MovieChat Forums > Politics > Forced Vaccinations in the UK

Forced Vaccinations in the UK

From april 1st, everyone working in the UK's National Health Service , one of the biggest employers in the world , must be vaccinated . by law. !

This means me!
oh no! its like Hitler's Germany , wheres my freedum!?

^not really , dont give a shit , already vaccinated.


Hitler didn't do forced vaccination. So it's actually worse than Nazi Germany. If you want to the poke, then get the poke and leave everyone else alone. WWIII is coming.


"So it's actually worse than Nazi Germany."

You just made light of the millions of human beings who were slaughtered by Hitler during the Holocaust.


The slaughtered people had white skin so it should make you happy.


He doesn't give a shit about the Holocaust. But I bet he loved the Holodomor.


You're projecting your own vile anti-Semitism. I'm proud that many members of my family helped defeat Nazis.


Jews are the most persecuted people globally and historically. You should stand with them against anti-Semitism instead of making flip comments.


lmfao the jews are the biggest modern day persecutors out of any race. have u seen the videos of all the war crimes in Palestine? no u probably haven't now they they did a good job of censoring the web


So they were on the web , but they arnt now?
The Jews control the web?
I've heard it all now


all the biggest free speech gore sites have mysteriously shut down since the pandemic


I'm very disappointed with the Israeli government. It's a land grab with the help of Western nations. Muslim countries have been bought off so Palestine is on its own and they have horrible leadership.

But, I disagree with your comment about American Jews. Judaism is a religion of compassion. Their persecution gave them compassion toward other oppressed people. I stand with them 100%.


Don't you think it's a good idea for hospital workers not to pass on infectious diseases?


Firing nurses during a pandemic pretty much signals it's not a big deal.


yes indeed


Do you not wonder why healthcare professionals would opt to not get the jab???


it would be like amputating a leg for a broken toe...


That's why we have a 2nd Amendment and you don't.


You tricked me. LOL.
