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Students Are Doing What Adults Won’t in the Fight Against Omicron

Thousands of students are walking out of class to protest conditions at U.S. schools—and challenge adults who are placing profit over their well-being.

As the Omicron variant rages across the U.S., some students are expressing frustration and worry over being forced back into classrooms with minimal protections. But rather than wait around for fumbling adults, youth across the country are taking matters into their own hands: organizing strikes, participating in citywide walkouts, and laying out detailed proposals for how their wellbeing could be prioritized during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Wednesday, thousands of students in New York City walked out of class to protest conditions and demand temporarily shutting down schools. Students are also planning a walkout this Friday in Boston, where 4,500 people have already signed a petition calling for a remote learning option. In Oakland, California, over 1,000 students signed a districtwide petition threatening to boycott classes entirely until the school district meets its demands—which include KN95 masks, increased testing, and more outdoor space for students to safely eat lunch.

And in Chicago, where in-person classes have resumed after negotiation with the local teachers union, students announced a citywide walkout for this Friday at 12:30 p.m. to bring increased attention to their demands for “physical, mental, spiritual, and structural safety.”

“We are tired of adult leadership not being able to represent the voice of the people that are affected by the shit that they're putting into place,” Santiago De La Garza, a 16-year-old junior at Solorio Academy in Chicago who plans to participate in the walkout, told Motherboard. Garza and several organizer-friends watched Omicron cases rise and, after having flashbacks to the nightmare that was last January, formed Chi-RADS, a radical youth alliance of largely queer Black and brown youth from a multitude of high schools and neighborhoods.

School - Profit over well-being
Student - Well-being over education


I'm convinced the government (fed, state & local) wants people to get Omicron for herd immunity since it's not as deadly. The "fewer deaths" are not consequential for them.


Lunatics running the asylum.


Hahahaha! That's as smart as rioters burning down their own neighborhoods!


This post of yours is just Republican mad libs lol. Just word association gobbledygook. Like a child developing a crude picture of how different objects in the world relate to one another for the first time

"Rioters bad. Rioters groups of people. Student protestors groups of people too...student protestors also bad!"


And leftists like you think burning, looting, murdering, raping and causing BILLIONS of dollars in damage is "peaceful protesting".


Why are you dodging the subject? How are kids walking out of school in protest equivalent to looters?

You said something off the cuff that makes no sense so you're deflecting


My post is self explanatory. Self sabotage. The burning their own neighborhood thing was an analogy of the same.


cyberbob does not know what an analogy is, he's off trying to figure out how an anal orgy relates to protesting and looting.




I always have anal orgies after I protest/loot. Doesn't take me any time at all to figure out how the two things relate to each other


"I dislike two things therefore they are same thing?! 😱"


Go false equivalence, yay!




It’s an insurrection, they are deliberately trying to sabotage and undermine the educational process.


“a crude picture of how different objects in the world relate to one another for the first time”


They're a lot smarter than flat-earth, anti-vax Republikkkans killing themselves and their own base to "own Biden". 🤪

Enjoy recovery...


Yeah, I don't know anyone like that.


if the youth are behind a cause, it's one not to be followed


What do you mean? Look at how much better Tiktok has made the world!


Kid are stupid. The facts have revealed the negative impact of remote learning:

"online learning during the pandemic had a negative impact on student learning."

"The bottom line to the study, according to Rees-Jones, is that the pandemic hurt student learning quite a bit."

“We studied if it hurt particular demographic groups more than others, but found no evidence that this mattered in our context,” he says. “One thing that did matter, though, was the instructor’s use of active learning techniques. Using approaches built to improve student engagement mitigated a lot of the negative effects, and not using any of those techniques was associated with quite bad outcomes.”

"Virtual school resulted in ‘significant’ academic learning loss, study finds"

"Education Secretary Miguel Cardona says "default should be in-person learning" amid Omicron surge"


Vice is a far-left site promoting lockdowns! Never going to do a risk-benefit analysis. Students must be watching CNN.

This risk of serious illness from covid in in students is under 0.1%. I bet far more students want to be with classmates than in front of screen.


Center-Left and I concur with that statement. I watch a lot of Vice News (backlog catching). Lot of it is good reporting right in the thick of it. Sure they have trans segments or black segments only and such but those are minimal and you don't have to watch those if you don't want to. If they're pushing Vax stuff, must be 'opinion' articles or whatnot.


I wish I was still in school during COVID. Think of how easy the courses would be when you can just look everything up or have multiple choice or not have to show formulas :(. Would way easier to get A's these days. Heck, they don't even give F's in school no more.


LOL, it's a cold.

Of course kids will find a way to get out of school. Someone actually spent time and typed all that? haha, what a loser. 😂😂


There's no reason why they shouldn't be in school at this point. They probably just don't want to be there and are using this as an excuse to walk out.


Something tells me they just don’t want to have to go to class and they are using Omicron as a convenient excuse.
