many groups and agitators such as the FBI, Antifa, and BLM who are responsible for what happened. The people who are in jail did nothing wrong except stand up to tyranny and a government that hates its people.


You’re really insane!


Oh he's definitely running cuz he thinks he will win this time. And if the GOP takes back the House and makes Biden's remaining term a living hell, it'd be a cinch for him to take out the other Republican candidates. He did it the last GOP primary.


The GOP has increased voter suppression and gerrymandering as well as installed Trump loyalists to determine statewide election results. Meanwhile, the Democrats are sitting on their hands.


More lies from MC's liar in chief. Give it up already.


This is our alternative to the establishment Democrats right now. Fucking hell, we are fucked.


You don't think he thought he could lose the first time?


first time he had nothing to lose
but this time he's got nothing to gain (he's already been prez) , and "face" to lose if he doesent get in , which in his mind is the worst thing ever .

Although he can always just claim he really won and its all rigged to "save face" just like last time


You a mind reader now?


'Inappropriate': Republicans Break From Trump's Pledge To Pardon Jan. 6 Rioters
